pc richards+comission+haggaling


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2004
I went there today and was going to buy the samsung LN46B650,, they had it for $1799.99 i showed them an ad from an online retailer for $1451.99. After talking for a bit i showed him the paper i had with me he was looking at it and said how much is shipping, I said it does not matter i am here to buy it, and not having it shipped. he said it does not matter, then he went to ask the manager or whatever, he came back and said he could do $1550, i said can you include the two year contract with that, and i'll renew when it up. He said no, and i said have a nice day, i'll be back,,,and i walked out...Should i have said how about 50%off the warranty???how much comission do they make % wise? One of my friends went back 5 times and got them to come down $800...So i'll go back there next weekend and talk to the guy who i spoke to a few weeks ago,,he gave me his card,he seemed to be a bit more "with it" than the guy i spoke to today


Jan 4, 2008
Lake Norman, NC
It was a fair question, the cost of shipping. Some places are notoroious for heavily padding shipping costs which ends up in their pocket as profit. It also covers better them if you return it because refunds for shipping costs are rare. You could always counter with the tax free aspect if your purchase was going to be tax free. Those sometimes end up a wash.

I usually don't expect a brick and mortar store to match an online price exactly. I do sometimes use that for leverage but it's a little unfair to them to expect a full match to an online price. Think about it . . . . why are you standing there in the first place? It's for the convenience of walking in and seeing it in person, playing with it, comparing it real time to another one next to it, asking a human standing there questions, and walking out with it. Also, if it's a reputable store, you've just made a friend and ally which is helpful if any problems crop up. Think about how you're going to feel when that store is gone and then make your decision.

Oh and BTW it's $1429 here.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2004
I understand you point of view,,,as i said "the guy who i spoke to a few weeks ago" he is the one who told me i could bring any ad. store or website. It gives me some time to review some more. one of the reasons why i chose the samsung was because it has a wide viewing angle of 179 deg.


Aug 27, 2006
Good old PC Richards, I see nothing has changed.

Yeah, bring in any ad., store or website... and we'll be happy to haggle you to death about the least little thing. :rolleyes:

Shipping... What a nice little excuse. If shipping is an issue, they need to make that clear upfront.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2004
i plan on going back there on sunday, what do i do about the "shipping" bs thing,, then when we agree on a price, how should i work in "that includes tax and the 2 year warranty" i'll renew the wattanty when it comes time, or i could offer to buy another 2 year plan the. so its essentaily a 4 year plan, if they include 2 years at no charge, and i buy the other 2 years,completly seperate from the tv purchase
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Aug 27, 2006
i plan on going back there on sunday, what do i do about the "shipping" bs thing,, then when we agree on a price, how should i work in "that includes tax and the 2 year warranty" i'll renew the wattanty when it comes time, or i could offer to buy another 2 year plan the. so its essentaily a 4 year plan, if they include 2 years at no charge, and i buy the other 2 years,completly seperate from the tv purchase

Don't waste your time. They'll just try to screw you over, again. You really want the headache of haggling with them, again??

At least go to a different PC Richards store. You might end up having better luck there.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 14, 2004
Some salespeople get paid a percentage of the profit on an item as commission. Profit is determined by the store cost. Some salespeople figure any commission is better than none and will cut the price down. Every item has a do not sell below amount. I do not know the commission plan at PC Richards.

Some brick and mortar stores will honor advertised prices for the same item, but not necessarily internet prices. Some internet resellers have higher than actual cost shipping charges, basically making a profit on the shipping and handling.

Also - some internet resellers are selling factory refurbished items, not necessarily new items.

A big profit item for the stores is the extended warranty.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2004
i hear you on that, thats why i figured i would get the price down and say "that includes tax and the 2 year plan..,,and if you can do that i will buy buy another 2 year plan