Merry Christmas from the dentist.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 15, 2004
So. Cal
With the stresses of my hot water heater:

Holiday problems abounded it seemed and I still haven't got our X-mas cards done. Middle last week, one of my molars became sensitive to hot-cold and pressure. Having had a tooth die on a weekend not long ago, I wasn't taking any chances with the extended holiday. The resulting root canal wasn't fun.

Called the dentist and he squeezed me in. He stuck a probe into the tooth and I felt it stick. You have a small cavity developing. His office was packed and since I was overflow, I wasn't sure when the filling would be done. I was thinking 2 weeks when he returned. Ya know what...I can just see you calling Christmas day saying your tooth is killing you, it always seems to work that way. Lets do it. I confirmed that this wasn't going to back all his patients up...he said no worries. He drilled away and an hour later I was done. While leaving he said have a Merry Christmas and tell the Mrs. too. Relayed my thanks and went up to the desk to pay. The gal said, "Merry Christmas, it's all taken care-of." :huh:

:clap: :clap: That brought the X-mas mood up. :)

Wonder if he likes flashlights. ;)