?? on some Lumapower lights


Newly Enlightened
Jan 24, 2010
OK I am in the market for a new flashlight to use on duty. After extensive research I landed on the lumapower MRV Sidekick 1.1 http://www.lumapower.com/58.html

well after browsing through the Lumapower pages i see that they recently released a newer light that kinda caught my eye. The Signature Tactical edition. not sure on either the ST-02 http://www.lumapower.com/97.html or ST-03 http://www.lumapower.com/98.html yet...:thinking:

I am just looking for some input from people who own or have used either of these lights. What do you think between the two??

Currently I am issued a Stinger Polystinger. :sigh:how do these two lights compare with it??

Thanks for any input..:candle: