Quality, clarity, efficiency: LED drop-in, lens, reflector, switch contributions


Sep 14, 2008
In looking for the perfect beam, it seems that some people are willing to go to great lengths in order to achieve it, tweaking the LED (or incan) lighting module (aka, the drop-in), the lens, reflector and tail switch, all in the search for greatest possible efficiency, best load/heat handling ability, ideal resistance characteristics, and of course best quality of light delivered.

Example: Take a garden variety flashlight with 1x of your favorite battery that currently delivers a given quality of light. Suppose, then, you found the ideal LED module to drop in, lens, reflector and tail switch. Assume the goal is a single-cell hand-held flashlight thats optimally efficient and clear, putting out the most effective light possible for a given level of output.

Q: What would you estimate as the rough percentage contribution to the perfect beam that each element makes, if swapping in the best components you can find? (Rough estimates based on what you know to exist in the market, assuming you'd pay to acquire it.)