Pet Peeves (The closed portion)


Newly Enlightened
Oct 27, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Well, I kinda promised, sorta said, I wouldn't talk on this topic but it's so close to what you guys are talking about I figure my bit will fit in:

Please forgive me if I step out of line.

While you guys are talking in one extreme and I agree with you all the way, what about those that live on welfare?

I work in the customer service industry and I come across people every day that live on welfare and are quite capable of working but choose not to. I'm not talking about those that hit a bump in the road and are down-n-out for 6 months, but rather those that chose welfare as a life style and have no intentions of ever working.. Physically capable, not mentally handycapped, just proven to show no ambition and let the system take care of them.

They seem to have all the time in the world but let others do for them, because they have before and they like being catered to. They tend to be the first to complain Malcontent as mentioned prior, but the last to do anything about their own rut.

My attitude is: I will help anyone that is willing to help himself.

Maybe go back to school (night school) and show that you are trying to do something with your life.

I want to go on but not unless you guys want to continue.

I think what my burning question is. How can I as an individual, inspire, encourage those that I come across to get off welfare and do something with their life. I find local politicians are spinless and provide no remedy.., yet I'm 'encouraged' to vote for them

Important Note: I do not want this to be a slamming topic or a peeing contest. I'm trying to figure out real resolve so to attempt to get some back to work and gain some dignity and self-respect. Also think of the crime rate, prison population and tax base increase because of this.