Glow Ring Modification


Newly Enlightened
May 1, 2012
I made a Glow Ring modification to my Elzetta M-60 that I wanted to share.

I went with the highest grade Glow material (Alkaline Rare Earth Metal Silicate-Aluminate Oxide Europium Doped) that can be bought (cost $35 per 1.25 OZ--this is not that cheap hobby store crap that barely holds a charge). This glow material will lose only about 5% of its glow in 10 years time and it is cheap and easy to replace if the need ever arises.

Glow Paint

When the light is in use, it charges the glow ring and when I turn it off, the bezel glows so bright that I can easily ready a map with it for about 10 minutes afterwards and I can see the ring for hours after in order to find the flashlight.

I took white nail polish and painted a ring around the bezel. I then painted the ring with the glow paint, then sprinkled the glow sand on top of the still-wet glow ring since the sand sized particles glow much more bright for much longer. I then put a clear coat of clear UV-filter-Free nail polish on top.

Let it dry for a few hours and it's ready to use!

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May 15, 2012
Gold Coast - Australia
good idea!

I have a ring of glow tape around my 2D Mag near the tailcap, this tape is sticky as hell and has a heavy duty clear tape over it to secure it - any form of light on that and its good for hours.

Undoubtedly not as subtle or as rechargeable as your's but great idea!