I Just Don't Get It. . .


Aug 1, 2012
I participate on several forums on the internet. Many of those forums have preparedness sub-forums, and every once in a while the subject of flashlights comes up.

What I don't get is that so many people jump in with comments such as: "I picked up 5 really great lights from Harbor Freight. They were only $3 each!". A few people will discuss some of the various MagLites from places like Walmart, or some of the Costco specials, but very few appreciate the advantages of lights like a Fenix, Sunwaymay, Klarus, Zebralight, Olight and so on.

When you try explain how great it is to have a light than can put out 8 lumens for 70+ hours, or blast 700+ lumens for 150 meters, all you get is "how crazy it is to spend $50 on JUST A FLASHLIGHT!!"

This attitude wouldn't bother me coming from the average Joe on the street, but these are people who will drop $1,500 on a new AR rifle, or $3,000 on long term storage food. . But $50 for a good flashlight? :eek: They think is totally insane!

Note to Moderator: Based on the sticky I wasn't sure if this belonged in the "general" forum, which is why I initially put in the the Cafe forum. . .
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 25, 2008
They obviously haven"t been in the dark much...

I get that at work. Not a day goes by that someone needs to borrow my EDC light, yet they never get one for themselves. I hear "you paid what?!", but when they use it, they ooh and aah and say "I really need to get something to carry". Typically, I carry an old Fenix L0D Q4 too, not anything high powered. It's somewhat disposable compared to my others.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 30, 2011
I certainly don't get it either?

Today I waited for hours for the fridge repair guy to show at my sisters house as a plastic part broke on her new $1500.00 stainless fridge and of course they sent a giant assembly to fix it?
The guy was helpless in general and I couldn't understand how he was sent to do this simple repair in the first place.
It was in a dark spot and I can't see anything anyway with no light but he never even tried to get any light on the subject so out comes the ZL SC52 of course and he loved it and remarked that he couldn't believe how nice it was.
So it motivated him to get batteries into his light.

Of course it was a huge cheap HF style light that takes 3aaa cells but barely lights up too.
It is the nicest light he has ever had he says and he is so glad that he spent $14.00 on it after trudging along up till now with cheap lights!

Geez,its a tool buy good tools!

This happens everywhere,all the time too.


Dec 27, 2011
Southwest PA
What those who buy cheap lights might possibly be made to understand is that a nice light not only has significantly increased functionality, but is not as expensive when it appears when its longevity is taken into account. I have lost count of the number of cheap lights I have had break and/or stop functioning after only a small amount of use. By the time they have repeatedly replaced the cheaper lights, they have spent as much as we do on a good light, but they still just have a cheap light to show for it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2011
They just don't use/care about flashlights enough to justify the price. People spend a lot of money on stuff that other people can't justify. Examples: Vehicles (to some people it is just transportation), speakers (All speakers make the same sounds), watches (they all tell time), shoes (shoes are just shoes), computers (I have a 5 year old desktop, which would be crazy with many people I know)

As long as they are happy with what they purchase, let them be.


Sep 23, 2011
Believe me in the UK its very hard to find anyone who's heard of a flashlight collector never mind heard of one who pays over £50 for one.So i get people who can't get their head around me having more than one light they just think it's down right madness,if they knew how much i pay for some of my lights they'd collapse.So i don't tell people how much i pay for a light but i love to show them in action & yes they're really impressed & love my lights but they'd never buy one they just bug me all of the time when one is needed.When this happens they get my Xeno 03 & this keeps them happy enough.


Aug 28, 2008
United Kingdom
I can vouch for the uk being an almost anti flashlight country lol

I had an old guy yesterday telling me about these "new led's" describesd as having yellow tips and being able to illuminate a whole street haha, he Made it sound like an old folks tale :p I said I knew the ones he was talking about ;)


Jan 12, 2012
For these people: Preparedness is not about being prepared. Its about playing with stuff they find fun, but need an excuse to justify.

In reality, in ALL of the REAL disasters that HAVE struck the area I'm in at least, I've NEVER needed to shoot anyone's brain because of the disaster, but, I DID need a flashlight for every damn event.....as the "events" that happen typically mean the power went out...NOT ZOMBIES.


So I might fire off a thousand rounds or so at the range, some might even be at paper zombies, etc...but, its not like I think I will ever need to shoot a dead guy. THEY'RE the one group that typically DOESN'T need shooting.

As for shooting live people who want to do bad things, that's different....but, having a gazillion rounds "just in case" is ok if you have the room for it and can afford it, but if you blew a grand LESS on extra ammo - you could buy a nice light or two, and some solar chargers and cells, etc.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 15, 2005
Hamilton Canada
but these are people who will drop $1,500 on a new AR rifle
Ask him what weapon light he has mounted on his AR. Then suggest he get the best - a Surefire X400® Ultra.
Then casually mention your 'expensive' flashlights are a lot less than the $595.00 - $740.00 a Surefire X400® Ultra costs.

Lord Flashlight

Dec 16, 2012
UK, England
People who don't understand the need for a decent flashlight have never been in a situation where they were in darkness for several hours without any source of light. After that situation happened to me is when the obsession started.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 24, 2013
What I don't get is that so many people jump in with comments such as: "I picked up 5 really great lights from Harbor Freight. They were only $3 each!". A few people will discuss some of the various MagLites from places like Walmart, or some of the Costco specials, but very few appreciate the advantages of lights like a Fenix, Sunwaymay, Klarus, Zebralight, Olight and so on.

Two reasons come to mind
1. Exposure - these are the lights they see or are impulse buys. I've only met One other person who even heard of any of the other makes besides Surefire

2. The lights they talk about meet their needs, most people do not collect flashlight


Jan 12, 2012
Yeah, if it goes on the AR, they get it...but, to most people, in their world, a flashlight is a cheap plastic thing you bang on periodically to make it stay on, etc...and is not a high tech or high quality tool.

It would be as if someone told you that you could buy a $1000 toaster...because the toast from it is SO much better. Your reaction would probably be that it can't possibly be THAT much better, because, in YOUR world...toast seems good enough, and even if your toast has lighter or darker areas, or occasionally burns, you just never considered it a priority to get the BEST toaster.

THAT'S what us talking about better flashlights sounds like to THEM.


For example, a toastaholic could ask what your surefire cost you, and then point out that for the same price, you could buy a state of the art made in america toaster that made perfect toast instead of the crap toast you were currently eating.

...And you'd run out and buy that toaster even though the one you got at target is still working etc.

So, in real life the toaster forum guys snicker at the morons who eat crappy toast because they dont know how good toast can be....

....and the flashlight forums are wondering why the toaster guys put up with crappy lights...
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Newly Enlightened
Jul 5, 2012
So, in real life the toaster forum guys snicker at the morons who eat crappy toast because they dont know how good toast can be....

....and the flashlight forums are wondering why the toaster guys put up with crappy lights...

Toaster forum guys! LMAO! This post is classic and most of it is sig worthy. It does help one understand because with things I have even a small interest in (watches, knives, audio/video, firearms, clothes, camping, cars, etc...) I can easily see the justification of a much higher cost for a higher end product, and how that product could give satisfaction or become collectable. But when you relate it back to toasters! I can see why some people look at me like I have 7 eyes when I say I'm kinda into flashlights. I like to tell them I'm into high powered, hand held, light emitting diode based, precision made, illumination tools. When they hear that they either say okay...neat...or, I've got no clue what you're talking about. I then tell them I'm talking about flashlights and yes, I know that's odd to most. I get embarrassed sometimes to just come out and say that I like to play with flashlights, much like I would if I were into toasters....

You just don't understand! All those uneven toast spots are a thing of the past!

This thing makes an entire loaf of bread at once, toasted perfectly, unlike anything you've ever seen before, that is perfectly light brown all over, and butters both sides automatically, all in under 30 seconds!

Only put high quality bread in this thing though, otherwise you run the risk of a horrible smell and a huge electrical fire! I wouldn't be caught dead using standard grocery store bread.

How do you guys toast when youre on the go? I keep one or two in my car at all times because you never know when that toast urge will strike. Don't you hate going over to someone's house and having to sit there and pretend to like their toast?

I mean who doesn't figure out their toaster placement immediately when redoing their kitchen? I know $5,000 is a lot for a toaster but my wife just shook her head and was happy with the compromise of new kitchen cabinets and other standard appliances.

I've installed glow in the dark, extremely toxic liquid, so I can find my toaster even in the dead of night or early in the morning, but don't worry it's encased in thin plastic capsules.

These people don't understand the life, or lack of kitchen counter space of a true toastaholic!



Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
any recommendation for a smooth toaster?

I am sooo sick of all those orange peel surface toasts I get around here


Newly Enlightened
Jul 5, 2012
any recommendation for a smooth toaster?

I am sooo sick of all those orange peel surface toasts I get around here

Check my thread on my brunch out bag. Back on topic. Otherwise this thread will be......wait for it......toast!

Yeah, I just said that unfortunately. But the comparison does give someone the understanding of why most don't understand our obsession.


Aug 1, 2011
Two reasons come to mind
1. Exposure - these are the lights they see or are impulse buys. I've only met One other person who even heard of any of the other makes besides Surefire
This. So much this. Most of the people only know a brand or two. Or maybe just maglite and since that is still ~$20, a cheapo find will already seem to be a "good" deal. Add to the fact that they think that all flashlight are the same so getting a $3 light that can do something a $20 light can do is a great find(Until they know how wrong they were)

I only knew about the different brands in 2011 when stumbled on them while looking at maglite flashlights. For me at that time, it was only maglites and cheapo chinese lights. I think I searched the term "flashlight more powerful than maglite" when I found cpf so I wouldn't think most people would search that to know and learn about all the other existing brands out there


Newly Enlightened
Feb 26, 2006
People don't pay attention, or research anything they buy. Schrade and Camillus (for you knife guys) went out of business a few years ago, and are now made in China. People are buying the crappy China made versions, thinking they are buying the real thing, and get ticked off, when it turns out to be a crappy made knife. And still, the same people don't have a clue the knives are no longer made in the US.
Value bought, is value received.


Jun 9, 2013
Surrey, England
Hey Guys - love the thread and thought you might like to see a project I am working on. It's a thick multiseed batch that should give me the perfect tint in 3 mins and no hotspots. With luck a great spread - not too sure about the throw however.



May 13, 2008
Northern Va
Does your new flashlight have a quadcore processor, and a 1080p screen? :nana:

I have been looking at new cell phones, and the same spec war is rampant.

(My new host for my flashlight app won't be that fancy)