Needed a walking cane....

Uncle Alvah

Newly Enlightened
Feb 13, 2007
Old age catching up with me mighty quick it seems. Needed to start using a walking cane because of a permanent knee injury. Did't want a store-bought, machine made one, they may work, but they have no "style"!

My new cane.....maple branch with vine. I peeled the bark off the vine, left it on the Maple. End is whittled from a piece of Pecan from my smoker stash, silver concho from my wifes horse tack. People ask me "Did you make that?" I tell them "No, God made it, I just fashioned it into a cane.".


Uncle Alvah

Newly Enlightened
Feb 13, 2007
Now I'm with ya! Those are collards though, aka "Greens"! You wash 'em, boil them up with some kind of seasoned pork, country ham, ham hock or whatever, then chop the leafy parts up. Righteous Brother, righteous! They're best after a frost or two. Obviously that picture is from last year.