A Stranger seeking... The Pumphouse!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 30, 2003
Connecticut, USA
This past Sunday evening around dusk, an older guy I've never met before knocked on my front door. He was super thin, friendly, with scraggly white hair. When I answered, he smiled warmly and introduced himself, and said he was an old acquaintance of a man named, "Timer". I had to stop and think that over. Timer is a man I once spoke with in connection with the town's historical society and some strange questions and findings concerning my property. The man said Timer mentioned my name to him. The only reason I remembered the name was because it's a peculiar nickname. He told me he wasn't a part of the historical society, or anything like that.

Anyway, he said he used to have relatives in the area. I asked whereabouts, as my town is fairly small, and he smiled and said, "here and there, but they are no more, these days". I asked him if there was something I could do for him. His answer nearly blew me off my feet; he said, "Well, do you have an old pumphouse somewhere out in your woods?" I nodded. "If it would be ok with you, I was wondering if I could just take a little walk through those woods for a look see. I used to spend a lot of time in this area, many, many years ago." To say I was surprised is an incredible understatement; I'm sure my mouth was open. I asked if he used to live here, or around here. He replied, no, he never did, but "back then", this area was much more open to hikers and such. I told him I'd think about it, but that I had to admit I wasn't comfortable with the idea, no offense intended.

I was uncomfortable with the idea of a random stranger taking a trip through my property, for a variety of reasons. A) I never saw him before, so I was thinking about safety for my family, B) he looked pretty old and maybe a little frail, so I was thinking about liability if he got hurt somehow. And C) I was really a bit surprised by his sudden appearance and request, from out of the blue. To understand my feelings about that, it might help to know a little bit of a back story regarding this (see below). I felt a little badly about what was probably a totally innocent request from someone elderly who was being totally polite and proper. Was I wrong? I dunno.

So, he smiled, said of course he understood and that it was really no trouble at all, and thanks for my time. And then he left, on foot, walking back up the road.

I thought it had been quite awhile since I had spoken with Timer; turns out, it sure was. I dug back through the pages of the original CPF thread. It was over 8 years ago, in 2006!

The pump house in question is not visible from anywhere that's public, so I'm not sure how he knows about it. If you have time to kill with the backstory:

I think I found a grave in my yard

Return to… The Pumphouse!

I didn't feel threatened or anything silly like that from the conversation with him; he seemed harmless, if a little preoccupied. But afterwards, it did give me pause and little bit of an uneasy vibe, like I was missing something. I think it's the seeming randomness of it and the disconnected timeframe. So, of course, I decided to post this here and get my fellow CPF'ers opinions. It's been a long time since this kind of thing was a topic, and I'd actually put it all to rest after a few twists and turns. So, this is new.

Since then, I've been wondering if I should've asked him more questions. Did he have something to do with Dennis Lan? Why the heck did he mention the pumphouse? Did he know something about the area that I don't? He must. The cave, council rock, Father and Sister Divine? I have to admit, it's bugging me a bit, and has piqued some new curiosity. I feel like I missed a really good opportunity to find out a bit more, but was unprepared.
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Dec 16, 2007
Ah, the plot thickens!

Thanks for posting this. I have to go back and reread the original threads - it was just a little before my time here and I don't recall the details. Maybe after brushing up Something will come mind as to a possible connection.

Do you have contact info for the visitor so that you could ask him more questions?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 25, 2003
North Carolina
And he came, walking down the road, seeking the Pump House, only to be turned away........



Apr 29, 2006
Central Florida, USA
I keep getting a funny feeling about this shot. Do you see the eye sore in this? The pump house was built in 1953, seems like it sat derelict for some time. Then why is there a seemingly uncorroded duplex box poking out of the junction box?

If the pump house is in the woods, is it still grid fed?

LoBat said:
I am Dennis Lan... Stay out of my pumphouse

Out of curiosity, what was the old gentleman's name, he may simply be looking for the missing headboard piece of his bed. :aaa:
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2002
New Jersey
Hmm... your call, Phaser. I'd probably have let him have a look, accompanied by me of course, and while he was looking, I'd have done my best to get all the additional info I could. That said, I would have been nervous about it the whole time.


Dec 16, 2007
Alright, I finally made it all the way through the grave thread. Now I gotta read the pumphouse thread. Any updates with the visitor????

Edit: Now I'm through the pumphouse thread. More questions than ever!!!
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2013
On The Black Pearl
Subscribed. :popcorn:

I can only speak for me. (and sounds like milkyspit too) lol There is no way I could have resisted going along with his request. I would have let others know what I was doing, and added a stipulation that he can go, only if me and a big scary friend could too. I am too much of a history nut not to want to know. Just think, you may be able to learn all kinds of good and bad things about your haunted property! lol


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 30, 2003
Connecticut, USA
Crap. It was just such a shock and surprise out of the blue. I was more concerned with what he might find or show me; I already have a grave I found, if you recall. To answer an earlier question, yes, the pump house became grid fed. Don't think the power is active any longer though. It is in the woods, yes. But power to my area goes through the woods, not along the roadside.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 5, 2005
Central USA
Okay, I just bumped the old Pumphouse thread, having followed this entire saga from the beginning. Here's my bump to this thread. PB, too bad you didn't get the stranger's name and info so, if you decided to or had second thoughts, you could contact him about taking a look at the pumphouse. He might have had a wealth of info about the history of the area as well. I love learning about the details of local history and the elderly are sometimes the only way to gather that information. You could have also requested to record your conversation with him (if you later got together) for posterity's sake.
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