Our Clients Preferences


Newly Enlightened
Jul 3, 2014
Good day to all! I've been in business for about 3 years already. Though, as a manager, I also would want to conduct our clients survey. I presumed that I need to know our target market preferences. A close friend gave me some advice about it. I also realized that it could be a possible key for improvements and success. However, from where do we start? How can we do the audit or survey safely without having to encounter any risk? Please drop me a comment if you have your point of view regarding this. I would appreciate it that much!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2013
On The Black Pearl
I would suggest talking to your customers, obviously. That method will vary depending on the business. Next, if you are in management and are in a position where you don't directly talk to your customers, it is very important you talk to your frontline employees. I would focus on frontline employees who have been with the company the longest. They are more likely to have a vested interest in the companies success.

Depending on the business size and customer base, you can use companies to handle your surveys for you. They are relatively inexpensive. You can use internet services too. Then lastly, you can do good old boots on the ground.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 3, 2014
Thank you for replying!
We were going to use survey monkey and then we found out that our audit management software has something for taking surveys. We haven't tested it yet though.