Interesting Video Finds Part 4


Nov 11, 2001
This thread is the continuation of Part Three.

In keeping with the spirit of this thread, this thread is provided as a repository for those interesting little videos you find.

The bulk of the recently created threads does little more than call attention to a particular video that a member might have found to be personally interesting. In most cases, the video hasn't sufficient content to merit anything more than a possible sentence, if even that, with which to open the thread. They are interesting indeed. They're interesting enough to merit a post within a thread, but they lack sufficient sustainable content to merit creation of a dedicated thread.

Such finds are to be posted in this thread. Those posted as a newly created thread will be closed or moved to this thread. Merging threads is more labor-intensive, so moving the threads to this one may not always be the way it will be handled.

No doubt there are some circumstances where the subject matter of a video, the commentary from the thread creator, and the reasonably expected responses from the posting membership will justify a unique thread dealing with the topic. In such cases, it's not likely that moving it here, or closing it will occur.

Please don't use the thread for any purposes other than to post your video finds, or to discuss them, since the discussion of the threads utility would be destructive to this thread's purpose. Discussion of this thread creation can be handled in Questions/Problems/Suggestions, or the Underground, depending on the intensity or nature of your responses.

We'll eventually sticky this thread.
Feel free to post your video finds, and enjoy.
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Nov 11, 2001
Noting that of late, the "show unread posts" feature of "Part 3" of this topic fails to arrive at the proper post. My assumption is that the 1700+ length is playing havoc. We'll now start the next edition in its illustrious career.


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Young boy doesn't want to attend school sports day because he's afraid that his classmates will laugh at his legs. His classmates have other ideas and allow him to win the race.

Is it dusty in here?



Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Awesome! I always enjoy bowling alleys. Ya got any more a that good sarsaparilla?

When I was a kid, there was a neighborhood bowling alley that had semiautomatic pinsetters. A human was stationed behind and above the pit. That person's job was to collect the pins and place them in the pinsetter rack, pull the lever which activated the pinsetter, then pick up the ball and place it on the ball return track. I got to see this process and I was amazed at the pinsetting machine.

Seeing the whole process automated is really something. I think more bowling alleys should consider letting the public see the inner workings of the machines like this place did. It's like watching a ballet of pinsetting robots.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 20, 2014
When I was a kid, there was a neighborhood bowling alley that had semiautomatic pinsetters. A human was stationed behind and above the pit. That person's job was to collect the pins and place them in the pinsetter rack, pull the lever which activated the pinsetter, then pick up the ball and place it on the ball return track. I got to see this process and I was amazed at the pinsetting machine.

Seeing the whole process automated is really something. I think more bowling alleys should consider letting the public see the inner workings of the machines like this place did. It's like watching a ballet of pinsetting robots.
I remember seeing the guy back there. I grew up going to the bowling alleys now and then when my Dad had league play.