USB Powered LED Night Lights


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2002
I didn't even know that there was such a thing as a USB LED night light, until a few minutes ago. And, like many things on-line, I was looking for something else for another project and ran across these. Anyway, who here has these? Do you like them? How long will they last?

Here is what I was actually working on. I have been trying to determine the best way to have several things in one or two devices:

-AC Outlets

-USB Charging Ports

-Night Light

One of the things that I installed these weekend, was some 120 volt outlets that a have USB charging ports built in. While I haven't added any night lights to them yet, I do know that there are Night Angel and Snap Power outlet covers. Frankly, I think they are a bit too expensive.

There are also adapters, like the Huntkey SMD307, that add an extra outlet, have some USB ports, and a builit in night light.

But then, I ran across the INVESCH 10 Pack USB Powered LED Night Lights. Does anybody know if there are other competing USB LED night lights and, if so, how do they compare to these? For the price, I might just get a 10 pack of these. I do have a lot of little wall wart power supplies around and by plugging
one of these it, I suddently have a LED night light!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 3, 2009
Ottawa Ont. Canada
A low-cost USB light which provides nice warm light, although directional, is the Jansjo
gooseneck USB light from Ikea. Costs only $6 in US ($4 in Canada). I've used it with small USB charger cube,
and from USB alkaline battery packs. LED itself is <0.5W, somewhat brighter than the 5mm LEDs used in many
low-cost, line-powered lights.

Disadvantage of this light, it is not switched, even manually.

If you're concerned with best efficiency, converting to USB 5v then dropping to LED voltage in the
the light itself isn't too efficient; but power levels are low.

Small USB 1A ac charger cubes are in the dollar stores here, cost as low as <$1.50 after taxes but
have not measured efficiency.

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