XTAR MC4S classic upgrade charger released! (with videos)

XTAR Light

Apr 26, 2010

XTAR MC4S, Classic upgrade, smart charger

We all know that many battery applications are well suited to be powered by NiMH rechargeable batteries. In general, devices that require large amounts of energy and are used frequently are well matched to the performance characteristics of NiMH batteries.

In this new MC4S, there are more compatible than MC4, it compatible with NiMH / Nicd-- any brand of AA or AAA rechargeable batteries will do. It charges up to four batteries at a time. Independent circuits of 4 slots support the simultaneous charging of Li-ion, Ni-MH, and Ni-CD batteries. With that, you can charge your digital cameras, GPS units, and MP3 players, etc more easily. The MC4S has also updated the USB input ports to type-C port that lets you charge your batteries using whichever combination of connector you choose.

To sum up, the XTAR MC4S is the perfect multi-functional battery charger when the number of mods you own surpasses recharging more than 3x 18650's or any of the other vape batteries currently making in-roads into the vape community. What's more, most AA and AAA batteries are sold in multiples of four, and most devices don't require more than two at a time, so XTAR MC4S four-slot charger makes sense for most people.

More XTAR products and MC4S are sold at Amazon, eBay, Shopee & Aliexpress. To learn more about MC4S, please click MC4S or visit: www.xtar.cc
