2AA LED Suggestions!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 24, 2002
New Jersey
I have been searching around for a while and was wondering if their are any good 2AA or 4AA LED (Non-Mod) lights that are available?

A couple that look promising are:

1) PT Impact 2
2) SL 4AA
3) PT Attitude

But I've heard the light output on the original Impact and the Attitude is a bit weak to say the least.
Anybody have any comments or suggestions?



Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2001
Houston, TX
If it's not too large for your purpose, you'll probably be happy with the SL 4AA. TX


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2002
well, i own 2 of the lights you listed.

the attitude is a great light. it is light, small, waterproof, and throws a nice flood beam. the light is white-blue, smooth and very pleasant. it is also inexpensive, and tough.

the attitude is a great close-up light (lights up the entire inside of my garage, which is 20 feet long), and works remarkably well in very dark areas, such as a dark trail. it does have a relatively short throw. it is just a bit brighter and has a wider throw than my CMG ultra.

PT impact II: almost identical to the attitude, dimensionwise. it uses only one led, and a projector lens. it does project well, but is one of my least used lights. why? it projects an intense blue-white round beam over a decent distance--but has very little flood.

personally, i prefer a moderate hotspot, with good flood.

though you arent looking for mods, you might consider a drop in or complete light from inretech. (i am about to order 2 of them for minimags). they are $20 for the drop in, or $30 for the complete minimag. they use the luxeon star 1 watt: a real beast of an led.

good luck,


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2001
Houston, TX
For 2AA, the Rebel would be a good choice. If you need a long throw light, use it as is. If you need an area light, unscrew the bezel & take the lens out. I'm very happy with mine. TX


Oct 16, 2001
Not mentioned, but worth considering for its size, is the the SL ClipMate. Extremely versatile in that it comes with a removable clip, lanyard, and headband. Headband works quite well as a walking or work light. Although only 3 AAA cells, it appears slightly brighter than my Attitude, but in no way compares to the intensity of the SL 4AA.

Charles Bradshaw

Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2002
Mansfield, OH
I agree with Txwest on the Rebel. There is the Princeton Tec 20, which you can put a Vesralux PR-2 LED bulb into, or a Matrix Module.

The CMG Reactor is a 2AA flashlight, though you need to use 2 Lithium AAs with it, but you get 20 hours or so runtime.

Almost forgot: the Arc LS with a 2AA pack, which you can use alkalines or lithium AAs. (expensive, but worth it.)


Nov 30, 2002
So Cal
I have two 400ma Badboys that I got for my kids because I can use rechargeable AAs. Guess what light I always reach for? It's brighter than my SL4AA7, much cheaper to run than my KL1, and has much more spill than my Impact (which lies dormant in "the bin"). The mod is trivial.

Wits' End

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2001
Remote NEast Minnesota, next to Lake Superior
The Attitude (I like the Attitude) and Impact II are 4AAA lights, if I remember correctly. If you are looking for AA lights they wouldn't work. The original Impact was 4AA I think. The Reactor III might be an option. It takes 3AA's and is a Luxeon. The Rebel is a good light for the money and you can go to your local Wal-Mart and get it today.
If you are locked on AA's why not consider a CMG Ultra? It is a single AA, has a good output for a single LED and is hardy. $15.99 at TTS


Aug 18, 2002
There is a way to get the perfect balance between runtime and brightness to suit any individual. Get the madmax and tweak the current output. I have never done this myself but I read the following:

"Yes the Madmax is adjustable by a very tiny pot on the circuit board. It is set to max power when shipped. I have one and like it very much. I did some measurements and found when set for max, it pulls about 800ma from fresh alkaline AAs. Fresh AA batteries last about 2 hours before the light dims.

I've turned it down a bit so it pulls about 500ma and it is only slighly dimmer, but the batteries last about 4 hours before the light dims. I am using NiMH rechargables with mine. As long as I change them as soon as it dims, I've not has any problem with running one flat. I did let it go overnight on Alkalines, and it was still going (dim like a Photon, but usable!) "


For rechargeables you have to change them as soon as it dims noticeably otherwise the rechargeable batteries go through an irreversible chemical change and your batteries can't be recharged.

"If you're going to get a sandwich, then get the good accessories as well. Get a crystal saphire lens for $20 and maybe the semi sphere acryllic ball for throwing the beam and get a rubber cover to hold the ball onto the minimag head.



Dec 23, 2002
Arizona, USA
Originally posted by MSaxatilus:
I have been searching around for a while and was wondering if their are any good 2AA or 4AA LED (Non-Mod) lights that are available?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I think we need to ask what is your budget, are you looking for brightness or runtime, and why not mods? The Bad-Boys, Inretechs, and Opalecs are literally drop-in mods that really require the same effort as changing a bulb.

While this is like my first post, I've been lurking for a while. I realized I was a flashaholic about 7 months ago when I got my SF Z2. Then I bought a couple of Photons. Come this month since I found the LED Museum, this site, along with everyone else who has a web site on the issue, I have gone *NUTZ*!!! I have a CMG Ultra, a BadBoy 400, KL-3, and 2 ARC AAA-LEs on order. Since Botach has deemed not to notify me of the status of my KL-3 order since 12/13, I'm also thinking of getting an ARC LS.

The point I am really trying to make (aside from that I'm a little Flashlight Manic at the moment) is that each of those is going to fit either a run-time or brightness role, but not both.

I ordered the BadBoy mod for brightness (obviously), but I will soon order an Opalec for run-time. I would have ordered the CMG Reactor, but because of everyones' experiences with it on the forum, I decided to go with the BadBoy.

Personally, I am not big on the 2AA configuration. I'd rather go smaller for EDC with an ARC 123, AAA LE, CMG Ultra, or Photon.

If I want bright, I go with a Sure Fire and its still smaller than a 2AA...


Aug 18, 2002
I just bought myself two madmax sandwich kits and two crystal saphire lenses. I did not get the half acrylic sphere because it needs the Mcflood reflector and it goes into the bezel with no lens coverring which isn't very waterproof.

I noticed from the graphs at the sales webpage for these sandwiches that the badboys don't regulate nimh rechargeables as well as the madmax does. I guess the badboys were designed for alkaline batteries.

This is why I chose the madmax since I use only nimh batteries in my flashlights. Also, madmax can be adjusted so I can find my perfect balance between brightness and runtime. Also, it's ten dollars cheaper than the badboy 500 and it appears that being cheaper doesn't mean it's lesser quality because it regulates my rechargeables better than the badboys. I'm so happy I looked at the graphs before I purchased otherwise I might have gone with the notion that the more expensive sandwich is the better one for my purposes which it is not.

I just had to get the crystal saphire lens which is the hardest manmade thing offered next to artificial diamond; at least, that's what I think. After hearing Thomas beg for a crystal saphire lens on the arc forum repeatedly I just had to get one or two for myself.


May 21, 2002
Vancouver Canada
my badboy 500 with NiMH 2100ma cells turns out 2 hours of solid runtime before dimming. And when it does dim it does it FAST, like in 5 min it will go from full brightness to ARC AAA brightness. The only reson his charts dont show good results for NiMH is because he is using 1600ma cells which are way outdated.

Glow Bug

Aug 9, 2001
South Carolina
The badboys are made to cut off before the rechargeables are damaged (around 1.6 volts) I think making them ideal for rechargeables. The madmaxes are best for other batteries. Badboys, current regulated, madmaxes, voltage regulated.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2001
Houston, TX
Originally posted by MSaxatilus:
I have been searching around for a while and was wondering if their are any good 2AA or 4AA LED (Non-Mod) lights that are available?

A couple that look promising are:

1) PT Impact 2
2) SL 4AA
3) PT Attitude

But I've heard the light output on the original Impact and the Attitude is a bit weak to say the least.
Anybody have any comments or suggestions?

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">You already have several good suggestions! I noticed that you said "NON MOD". I understand that you might be a little reluctant to take on the "modify" project. Let me say that the InReTECH 2aa mod is so easy (requires no tools) it will take you longer to open the package than it will to install the 2aa in your mimi-mag.

I plan on ordering a badboy and madmax from dat2zip in the next couple of weeks, but be aware, that these things are VERY BRIGHT, but have a shorter run time. (90 min-2 hours or more, depending on the battery condition). The InReTECH will not be as bright, but will have a longer run time.

This is not saying anything bad about either person (or company!) It is simple math. given the same power source, you can have either longer run time and not as bright, or brighter, but not as long a run time. Some friends were very interested in my Brinkmann Legend LX, and they bought one, and one night, he is nocking on my door, telling me that his light all of a sudden went dim. Well, the Brinkmann Legend LX has a 1 hour run time, but that one hour is WOW bright! Compare that to a mag-light, say 3D, with just so so brightness, but with a very long run time.

Now, also be aware that the Princeton Tec Attitude is an AAA light, not an AA light.

The Impact is a single Nicha LED with a "focused lense" on the front, the Attitude has a clulster of 3 led's.

The Attitude is great for it's size. I own three of them, velcroed to my retractable dog leash. I like the fact that they are flat on the side, so velcro fits nicely.

Now the Streamlight Clipmate is also a nice light. The clip can be removed (it just snaps in and out of it's socket) and has 1 flat side, but takes 3 AAA instead of the Attitude's 4AAA batteries.

While both nice lights, and I own both, I like the Streamlight Clipmate just a hair better than the Attitude. I think it is because it has a ref;ected bezel, putting out just a hair more light, and it is less than a quarter turn for on or off, and then the turning stops.

Now the Streamlight 4aa, 7 LED light is very nice (there are 2 Streamlight 4aa polymers, and incandecent and a 7 LED version, make sure you order the right one when ordering!)

The SL 4aa, 7led light is great! Still pocket sized, but very bright, and WIDE flood gives you a nice light.

Now the Streamlight 3c, 10 LED light is the closest light to the one light that I would want, if I were stranded on a deserted island. Even a longer run time (with diminishing brightness) and brighter than the 4AA.

While not truely pocketable, the bulit in spring clip will hold the light nicely to the outside of your pocket.

you have lots of nice choices here. I say, GET EM ALL!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 1, 2002

Thanks for that very informative post.

I've been thinking of getting a Streamlight 3c for a while now and after reading your comments I just went ahead and ordered one