What to do with that info when you find it


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 8, 2004
San Jose, CA
Recently I was looking into some bulb/battery combinations. I remembered (kinda sorta) the formula for computing lumens based on the amount of overdrive.

I remembered the formula was actual voltage devided by rated voltage taken to some power then multiplied by the rated lumens. The thing I couldn't remeber was "taken to what power".

After over half an hour of searching, I finally found it. Now, where to put it so I can find it easily next time. Why, the CPF Wiki of course.

I've been doing this off and on now for a while, and it has done a lot to compensate for all the memory cells I've burnt out over the years. I've added stuff to "Common battery sizes and types" and "Light Sources -> LED", and I've added two sub-sections ("Modding Sources", and "Hotwire Info") to the "Mods & Custom" section.

I just don't have time to keep looking for the same information over and over when I forget it. Occasionally, I just browse through the CPF Wiki so that I'm aware of the kind of information thats there. It gives me a quick place to look first for an answer.

Many thanks to IlluminatingBikr for creating the CPF Wiki.