Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" condition?

Hiro Protagonist

Aug 1, 2010
The Northeast
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

My black Ti2 arrived yesterday and it has a scratch in the body near the tailcap, some rubbing marks, and two pinprick sized spots of missing ano.

I really like how the V10R looks in black, but the Ti2 LE run is a huge QC fail for SWM!


Mar 10, 2011
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

Well, my dealer never responded to my email, so I called and was told the following are my only options because it is a limited edition light:
1. Return for credit
2. Return to them and they will forward to SWM in China for repair which will take over 90 days (should be returned to me in Spring 2012). :eek:
3. Sell for profit on Ebay.

Maybe, I'm crazy (or stupid), but I'm going to have my dealer return it to SWM and hope for the best. It still blows my mind that my light ever left Sunwayman's door when I think of how many hands must have touched it before shipping. :shakehead

Of interest - I asked my dealer if he had any other damage reports and was told there was only one other customer and he didn't want to deal with the hassle of returning it to China and was going to sell on Ebay.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2005
Outside the Matrix
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

I don't have much evidence, but I suspect it is the retailer, not the manufacturer [not Sunwayman] - because my V10R Ti was delivered flawless!
However my one of five hundred limited edition Jetbeam TCR2 Ti was delivered full of scratches - it looked used - but I kept it because it was the last one.

I find it difficult to understand how the manufacturer could have caused scratches seen in the photos in this thread - these scratches seem to have been caused by using the flashlight..

I came to this thread expecting to be drooling over those who already have their light. I paid extra for Priority shipping and it was supposed to be here the 22nd per USPS but it hasn't made it yet and won't be here until at least the 24th if I'm lucky. So to see all these issues I'm a bit relieved in an odd sort of way but very sorry for those who were expecting what Sunwayman promised and didn't deliver. This will be my first Sunwayman and I am not real surprised although their reputation didn't seem to make this likely.
I would not blame the dealers or retailers at all especially since the marks are not showing titanium natural silver color. They are certainly poor machining/finishing marks which makes Sunwayman's statement about jewelry quality finish an outright lie with the proof before us. I'm personally not going to be that upset about the finish though if mine is that bad as it will make it much easier to be a 'user' and I think it would be a shame to not use this high binned blazing bright light. If it was really as good as they advertised I'd be torn to get it out of the safe and it might end up being a safe queen. Also since I can anodize Titanium I might just try polishing it out a bit and re-anodizing although I don't have the ability to do the nitride coating they claim. From the pics I've seen though I'm not even sure it's a nitride coating. It looks more like standard Titanium anodizing. I may be wrong on that though as pics can be deceiving. And despite the cosmetic issues I still think the price is reasonable for a Titanium light. Think about McGizmo's light's prices or the HDS Titanium prices and this is a bargain. It is just disappointing that Sunwayman sales marketing was not matched up with actual product quality. Happy Holidays everyone.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2005
Outside the Matrix
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

I just rechecked the the specs on the Sunwayman web site and a dealers site. No mention of Titanium nitride coating. I thought someone mentioned that. So I was right about it not looking like Titanium nitrideand knowing that I can take care of any cosmetic problems myself. For anyone with access to a variable HV DC power supply it's not hard at all to do. Actually if I recall correctly Gold comes in at just around 10 volts DC.
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Newly Enlightened
May 14, 2010
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

I know everybody wants everything perfect. I also know that things are either perfect or total poop on the internet with no in-between. You see this with movie reviews, amazon product reviews, etc. If someone misses out on a deal at best buy, they make a post and exclaim they hope best buy goes out of business, whereas the next poster will revel in the fact they just picked up 7 copies of the latest mega game for $5.

Knowing that, it is understandable that we would have a thread like this, but I would think the vast majority are very pleased with their lights. I understand being a little disappointed if I ordered a premium light and it arrived scratched, but from everything I have read, titanium scratches if you look at it wrong. So it is not unheard of to have a titanium light scratched. I have also read about others receiving titanium anything (flashlights included) and having it arrive with scratches. It happens.

I understand if you were one of the lucky few to actually be able to buy one and it arrived scratched and you were disappointed. But that disappointment should be tempered. Does the light still work? Is the beam green? Does the light fall apart in your hand? How is everything else on the light?

It seems crazy that I have yet to hear of any failure with these lights, or any other sunwayman lights (I am sure they are out there), and yet I have just read several posts saying that sunwayman has a total lack of quality control because of some scratches. Really? I have had failures on nitecores, jetbeams, and zebralights, and I have yet to have a problem with sunwayman lights (granted I just picked a few up during all the black friday deals, but by this time with the other brands, I had already experienced failures). All of the failures with the previously mentioned lights happened within the first week, so those were obvious quality control issues. And these weren't cosmetic issues, these were total failures.

But a scratch? I feel like I want to put in that video of iverson talking about practice, and substitute 'scratches' for 'practice'. Scratches? Scratches? We're talking about scratches?

I don't mean to belittle anybody with scratches on their ti2s, but I do think some perspective is sorely lacking in the majority of this thread. Who knows, maybe I'm the one who is crazy?

I do think it would be a sign of goodwill for sunwayman to do something or give some kind of discount concerning the ones with significant scratches.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 29, 2011
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

At this time I am not able to afford one of these lights but one thing is for sure, if I plunked down 200 of my hard earned dollars for a Collector's Edition Ti2 it damn well better pristine. After all it is a Collectors Edition. What good is it to a collector if it's all scratched up?



Sep 24, 2007
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

if I plunked down 200 of my hard earned dollars for a Collector's Edition Ti2 it damn well better pristine. After all it is a Collectors Edition. What good is it to a collector if it's all scratched up?
If you bought a brand new car for recommended retail price, is it okay if it comes with noticeable scratches? It stills runs and drive like normal.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 12, 2011
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

if I plunked down 200 of my hard earned dollars for a Collector's Edition Ti2 it damn well better pristine. After all it is a Collectors Edition. What good is it to a collector if it's all scratched up?



Oct 26, 2011
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

At this time I am not able to afford one of these lights but one thing is for sure, if I plunked down 200 of my hard earned dollars for a Collector's Edition Ti2 it damn well better pristine. After all it is a Collectors Edition. What good is it to a collector if it's all scratched up?


Lou Minescence

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 12, 2011
New England US
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

Sad to hear about the scratched up lights. I'ts a buzz killer. I have an anniversary edition V10R and had given thought to how a warranty would be handled. I had a V10R R5 go bad and I sent it in for another warranty replacement. No problem. But I'm sure if my anniversary edition goes bad I wouldn't be able to just have it replaced. Just sing that song from the sixties " I will never find another you".


Jul 25, 2005
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

I totally understand all of the folks who are frustrated with the finish on their Ti2's. A collectors or limited edition anything should be better than stock.

My light also arrived with carry marks. When I first opened the case I was like WTF?

While I am a collector, I am not a collector. I DO NOT believe in shelf queens, the nicer the light, the more it should be used guys. All my lights get use, clipped to a pocket with coins and keys. :rock:

So yes, I was annoyed, I like to do the damage!!!

Come on SWM! Get it together!

Here's 10/89 goldy




Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 12, 2011
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

PSM, judging from the photos, your's is beautifully finished - enjoy...


Jul 25, 2005
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

PSM, judging from the photos, your's is beautifully finished - enjoy...

The photos dont show the fine scratches that cover the body. There are a few areas where the marks are concentrated, like the light was in a box where it vibrated against the other golds transit. Maybe they shipped the whole batch of golds in no more than plastic baggies?


Nov 13, 2011
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

To the people that are considering keeping their damaged lights: doesn't that course of action just make it more likely that this will happen again to future consumers?

I understand how badly you guys have wanted this light, but to accept a damaged one and not do anything about it just seems to send the wrong message to the manufacturer.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 11, 2006
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

To the people that are considering keeping their damaged lights: doesn't that course of action just make it more likely that this will happen again to future consumers?

I understand how badly you guys have wanted this light, but to accept a damaged one and not do anything about it just seems to send the wrong message to the manufacturer.

But, so far the solution that has been presented isn't the most desirable. Sending a brand new light back to China for a 6-8 week refinish job isn't really acceptable, at least in my opinion. Not with the "jewelry like" condition these lights were supposed to come in.
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Nov 13, 2011
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

But, so far the solution that has been presented isn't the most desirable. Sending a brand new light back to China for a 6-8 week refinish job isn't really acceptable, at least in my opinion. Not with the "jewelry like" condition these lights were supposed to come in.

I completely agree--if it were me buying and receiving the light (which I should note, I did not), then I'd send it back right away for a full refund (including return shipping costs).


Sep 12, 2010
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

The photos dont show the fine scratches that cover the body. There are a few areas where the marks are concentrated, like the light was in a box where it vibrated against the other golds transit. Maybe they shipped the whole batch of golds in no more than plastic baggies?
One of mine does look like that at that distance.


Sep 12, 2010
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

To the people that are considering keeping their damaged lights: doesn't that course of action just make it more likely that this will happen again to future consumers?

I understand how badly you guys have wanted this light, but to accept a damaged one and not do anything about it just seems to send the wrong message to the manufacturer.
I am still debating whether I should return the lights. Not sure if I want to keep a "collector's item" that's not worth collecting.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 12, 2008
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

I feel sorry for those who received no-good-one.
Mines are flawless.

Sunwayman has been open and generous in customer services in my experience. I hope they'll do the right thing for such occasions whatever that might be. :)





Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2005
Outside the Matrix
Re: Sunwayman L.E. V10R Ti2 Gold (or black)...what was your "out of the box" conditio

octaf you HOARDER you :santa: Hey I'll just say the biggest issue here is the way their AD read - straight from their web site: "high-end jewelry level titanium anodized" unless their is a language problem there what we are seeing does not fit that description at all.

I would like hearing from some people on beam tint and brightness etc. - maybe even a shot with it turned on inside.
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