Are Surefires really worth the $$$ ?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 19, 2005
As a new Surefire owner I sometimes ask myself the same question. So what I do is turn on my Maglite and SF U2 for comparison. Then I wonder what the question was.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 2, 2003
revv11 said:
As a new Surefire owner I sometimes ask myself the same question. So what I do is turn on my Maglite and SF U2 for comparison. Then I wonder what the question was.

That's not quite a fair comparison - try turning on a Surefire M4 or M6 next to a Maglight and that'll be better - two incandescents. ;)


Newly Enlightened
Sep 24, 2004
Mt Holly Springs, PA
Yes, without a doubt. I just bought my first real Surefire light, (the M2 Centurion) and I can't believe how fantastic this little light is. Heavy duty HAIII finish, Lock-out tailcap w\ witness marks, optically coated Pyrex lens, Shock isolated bezel. This thing rocks. I just need to find a holster to fit it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This light has become my new EDC, with my Fenix L1P as back-up. I can't think of a better one\two punch. Worth every penny and I'm thinking about getting another one, maybe in 2006 when I get my Income tax refund back. My advice, buy a Surefire, you won't be dissappointed.

Brian E

Newly Enlightened
Nov 22, 2005
I just wish their website and sales support were better. Ordered some stuff and it never shipped, nor did I receive any indication of when it might ship. Either that or they are waiting to get make more bulbs prior to shipping the other items I ordered.

Their lights are tough, I will give them that.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 11, 2005
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
With Surefire, you get the finest customer service, unreal lifetime guarantee, ultra clean beamshots, and the pleasure of knowing you have the best.

I have 4 of the 10x911 Dominators, 2 M6 CB's, 1 G2 w/61 120 lumen bulb. The 911 is the one closest to my bed every night.

BTW, Fry's electronics now carries rechargable CR123's; work pretty well. Retail is about $20.00 for a charger and two batteries.


Aug 29, 2000
Kettering, England
And I thought I was nuts... :ohgeez:

The "911" refers to the kit including the charger and USA AC powersupply.

10X is the name.

10X000 is just the 10X without charger
10X911 Kit (USA)
10X921 Kit (UK)
10X931 Kit (EU)
10X941 Kit (AUS)

Other examples:
C911 is the 10X charger for the US (1) (2nd '1' indicates DC adapter)
8AX425-HA is for the UK (2)
9AN435-BK is for the EU (3)
L7445-HA-WH is for AUS (4)


Feb 2, 2004
BC, Canada
looks like the people have spoken! :) you've pretty much heard good opinions that support one way or the other.

for me, I too believe SF lights are well worth the $$.

as others have already repeated... you have to experience a SF to see what all the hooplah is about!

(i havent read all the previosu posts so forgive me if this analogy has already been used)

it's much like trying to justify buying a high-end vehicle like a sports car or sports-ute, eh? Some people would never pay any of the extravagant prices for a genuine high-end vehicle.

I mean, let's face it: all vehicles bring us from Point A to Point B, that's it!

But still, the prices for vehicles range considerably. And as far as I can see, it has a lot to do with getting what you pay for! Driving a lower-end economy car just doesnt give the driver the same "experience" as driving a high-end luxury vehicle or the like. You still get from Point A to Point B in the economy vehicle. But those who own/drive higher-end vehicles will attest that there IS a difference! A huge difference!! Everything from quality to fuel economy to warranty to performance, blah blah blah. And to get the best of these attributes just plain COSTS more!

Back to flashlights - for me, I use my lights chasing after bad people in the dark... and sometimes that's even while I am at work! ;)

But seriously, high-end lights help keep me alive. Period. And IMHO there is no price too high to pay as my life is pretty much priceless in my point of view. :)

As others have already expressed accurately... SF lights are high-end "tools" that get the job done. There are ohter tools out there, other brands that cost much less than SF... but I would not trust most of these lesser-performing tools when it's crunch-time, eh? As one of the very first posters already said... what's having a reliable high-end flashlight tool worth to you when things are starting to get dangerous...?

If you want the best-of-the-best... you pay for it up front.

(... and to be honest, us flashaholics are also great "rationalists" too...!) ;)