Best rechargeable AA BATTS?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2011
On the east coast of the yoosah. In the place wher
Re: AA batteries

Hello all. I just purchased a fenix TK41 light. I am now looking for the best batteries.

I recently also purchased a fenix TK 60 and bought tenergy D cell rechargeable batteries with the maha 808M charger as recommended.

What batteries should I get for the TK41 that would work best and work with the same charger?


also, a link or name to a reputable vendor would be awesome.

The TK60 is almost like a D-cell version of the TK41...Anyways, I got my eneloops from Costco Wholesale. Once in a while (every few weeks or months) their eneloop sets will go on sale for really cheap: 10AA's for 15$, Avg. 10AA's for 18$. 8AAs + 2AAA's and 2xc spacers + 2xD spacers + cheap charger for 20$, etc.