Binge worthy series


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
We've been watching "Suits" two or three episodes a night. It is nine seasons long. We'd watch more episodes, but don't want to burn through it.
It's intriguing.

Big high end law firm, with all the characters... good, evil, conniving, sexy. The lead is a James Bond kind of character, with a brilliant sidekick. You'll find yourself pondering, how is he going to get out of this one, and saying to yourself when he does... aha! I could have thought of that! But you didn't and so you find yourself smiling at how clever he was.

I can't do it justice. For a better feel of the series, I suggest that you watch the trailer.



Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Thanks for the tip. I had contemplated buying that box set. Now it's in the "yes" column.

I'm binge watching "Justified".
It stars a Broadway actor who played a role in the series "Damages" who in Justified is a US Marshall who is part Dirty Harry and part Mr Rogers. It costars the guy who played Shane in "the Shield" who is a dastardly hillbilly from an even more dastardly family. It takes place in the Kentucky hills during modern times. It's got a lot of ThrillBilly antics and guest characters you've seen all over the place and you go "now where have I seen that person before?"
It depicts a criminal enterprise where the more successful folks become the more complicated their lives become. Like any criminal enterprise, betrayal runs rampant and in the end the old adage of "crime doesn't pay" plays out. But it also shows those dumb country hicks aren't so dumb. Meanwhile the main character Rayland Givens "always gets his man"……
6 seasons with 13 episodes each at 44 minutes long without the comercials when FX showed it.
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I enjoyed both of those too.

We anxiously await the last season of NCIS to show up at WalMart along with season 2 of City on a Hill.

Another winner is "All Creatures Great & Small", which is a PBS Masterpiece Theater show set in a time around WW1 in the countryside of the Dales of Yorkshire England. The story follows the life of a country veteranarian who hires an assistant, then his mischevious brother returns home from college hoping to continue living the good life instead of helping his brother. Now his brother doesn't want allow this and hopes his imaturity will subside. Meanwhile there's the voice of reason housekeeper, book keeper and just all around wise woman who keeps the three from acting on impulses.
It's got a hint of humor from a simpler time gone by without being silly. At the end of each episode it leaves you wanting more.

Season 1 was eight episodes. We anxiously await season 2 of this down right wholesome television show.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2005
Treasure Valley, Idaho
If you have Amazon Prime...
Line of Duty (British police BBC television series) is one of the top shows I've seen (e.g., The Soprano's, The Wire, Deadwood, Dexter) on TV.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 20, 2014
On Amazon Prime; the Great Chefs series is my go-to. Several are very good. I'm far from done (many have multiple seasons with 20 episodes per season), the only one I didn't like was Austria. I just ignore when they use canola oil, or bad mouth fat (using butter, taking off skin of chicken, use lots of olive oil, etc.). These were made during the low fat hey day, so what are you gonna do?

Great Chefs of the West
Great Chefs of San Francisco
Great Chefs of the World
Great Chefs of Hawaii
Great Chefs of Chicago
Great Chefs of America

Katherine Alicia

May 15, 2020
Central UK.
if you can ignore the glaringly obvious anachronisms, Bridgerton is a pretty decent watch also, it has that whole `Pride and Prejudice` thing going on (though a little shallow), great for a bit of escapism :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 25, 2008
Line of duty sounds great, we'll give it a try. With spring here, and needing an evening "cool down",we've been watching gardeners world on Amazon prime. Mellow, literally down to earth long running bbc show.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2005
Treasure Valley, Idaho
Line of duty sounds great, we'll give it a try. With spring here, and needing an evening "cool down",we've been watching gardeners world on Amazon prime. Mellow, literally down to earth long running bbc show.

I think you'll enjoy it. It's one of the few shows where it seemed each season was even better than the last one.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
Two comedy series that have been recommended to me are:

Schitt's Creek

My daughter binged it, and loved it. A number of times she said to me... "Dad you have to watch this show" I never did, but I often heard her laughing out loud. She was delighted when it won a dozen or so Emmie awards. It's like she had a personal interest in the success of the show.

Friends were over the other night and recommended Lucifer.
I watched the first two episodes, and it was pretty funny. I had a few burst out loud laughs. It ran five seasons.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
We got through season 2 of schitts creek and grew bored. It's one of those comedies kinda like "the Office" where you either get it or you don't. I chuckled at some of the facial expression the son makes at times.

I can see why a bunch of elites would give it awards because it's a show about them making fun of themselves but it's largely at the expense of what would be their fans in the real world. Maybe I'm too obtuse, but it just wasn't my thing. Neither was "the Office".

The British crime show Luther was a fun one to watch as a gal who our hero Luther wanted to put in jail at one point but sort of fell in love with as well. Trouble was with Luther about the time get get all hooked on the series it was over. Shame too because it had potential to run for a lot longer. Five seasons with 8 episodes each. It was a twist and turn number where Luther and his wife have separated due to his "demons" and obsessive nature, yet they can't quite call it quits. Luther is a bit of a dirty Harry cop who somehow manages to avoid being prosecuted by internal affairs.

Now if you like clean old, shiney classic cars and pow pow pow the 80's series Crime Story is a 2 season crime drama about a guy named Ray Luca (pronounced Lou-ka) who goes from dime store hoodlum to crime boss. Put together by the guy who did Miami Vice, it has the pizazz of Miami Vice set in Chicago and Las Vegas. You can definitely tell. It was set in 1963 and somehow they managed to get the scenery pretty dawg gone authentic. I got hooked back in the day on the old cars in the show and failed to notice it was written not that much unlike the 60's Batman adventures where watching it later you wonder "were they trying to be funny or serious here?" We laugh at how goofy things were now but back then were glued to the edge of our seat each Tuseday. One issue was that it competed with the highly watched Moonlighting back then so it ended abruptly. One episode the hero and the villain are duking it out much like Adam West Batman and Ceasar Romero Joker and……"What?!?! Noooooooo". Yup the show was gone, kaput. Talk about a "who shot JR moment that we'll never know who dunnit. Now ordinarily you'd think "eh, that's it their done for but……at one point Ray Luca and his henchman Paulie survived a nuclear explosion so ya just don't know.

Apparently there is a huge following to Crime Story and there have been rumors of a movie but that has to date not been started.

Oh, and a couple of episodes had the band "the Smithereens" playing on stage but unless you were familiar with the Smithereeens you did not know that. The Smithereens did some really catchy throw back numbers that meshed very well with the period when Crime Story took place but this was before they were discovered. They had hits "wall of sleep" "blood and roses" and their big one was "girl like you"……
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2000
Somewhere in the vicinity of Phoenix, Arizona, USA
I still have Smallville as one of my go-to series. I own all the DVDs, so from time to time I turn on the commentary and absorb that. Some are good, and some are just a couple of the folks laughing at inside jokes that add zero value for me, so it's a bit of a crap-shoot on that part, but the series is just "comfort food" for me.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
A pissed off British detective who will stop at nothing to get the perp. Shot? That don't stop him. Nail his hand to a table? Pfft that's nothing to Luther. Internal Affairs breathing down his neck? No sweat.
His weak spot? The girl.……