convince me i don't wark a quark 123 (or that i do =P)


Newly Enlightened
Apr 7, 2011
Re: if you're looking for an awesome single-aa edc light, you wark a zebralight sc5to

hi marc.

I'm contemplating the Zebralight that Pellgarlic got as well, except in the 'w' version. What if I accidentally drop the ZL sc51w on the ground, is it quite resilient to a minor beating like this?

others who have carried the sc51 (or another zebralight) for longer than me will probably be able to better comment on the resilience of zebralights in general, and possibly the sc51(w) in particular. i can only say it feels robust to me. although i wouldn't go chucking it about to "test" it, i wouldn't think it'd be any less resilient than any other single-cell light in the same price range. although i might cringe a little the first time i drop it (as i would anything i'm not 100% sure about how it would handle a drop) i don't have any significant concerns if i were to drop it.

Pellgarlic, have you noticed the light coming on in your pocket?
I suppose worst case scenario is your pants get hot [are you happy to see me?]. At which point, you'd do the tail cap lockout.

i haven't found it to have turned on in my pocket so far, but i've been carrying it in the "coin pocket" of my jeans (in case it's not called that for anyone else - it's the small pocket, usually "inside" the big main right-hand front pocket - usually "taller" than it is "wide") so it hasn't really come into contact with other "loose" things in pocket, which i suspect would be the most likely culprit for that. today, i just happen to be carrying it clipped on the inside of my left main "big" pocket (as these jeans have a weird "horizontal" coin pocket, and i couldn't find a comfortable position for the zebralight to sit),so it's beside my car/house keys. cos it's clipped, it sits "above" the keys, so (i hope) it shouldn't come in contact with the keys. i'll report back how that works out =)

And...holy cow, you received your light 4-5 days from order? Are you close to Texas?

i actually received it 3 days after ordering. not only that, it only took that long because i ordered it on a saturday (and received it on tuesday) =P i live in the uk, and received my order in that time because i purchased from a uk distributor =) one advantage of living in the uk, and ordering from a uk company - some will even offer next (working) day delivery (if you order before 2PM usually). i've used that once or twice if i was particularly desperate to receive something asap =P so i used it for this order, and would have have had it in my hands less than 24 hours later if i had ordered it on a week day (except friday).
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Colonel Sanders

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 17, 2010
Re: if you're looking for an awesome single-aa edc light, you wark a zebralight sc5to

I've dropped my SC30w more than a few times on concrete, asphalt, and hardwood floors. Your anodizing might take a tiny nick from concrete or asphalt but that's about it.

I think you made a great choice. I'd have gone with the neutral version though but that's me.

Once you get in the habit of untwisting that tailcap just a grunt you won't even have to think about it. It amazes me that folks think this is a big deal so what do they do?...They buy a twisty light that requires what is virtually the same action to turn on or to change modes! Seems backazzwards to me....they didn't want to do a little twist to the tailcap but they are ok with twisting the head all the freakin' time for everything to do with operating the light?!?

Anyway, enjoy your Zebra. :)


May 1, 2011
Ha! The "whack a quark" thread is back! Pellgarlic, you owe us that you get a whackie quarkie too.

Nap. :p


Sep 4, 2002
Shepherd, TX (where dat?)
I'm coming at this from an about 80% pleased with my P2D, but itching for something new and with the ability to act on it.

While I THINK a Jetbeam RRT-0 would do it, I lean heavily towards the Quark 123 R5. It shares a nearly identical UI which means I would not have to learn anything new. It has a .2 or .02 Lumen Moonlight mode which is the main displeasing thing about my P2D.
And further it will get brighter than my P2D on Turbo mode.

I have extra switches, both forward and reverse if that doesn't quite live up to my expectations. Also the Quark is not "bumpy". No protruding rings or hex (like PD20) but just about the same size and feel as my P2D.

I like my Lumapower IncenDio pretty well, especially since changing the switch to reverse. But it's about equal to P2D in low and P2D kicks it's butt in Turbo!

I may not be able to tell, but I think Quark Turbo will be brighter than P2D Turbo by a bit. And a Moonlight mode is the main selling point!

I have a Zebra H30. I like it a lot for reading and power outages. But not sure the UI would suit me for EDC.

Unless somebody REALLY has a persuasive argument against, I believe I'll order a Quark about Tuesday.