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Cree XHP 70 LED

Newly Enlightened
Mar 18, 2020
Poppy, Byk- My local Rite Aid drug store had a product called Dentemp. A VERY small pop top container of dental cement for lack of a better word. Pack it in place carefully, bite down carefully, and it hardens nicely. Just need to be careful now and call around on Monday to see about an "emergency" exam to see what's what. 

I am lucky I can call my dentist and he will meet me at the office 24/7, but oral surgery he does not do. Not sure about extractions as I have only had my wisdom teeth removed.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Poppy, Byk- My local Rite Aid drug store had a product called Dentemp. A VERY small pop top container of dental cement for lack of a better word. Pack it in place carefully, bite down carefully, and it hardens nicely. Just need to be careful now and call around on Monday to see about an "emergency" exam to see what's what. 
That modern day "bite the bullet" sounds way better.

My governor announced his plan to re-open the state yesterday. I watched it 3x and still don't know what he actually said. He did say it will be statewide and not by region. He did say it will happen. What "it" is was where things are kinda fuzzy. Elective surgeries will be back next week though so that's cool.
He said "face coverings" will be reccomended (not required) and that the guidelines by the feds is the model he will use.

Can anybody imagine how much pressure is on governors right now? Balancing economics with possible side affects of increased spread of a brand new virus. Wow!! Meanwhile ambulance chasers are just waiting to start their new tv ads for making sure those wrongfully blah blah blah. Business fails, it's the governors fault. People die, it's the governors fault. As diverse as the American economy is that is a daunting task at the least, practially impossible at the worst.

Who would want that? It aint like putting the pin back in the hand grenade as much as picking the red wire or the blue wire to defuse a bomb and oh yeah, you're color blind.

One thing can be learned from the spanish flu from history. Too much too soon is not a good idea.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Some how I've lost 20 pounds since being in quarantine over two months ago. My eating habits used to be just terrible. I ate out about 50% of the time and it was usually burger and fries or pizza. I also probably averaged 6 beers per day. But not having had a beer in a couple months (I still have a whiskey or two per night), walking about 3 miles a day, and eating home cooked meals with no fried foods, I'm dropping weight like crazy. That has been the only plus for me. This is the first time in years that my bra size is actually smaller than my girlfriends.

Hops has more phytoestrogens than anything else. Estrogen stores in fat, mainly belly fat. It also causes breast enlargement in men and women. A lot of fast food restaurants expose you to xenoestrogens from chemicals and plastics. The less fast food you eat and the less alcohol you drink, the more weight you'll lose and the healthier you'll be. Avoid the hormone imbalance that these foods cause or you'll get fat and lose your muscle mass. Fat stores estrogen and the more fat you have, the more aromatase you have in your fat as well. Aromatase is an enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen. If you exercise a lot but are not dieting (and have a hormone imbalance), the testosterone produced can turn to estrogen and actually make your muscles shrink.


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Some how I've lost 20 pounds since being in quarantine over two months ago. My eating habits used to be just terrible. I ate out about 50% of the time and it was usually burger and fries or pizza. I also probably averaged 6 beers per day. But not having had a beer in a couple months (I still have a whiskey or two per night), walking about 3 miles a day, and eating home cooked meals with no fried foods, I'm dropping weight like crazy. That has been the only plus for me. This is the first time in years that my bra size is actually smaller than my girlfriends.

Congrats on dropping the fried foods, Lumen83. That stuff is so bad for you. I've felt so much better after giving up fried foods a long time ago.


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
Maryland records over 100 calls to their poison control hotline for people asking about the benefits of drinking/injecting disinfectants. New York's call center volume doubled from this time last year.

It turns out Millennials were ahead of the curve with Tide Pods..


Dec 23, 2008
Penn's Woods
My oldest sent me a meme yesterday:
"The spread of the virus seems to be dependent on two things:
1. The density of the population.
2. The density of the population.

If you think they're the same, you're the second one..."


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Good one Scout :crackup:



Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
A few days ago my daughter won a lottery for a shop from home, to a "Shop Rite" ( a large chain supermarket) about 30 minutes from our home. She won a date and time to pick up an order she would place on-line. She placed an order, gave her name and credit card number and was given a pick up number. Three days later I was on a mission.

It was the first time I was out in a week and a half, and in the mean-time a MUST wear a face mask in public, order was placed. I drove through a neighborhood of multi-million dollar homes. The store is in a very upscale town. It struck me that everyone really kept their distance, and that everyone had a mask on. It really felt different. Respectful.

An attendant approached my rolled down window, verified my name and order number and another attendant brought out my shopping carts of food. Bags of tostitos take up a lot of room :whistle: While waiting for my food to arrive, a gentleman parked in front of me was struggling to return his cart, up a slight grade, without touching it with his hands. Trying to push it and steer it with his foot. It was comical. Personally I had to respect him for being respectful of others by not leaving his cart in the lot, in the way of others, or to roll down the hill and strike other parked cars. On the other hand, to be so concerned about touching the handle, that when he finally did, he used BOTH Hands! :eek: :crackup::shakehead
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2016
Real News: @realDonaldTrump speculated about far-UV light catheter technology that was recently in the news, and apparently Dr. Birx was not familiar with it.

Fake News: Trump asked Dr. Birx about injecting disinfectants into #coronavirus patients.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2014
Some how I've lost 20 pounds since being in quarantine over two months ago. My eating habits used to be just terrible. I ate out about 50% of the time and it was usually burger and fries or pizza. I also probably averaged 6 beers per day. But not having had a beer in a couple months (I still have a whiskey or two per night), walking about 3 miles a day, and eating home cooked meals with no fried foods, I'm dropping weight like crazy. That has been the only plus for me. This is the first time in years that my bra size is actually smaller than my girlfriends.
Good, it's important to stay healthy, most particularly during this pandemic.

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
No, it's completely true, you can watch the video
He's incredible.
Three days ago during a briefing he suggested using light, and disinfectants, internally. He thought it was a great idea, and wanted his doctors to check into it.
Two days ago he backed away from it saying that he was being sarcastic, and then yesterday, he was defending his original outlandish comments. :ohgeez:


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Again, context is a beautiful thing.
If you saw the actual press conference then you can understand what was taking place. The president posed a hypothetical. Nothing more, nothing less. If you did not see the entire conversation that began with a fellow explaining what happens when sunlight hits the virus…… he was posing a hypothetical additional procedure to a procedure called "pathogen inactivation".
A hemopheliac childhood friend of mine lost his life to AIDS after receiving a tainted blood transfusion. Roger was as good as they come and nearly bled to death from simple cuts or internally from bruises. He was in a car wreck and needed blood. Unforunately some of what saved his life is what killed him a few years later. Pathogen inactivation helps halt that sort of thing.

I saw the entire conversation unfold and was actually surprised the yellow journalism did not pick up on something else he said before the hypothetical posed to Dr Byrx. She got a look on her face like. "let's talk about it later, the political hacks in the room probably think you want folks to drink Lysol now". I suppose saying he wants folks to be injected with Lysol was just easier to turn into a negative spin. I do recall telling Mrs Fixer "boy the press is going to freak out about that"

Dr Byrx and Dr Fauchi are HIV experts and were big time involved in the treatment of HIV so it is no longer an automatic death sentence. The lab that has been rumored to be the source of the novel corona is an HIV exploration lab among other things like many throughout the world. There are still labs on planet earth trying to stamp out HIV, Ebola, and other super bugs. Dr Byrx understood what the president was getting at. The US and other countries have done a ton to try and stamp out HIV and other bad stuff across the world.

How about this? It was the Bill Gates anti malaria group who first proposed the idea of hydroxychloroquine as a possible treatment to covid-19, not Donald Trump. Bill Gates walks on water to many people, and he has done a lot to halt the spread of malaria. So if everybody knew it was actually the Bill Gates foundation folks in lab coats touting it, perhaps many who are dead set against the idea might say "hmm, why not try It"? It was actually being tried in Brazil and was said to be 100% effective according to the Brazillian president back in March. Later after Trump touted it Twitter, Facebook and others deleted the man's boasts calling it fake news. In the mean time trials in other places were showing it worked in labs so they started trying it on people. Some it worked for. Others it did not.
Remember, context. At that point models were still showing 1-2million deaths in America. Also remember, before they knew it was a bad idea, the greatest scientific minds promoted leeches for curing sick people.
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Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
- There is indeed such a thing as UV light therapy for the blood; it was experimented with sporadically as a form of "alternative medicine" in the 1950's, where it was touted as a way to increase vitality, no actual effects were ever noted or tests conducted, it was just administered by fringe practitioners who had the means to rig a blood transfusion device with a UV light. Few "energy healing" services offer it today due to the cost and complexity versus other therapies like cupping and crystals.

- There was not such a thing as UV light lung disinfecting until immediately after the president's press conference, when a Chinese manufacturer under investigation for faulty COVID-19 tests immediately announced the introduction of a UV intubation device, for which they provided an illustration-and-features sheet and nothing more. Their stock price shot up immediately, the spec sheet spread like wildfire amongst fringe political groups, and there have been no updates since.

- The senior professional medical team assembled to inform the president would not have brought up alternative healing techniques or overseas black market rumors, rather they would have explained the methods in which the virus can be killed in situ externally, such as sunlight or disinfectant on a flat surface. That the president would sequentially extrapolate these concepts for medicinal use would logically follow, more so than the president being more well-versed in mid-century homeopathic healing than his advisors.


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
The reason that shortwave UVC is germicidal is because it disintegrates cell membranes. It doesn't discriminate between good cells and bad cells; it can kill anything that it irradiates. This is why any UVC treatment that might be considered for inside the body is a very bad thing. It will indiscriminately kill everything in it's path, including lung tissue.

UVC is an awesome tool when used under strictly controlled conditions. However it is not a universal lightsaber for everything.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2016
2019 - Abstract titled "Internally Applied Ultraviolet Light as a Novel Approach for Effective and Safe Anti-Microbial Treatment" published by UEG

20 April - Cedars-Sinai-Developed 'Healight' Medical Device Platform Technology Being Studied as a Potential First-in-Class COVID-19 Treatment

24 April - POTUS press conference, and comments taken out of context.

Healight uses UVA, and it's a real thing, and it existed prior to 24 April. See for yourself since YouTube and others want to censor what you can look at.

Efficacy unknown.

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Dec 4, 2007
California Republic

The aforementioned "Chinese manufacturer under investigation for faulty COVID-19 tests" is the company pushing Healight, that's the device spec sheet they published.

Any modern medical professional you ask about using UV light in the blood or internally will first refer you to the fact that UV causes cancer even when applied externally, then second refer you to the alternative healing practitioners who have been unable to show that it does anything even anecdotally beneficial.

If the president is unsure what he said, who he said it to, what he meant, if it was serious or not, that's probably not a good argument to try to reinforce.
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