CPF will eventually linger on as an example of how BBS were killed off by over modera


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
This thread is a great example of one aspect that CPF gets so RIGHT. The owner took advantage of, what sounded like a complaint-thread, and allowed it to turn into an informative one.

Seems like we can all agree that Norm was looking out for CPF to maintain high quality. Personally, I think he was also looking out for me at times, when I posted things that were perhaps, a bit unbecoming. He has my respect.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 20, 2014
This thread is a great example of one aspect that CPF gets so RIGHT. The owner took advantage of, what sounded like a complaint-thread, and allowed it to turn into an informative one.
We can start complaining, if you like! :)

Seems like we can all agree that Norm was looking out for CPF to maintain high quality. Personally, I think he was also looking out for me at times, when I posted things that were perhaps, a bit unbecoming. He has my respect.
More importantly than that, to me: He joked with me. He said funny things... to me, me specifically.

I'll always remember him for that. Personal touch.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 21, 2008
West Tn
Since I've joined I've always respected the way the forums were ran. Not that Greta or the admins need it but I have always thought they did a very good job of running the community.

It isn't as big as it was in 2008 - 2009 when I was most active but looking around there is a lot of new blood. It's interesting that absolutely every member I've seen post in the past few days that has a join date around mine or before I still remember having conversations with. There's something keeping everyone around.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
To be fair, it was locked by Empath within 2.5 hours. I think it's being left there instead of deleted, similar to a rancher who hangs the carcass of a coyote on his fence post to deter other coyotes :crackup:

The subject matter is almost as appealing as a coyote carcass hanging on a fence post. The imagery the thread provides, not even close. Family friendly? I don't think so.

~ Chance


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Just wanted to say thank you to the staff here.

Over mod? Under mod?
I suppose that is subjective.

Whatever folks think in that regard the site in general is kept neat and tidy.

I like how lively debates can and do occur without a heavy hand being applied until it strays to another zip code away from the original topic, or it degrades into a drama festival of personal attacks. Then typically a gentle warning takes place.

I gotta be honest. Many times I have typed out a guns of Navorone response...

They were either erased or edited to something less pilathering.

At first it was for fear of thuh ban hammah, but soon became a habit, that is repeated at other sites as well.
Good manners is a die-ing art form. CPF is a sorely needed dose of oxygen to the forum world.

So again I say thank you to the staff.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2001
IL, near St. Louis MO
I've been here a long time (though I don't post much anymore) and have seen many things, both good and bad take place here and on other forums. I have to admit that when I think about "community" and discussion, CPF if the first thing that comes to mind. I've met lots of great people here through the years and have never seen, or been part of a more enjoyable community than this one. This wouldn't be true if it wasn't for all the hard work done by the admins and mods. Thanks to all those who have made this such a great place!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
This thread is a great example of how some open criticism of CPF is allowed to flare, then goes dim, because of the reality of excellence contained herein. It also gives us a chance to see who the beezers and cawbs are, letting them reveal the content of their character (at least at that moment in time)

scout24 and NBP are some seriously good assets to the already capable moderator team.


Aug 27, 2006
This thread is a great example of how some open criticism of CPF is allowed to flare, then goes dim, because of the reality of excellence contained herein. It also gives us a chance to see who the beezers and cawbs are, letting them reveal the content of their character (at least at that moment in time)

scout24 and NBP are some seriously good assets to the already capable moderator team.


An excellent example overall of how to moderate properly. I doubt that what occurred twice on EDCF would ever happen on CPF. One is an example of doing things the right way. The other, despite my respect for and acquaintanceship with Jon, an example of the mistakes to avoid.


Oct 1, 2004
I thought the BBS died because the dial-up modem did, that's when I stopped using them..
The BBS died because of the internet as I was once a paying member of a large BBS in the early 90s as at that time it was the only way to cheaply get software patches for games and other things cheaply when I got the internet I still was using dialup and could download patches for free there.


Oct 1, 2004
Well it must be better than it used to be. At its worst back when I still frequently participated, a thread like this would've been locked immediately and probably resulted in people getting banned for a week or so.

I mostly quit participating when I realized that for every post I was wondering if what I said would get moved, deleted, or result in a ban. Not fun one bit.

I poke my head in here every now and then and I usually leave with the same feeling that this place is dead dead dead compared to how it was at its best; I joined 02-18-2008 so I'm not one of the old-old hands here but I saw a big shift during that time at least.

Not trying to be a big downer, just calling it like I see it now. (the main reason I don't visit much anymore is the absolute saturation of the market by dozens of different brands; can't keep up anymore and things just got too gimmicky for me. I know, old fart right?!)
yes it is very hard to keep up with things it used to be when I started here that there would be a half dozen threads about a few interesting lights that were for sale and now there is so many lights with a dozen new ones coming out each month that nobody can keep up with anything at all plus a lot more sales and dealers threads in the mix I used to spend an hour a day average on here reading now I spend a few hours a week if that because of the overwhelming amount of stuff here to sift through to get to the "good stuff" that I like.


Oct 1, 2004
I don't think CPF will ever die as long as we have Greta at the helm, but I've been at several "chat" places and clients and forums and such over the last 20 years that have vanished for good for many reasons and the most common reason is instead of truly being a "fan" of the topic at hand and wanting everyone to share in that you get folks running the show that aren't as much fans but rather in it for the money or hired help that do things thinking of making it easier for themselves or to make money etc while CPF has gone this way and that way it always came back to the love of flicking a switch in the dark and then.... SEEING what is up.


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
The BBS died because of the internet as I was once a paying member of a large BBS in the early 90s as at that time it was the only way to cheaply get software patches for games and other things cheaply when I got the internet I still was using dialup and could download patches for free there.

I unsuccessfully read that sentence three times, it sounds sincere though.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
I unsuccessfully read that sentence three times, it sounds sincere though.

:laughing: See? That's why I think it's wise to either stop posting or stop drinking after two beers. Punctuation goes right out the window.

!? It sounded sincere! Be careful reading that sentence out loud. Your wife might think you're having a stroke. :crackup:

~ Chance


Oct 1, 2004
I unsuccessfully read that sentence three times, it sounds sincere though.
I'll rephrase it.... when the internet came about most of what you had to go through a BBS to get and often to get decent access to it required you joining a larger BBS that required you pay for access most of their content was free and larger BBSes couldn't pay their bills without subscribers. Most of the free BBSes around here were either slower modem speeds.... hard to get access to because of limited lines in or had less "stuff" on them as their budget didn't allow them to have larger storage capacity and pay to download as much stuff for redistribution on their BBS.
To put it bluntly I never "chatted" on a BBS to begin with so moderation had no affect on me at all as to sticking with it or not.
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Jun 2, 2009
My only beef is that criticism of some flashlights isn't really tolerated. For example when the discussion of Zebralight going to unprotected only cells some posted it was less safe. Others genuinely argued that it was perfectly safe. Then a few others went over the top attacking those of us who prefer protected cells basically saying we are stupid. The mod stepped in. I have no problem with that part but the "solution" was to end all discussion on the issue and segregate it to a separate less frequented thread. I always think the mod should step in when people get insulting or personal but to essentially exclude a point of view from a thread because the majority there don't like that point of view goes against the free exchange of ideas.

The same thing used to happen back when Surefire was sacrosanct here. If you entered a Surefire thread and pointed out some 4sevens light did more for less money you were basically labeled a troll. No criticism of Surefire allowed.

Moderation is essential. Without it we'd have bedlam. I just think it is those who attack others personally who should have posts deleted not someone who politely presents a different point of view, especially an unpopular one.


Oct 31, 2007
Willamette Valley, OR
Three posts have been deleted per the below; regarding the CPF Rules and FAQs:
The moderators and administrators of CPF are around in order to keep order. Do not whine or complain about the rules and do not abuse the moderators or administrators for enforcing the rules. It is very disruptive to the board when gripes take over a thread. Take them off the board in either private messages or email.
While the majority of this rather interesting thread has been quite constructive, please keep in mind that it is not a 'mini-forum' for discussing/complaining about specific moderator actions - rather, it can continue to be utilized to comment on CPF discussion & moderation style in a general sense. :)
Best regards,
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2012
Southern California
I love CPF. I get to learn about state of the art new lights by big manufacturers AND ahead of "state of the art" by custom builders and modders. By my own admission I typically do not care for social media, but love to hear both sides of opinions on the above mentioned lights, and also about battery technology. I recently joined another forum to take advantage of some awesome group buys. Without wishing to denigrate into "what's wrong" with another site, let it to suffice it to say I believe this forum to be well moderated. As a newbie here on CPF, I broke several rules inadvertently (Hint: if you are new, read the big "NOTICE"s at the top of the page). Instead of being "shut down", I was directed to the rules I unknowingly broke. Within a very short time, I was clear on how things work. The moderators and Greta do a phenomenal job of provide a hazard free forum, allowing free speech, but not allowing personal attacks or trolling. As changes have been made (i.e. The closing of the original marketplace, the transition to Panjo and back, it has always felt apparent to me that things were being done for the good of the community). Thanks to all who keep this a safe place to buy or sell but mostly a place to learn...


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
Content removed by admin:

Please use PM or The Undergound for personal instance rants - Empath
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