Did you feel good about the "Lost" finale? (Spoilers, of course!)


Nov 5, 2005
I think they should have shown a stargate down inside the light tunnel. Then we could have tied it in with all the possibilities of SG-1, SG-Atlantis to explain the structures and magic powers.

I would have ended the episode with Daniel Jackson and Teal'c coming out of the light cave, dragging the man in black in electrostatic bonds.

It would all have made perfect sense.


Jun 7, 2002
Indiana, U.S.A.

that's great. really.

alternative ending to Lost: after the dude with the dog dies, a voice can be heard saying, "Computer, end program." ......... then you see Seven of Nine walking toward the holodeck door.


Sep 13, 2004
Why do I say that? Put simply, much has been made in the popular culture about the "observer" needed to collapse the waveform - but this is just the problem of translating concepts into common language that I referred to earlier. What they are talking about in the act of "observing" is in fact measurement - which means interacting with the particle/wave in question (and thus bringing in issues of complimentary, entanglement, etc.)

I'm an admitted Layman who finds this stuff facinating so please no flaming for missing something here, but your saying the measurement if affected by interacting with the particle/wave doesn't explain the change in wave state does it? I'm only asking because I thought the whole idea behind the "Delayed choice quantum eraser" was to prove that observation was not changing the effect, but the knowing of the results of the measurement was.

With the Delayed choice quantum eraser they measure regardless, but whether the resultant pattern is that of a particle or wave is dependant not on measuring, but on whether or not they "destroy" the results?
This is also suppost to be proving the uncertaintly principle or whatever. I was watching a facinating leacture (youtube :p) given in india where is said it's not a limitation on the measuring equipment, but a limitation imposed by physics. You just can't "know".

"The results, reported this week in Science, prove that the photon does not decide whether to behave like a particle or a wave when it hits the first beam splitter, Roch says. Rather, the experimenter decides only later, when he decides whether to put in the second beam splitter. In a sense, at that moment, he chooses his reality."


Again please don't shoot me if I'm missing something here... that's excatly why I'm asking the question. However it was the delayed choice quantum eraser that made it seem so weird, and thus interesting. :)
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May 27, 2006
With the Delayed choice quantum eraser they measure regardless, but whether the resultant pattern is that of a particle or wave is dependant not on measuring, but on whether or not they "destroy" the results? This is also suppost to be proving the uncertaintly principle or whatever. I was watching a facinating leacture (youtube :p) given in india where is said it's not a limitation on the measuring equipment, but a limitation imposed by physics. You just can't "know".
Don't worry - no shooting. :)

It's been awhile since I've gone through all the details on this (over a decade in fact), so I'm not in a position to offer an opinion on that experiment. But in general, I have to say I really enjoy creative dual-slit/beam-splitter style experiments like this - they are really the source underlying all this theoretical stuff. Give me a good experiment any day ... but take all the proposed interpretations with a big grain of quantum salt, especially when they try to generalize too far.

BTW. on the topic of Lost, I just saw the Target Lost-theme commercial spots that during the show. We didn't get to see them in Canada, but thanks to YouTube ... ;)


Pretty good .... I'll miss the show now that it's done. Looking forward to the extras on the blu-ray when it comes out.