End of Times - What flashlights will you bring?


Mar 4, 2009
West Michigan
What a silly thread. Light up that flashlight, you may see a small flash from a flash suppressor.
First aid kit
Firepower, and lots of it.

This made me laugh. I pictured you reading this thread and wondering why flashlights are the only thing most of us are worried about stocking up for such a catastrophic event. Clearly, there are many more essentials needed before worrying about a light. But, that's the beauty of preparing before hand.

I don't think that ANYONE responding to this thread would immediately look for a flashlight after a nuke goes off. the fact of the matter is, you will need a flashlight to see in the dark. If it was a nuke that went off, it could be completely dark for 2 weeks straight. I imagine you sitting in your shelter holding onto you "firepower" and not being able to see your hand in front of your face. So, here is your new list I have made for you....
First aid kit
Firepower, and lots of it.
flashlight and batteries
dynamo radio (so you know when the coast is clear, or where to go to get help)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 20, 2009
We kind of already discussed EMP awhile back... It is possible to shield from the effects of EMP. Jslappa discussed one that he apparently learned in the armed forces, but, from my research, conventional wisdom seems to favor placing (back up's) electronic devices in metal containers that are insulated internally (ie: foam, cardboard lining), and protected from grounding.

Also, because lights are generally very short, theoretically the induced current upon a small metal cylinder would be harmless. But rechareable batteries would be a problem after a while.

black kamagong

Newly Enlightened
Mar 22, 2007
Wow, when i first started this thread I didnt expect it to reach 5 pages but I was HOPING for it!:) Thanks guys:thumbsup:

Yeah I think essentials are

Food and water

Saw the Jet III M torture test, wonder if it can survive a nuke if the flashlight is around 1 or 2 miles out of ground zero:thinking:


Apr 10, 2006
My list of essentials would be:

1 .45 automatic

2 boxes of ammunition

4 days' concentrated emergency rations

1 drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills

1 miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible

100 dollars in rubles

100 dollars in gold

9 packs of chewing gum

1 issue of prophylactics

3 lipsticks

3 pairs of nylon stockings


Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
I agree that flashlights will be one of the last priorities long term, but they're still nice to have. Here's my list of essentials:
car with full gas tank
large internal frame backpack
movable shelter for all weather conditions-4 season tent
sleeping mat
warm down sleeping bag
warm clothes and jacket
durable fire starter that lasts and is impervious to cold- Blastmatch or Strikeforce (both by Ultimate Survival-other big flint and steel tools will work but you need one that doesn't dull your knife)
Stove and cook kit (Sierra Zip Stove and titanium pot, silverware, cup, bowl)
water purification devices-Katadyn Pocket Water Filter(13,000 gallons per filter), Steripen (2,000 gallons-using a lot of batteries), Katadyn Carbon Cartridge (to get the chemicals out of the water) (You need to be able to purify water as it will be like the dark ages, only worse. Waste and sewage will get into the ground water. Fallout will poison the water, and boiling it will concentrate the radiation. Biological weapons will cause more deadly bacteria and viruses to get into the water.)
food (for bugging in until things settle down some:canned food, buckets of rice and beans, cereal, granola, energy bars, trail mix, just add water and maybe cook mixes like pancake mix, powdered milk, freeze dried eggs, mashed potatoes (powdered) and powdered gravy, etc.)(for bugging out to get to better location with more supplies, friends: freeze dried food).
hunting knife
solar battery charger (foldable or rollable) and rechargeable batteries
DC powered battery charger (ran off of car battery)
gun and lots of ammo (for getting more food and protecting what you have)
Freeplay AM/FM/weather radio (you need to know where bombs struck, where roadblocks are, where civilization is so you can go to it or avoid it depending on your situation, where you can obtain supplies, and when the next storm is coming)
large first aid kit with medications and potassium iodide pills
toothbrush/toothpaste/floss (Take care of your teeth. With no dentists, an abscessed tooth will make you wish you were dead.)
good l.e.d. flashlight (Fenix L2D Q5) with lots of spare batteries

Did I miss anything?
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 22, 2006
Buckinghamshire, UK
My list of essentials would be:

1 .45 automatic

2 boxes of ammunition

4 days' concentrated emergency rations

1 drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills

1 miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible

100 dollars in rubles

100 dollars in gold

9 packs of chewing gum

1 issue of prophylactics

3 lipsticks

3 pairs of nylon stockings


I'll add this DVD to my B O B!! I can't think of a better film to watch as the faecal matter is in collision with the spinny shiny turny things.

Might need to save all those bodily fluids too!

And some cigars.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2009
close to U.N.A.
What are the uses for lipstick?:thinking::)

Ra clicky
muyshondt mako

in my bag 6 cr123 batteries
a few lithium AAAs

my mother has my G.I.U. And Mag 3D so she is ok :).

My list of essentials would be:

1 .45 automatic

2 boxes of ammunition

4 days' concentrated emergency rations

1 drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills

1 miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible

100 dollars in rubles

100 dollars in gold

9 packs of chewing gum

1 issue of prophylactics

3 lipsticks

3 pairs of nylon stockings



Dec 17, 2009
Quark 123^2 Turbo, Ra Clicky 170, Surefire LX2 and some dive light..... just in case.........


Jul 7, 2009
I think I'll just grab a couple ammo cans with ~500rds .223 and my Mini (still waiting on my Striker...) and my solar charger with AAA/AA capabilities, my TK20 and several others. I've got more than one tricks up my sleeve for this issue, the mention of $1800+ weapons like the Striker are only ones that I let people know about, lol. The trick is to be modest, or be robbed.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2008
What are the uses for lipstick?:thinking::)

One of the most important pieces of any survival situation is not simply having the means to survive, it's having a reason to live. Enough said. :laughing:


Newly Enlightened
Oct 19, 2007
I recently bought an RA twisty with red low here on the sales forum, and like it very much. Its probably at the top of my list of lights to have in my pocket in a disaster. It just seems a VERY tough light. It can do everything from throw to run for many hours on low.
But I just got back from a car camping trip and the light I used the most was a CMG Infinity Ultra. The RA Twisty remained in my pocket for emergency use but the CMG was enough light to find my AM radio in the tent... or even set up the tent. I can change a car tire with it. I can even walk in the woods with it as long as I don't have to see too far.
I have a stockpile of Infinity Ultras. A bunch of them still in their packaging.:) I also have about 5 of the military version.... a few Gerbers (which I do not like as well)... and one Arc AA.
I have a couple Arc AAA's too and one Fenix EO1.
I have 40 or so lithium AA's....a bunch of eneloops and a solar charger.
The stockpile of alkaline AA's wavers from high to low depending on what toy the kids are playing with at the time.
I do have one brick of Duracells in a locked closet that they cant access.

I doubt I'd need a flame thrower of a light all that often in a collapse type of event. A "task light" that will run for a very long time and use a battery that I can charge in a solar charger is what I think I would want.
Several of the Gerber lights have RED LEDs. This might be important if you don't want to attract attention to the fact that you have a light that works. (The RA Twisty has the RED low too.) I have tried the RED lights at night and they do not give you away as easily as a white version at a distance. As for EMP, I have many of the lights stored in locations that should not be effected by EMP just incase.:tinfoil:

I have a Surefire forend on an 870.(its an incan that I need to upgrade)

I need to get an LED light for the Glock 17rtf.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 2, 2010
Looking at this thread, I am gonna have to do some light shopping. All I have is a couple of LCD Mags.
So, as of right now it would have to be those, my Glock 30, and my Kershaw Leek (I know its not the most tactical of knives but its the best I got right now).
It is Fathers Day......maybe I should angle for a Fenix LD20 Or a Quark AA2 Tac. :grin2:


Newly Enlightened
Jun 15, 2010
no point, after two or less than two days, i will run out of batteries.

that's why we wait for an atom use torch.


Aug 8, 2009
Since these type of threads about end of times and nuclear winter seem to turn into discussions about guns, ammo, bunkers and survival gear, I'll go ahead and say it: you don't need to bring anything but the firepower to TAKE what you need. :xyxgun:

Also on my list is Danica Patrick for company.:devil: