Help me find a Neutral AAA keychain light. Please.


Newly Enlightened
Nov 18, 2007
So, I missed the opportunity to get a Revo with a neutral XPG, and am looking for something similar. I'm not really sure I want an XPG emitter due to the wide beam shape. An XPE would be best i think.

If we are not getting a neutral XPE Revo, then what options are there?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 18, 2007
Thanks to the suggestions, that are for now lost due to the server problem, I purchased an EagleTac PN20a. I love the tint, and am getting used to the looks of the light. Although honestly it resides in my pocket so much, I don't hardly notice what it looks like. Once its in my pocket I don't even notice its there.

I am a bit disappointed in the runtime on Turbo, only about 30 min with a duraloop. I guess I can't complain too much since it is pretty bright with only an AAA. And, I still get 4.5 hrs. from the general mode, which has a usable amount of light.

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