I think I just found a grave in my yard...! {w/PICs}

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Spider's eyes seem to reflect light more like cat's eyes, maybe something to do with their superior night vision, but don't appear as forgiving as a retroflective street marker. It seems the farther away from your eyes that you hold your light, the greater the angle back to your own eyes, the less bright the glint appears in their eyes, and the harder it is to see and find them.

Dunu how it works, just that it does, and my kids get a big kick out of it. We can find literally hundreds of spiders in our yard and shrubs this way … its kinda creepy to actually see how many there are out there, that you're blissfully wading through all the time. What if they got tired of being constantly stepped on, joined forces into a single body and mind, with thousands of tiny glittering eyes, all bound together by that stronger than steel silk of theirs, and their collective hatred for mankind …

BTW, this works a lot better when it's dry out, otherwise you'll see reflections off each dewdrop and think the spiders have landed an expeditionary force on your lawn. Surprisingly, you can still find spiders under these conditions, it's just harder when they've called down the rains … so they can mount their attack … under cover of so many decoys …
to tnuckels --

Thanks for the Spider tip.

Hafta' try that one !


(oh, but what if they're facing the opposite direction ?) :eeksign:

You can have my gold when you can pry them off my cold............wait.

Who would have thought an old pumphouse, a personal burial plot (or, perhaps, vandalized headstone), and a "cave" would have caused so much interest. I'll admit...it sucked me in. Especially when you consider all the other little "things" in this area. Very intriguing.

You know, my wife has been telling me since I met her 3+ years ago that she has been visited by ghosts. To be 100% honest, I thought she was just a touch of nuts. :whistle:

Then, a few months ago, we had a friend from our old home state visiting. He was equally skeptical of her claims of seeing ghosts. We were sitting in the living room talking one night, TV off, A/C off, all windows/doors closed. All of a sudden I felt a very, very cold draft on my spine. At that moment, my wife and our friend also sat straight up, and the cat (who was sitting near our bar) darted into the bedroom (the cat actually took off a second before the chill, so we know it wasn't our movement that scared her off). I saw a woman standing next to the bar (where the cat was) in a blue and white dress. She was gone fairly quickly. I stepped outside for a cigarette, and my friend came along. My wife went to the restroom. I was in shock, and I said to my buddy, "You're probably going to think I'm crazy, but..." and he said, "Did you see her, too?" I said, "Yes." He replied, "Blue and white dress, next to the bar?" Wow... I told him not to mention it to my wife, as she is terrified of the ghosts she sees. He agreed. A few minutes later she came out onto the patio. "So, did you guys see her, too? Wearing a blue and white dress? Next to the bar? Chill on your spine, right when the cat took off?"

Ever since then, I don't make fun of my wife when she claims to have been visited, and I'm a lot more interested in stuff like this. Especially that road where the "whatevers" attack cars....fascinating story. Thanks for sharing, PB!!
to KentuckyMike --

Thank you for sharing that with us.

Very interesting thread we have here. :candle:

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