Maglite are coming out with new LED!!!


Jul 18, 2004
actually it was delivered by Pony Express:grin2:

Good thing the OP can read cuneiform and the Pony Express didn't break the clay tablets.

Or was it Nostradamus or the Maya who predicted Mag would use Cree LED's by 2012?


Aug 3, 2007
North Texas
I hope we are all wrong though. Wouldn't it be nice for mag to do something revolutionary and completely revamp the entire light. They haven't always been so behind the times. Oh well, maybe its wishful thinking, but I think everyone that says anything bad about the mag is secretly wishing for the same thing.


Apr 29, 2006
Central Florida, USA
I can see where this thread is going :whistle:
although it might offend users who secretly may be mag instrument employees, it serves as entertainment quite well:rolleyes:

lets go back on serious business [pfft, what serious business...], by NewBie's technical thread the current magLED is very very poor in terms of efficiency, partially because of the current sense resistor adding thermal load to the wee heatsink.
I think if Mag knows whats best, they'd go back to luxIs [as it appears to have comparable output anyway] driven at less than spec current where its more efficient, then kill the price down to something worthy of being bought.

c'mon folks, mags aren't THAT outdated. the two major possibilities would be the K2 or Seoul....though I wouldn't be surprised mag sent the info to get us excited then comes out with a switch to pump retrofit kit, a 2+D sized kerosene tank, and a bezel retrofit kit with a place to attach a mantle to:crackup:

now until someone found stone tablets saying otherwise...I think we'll go with the speculation from there:D


Jun 10, 2006
concord, ca - eastbay - US
You know this thread reminds me of big blue versus MS......:shrug:

If they don't improve they will become the big blue of the world.

They will still be there and some will swear by them, but it will never be for me.




Aug 19, 2006
Okay, I'll add something constructive now. :)

One thing I've noticed is that you see a lot of Mag lights near registers at hardware stores. I'd bet anything that their market research has found the highest price point possible that will still allow a large number of people to see the light and think, "hmm, I guess I could use another flashlight for the boat/toolbox/kitchen drawer/night stand".

A company like Mag has numbers on everything, and it very well may be that a $10 increase in price would lead to a huge drop in sales. I guarantee that their engineering people have come up with some pretty cool lights, but that the numbers don't seem to work.

Hopefully the new crop of LEDs will allow them to create a much better light while staying at the same price. A 'D' cell light with a Cree would be great emergency light. Or a AA Cree light ... or really any light with a Cree.


Jun 19, 2007
Huntsville, AL
What I find suspicious is that for their first upgrade to LED's, they just added the new line in stores, alongside the existing incan line. This time for some strange reason, they seem to be clearing out all old stock, incans and LED's included. In most stores around here, there are now only incan MiniMags, and maybe a few 3D MagLED's and 3AAA MagLED's. All the old Mag pegs are bare, but not filled up with other brands yet. Maybe we will all be surprised with an entirely new product line, or even an LED only shift in all of their products!! :faint:

Well, a guy can dream can't he?? :popcorn:


Jun 10, 2007
Mesa, AZ
What I find suspicious is that for their first upgrade to LED's, they just added the new line in stores, alongside the existing incan line. This time for some strange reason, they seem to be clearing out all old stock, incans and LED's included. In most stores around here, there are now only incan MiniMags, and maybe a few 3D MagLED's and 3AAA MagLED's. All the old Mag pegs are bare, but not filled up with other brands yet. Maybe we will all be surprised with an entirely new product line, or even an LED only shift in all of their products!! :faint:

Well, a guy can dream can't he?? :popcorn:
I go to Lowes and Home Depot and Wal Mart on a pretty regular basis and always check the flashlight section and I have not seen any change in the level of stock they have on hand. And when I e-mailed Mag Instrument asking about new products coming out they were very tight-lipped. I believe they said something along the lines of "Always researching new technology but could not comment on future products." And I never received the e-mail that the original poster said he did. I would love to see a copy of that e-mail posted here, word-for-word. Somehow I doubt they would send a teaser e-mail like that to the public. Maybe to a big distributor or major dealer they might (I have no idea if the original poster is a dist./dealer).

We can hope they come out with something cool, but I'm not going to save up extra $$ waiting for it.
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Moderator, *Mammoth Killer*
Nov 13, 2003
Birmingham Al.
I have to say I like many others was very dissapointed with Mags entry into the luxeon market. I also realize I am looking at the light from a flashaholics point of view and judged the light more harshly than the average customer.

I am curious if our forum has any effect at all on Mag it possible than anyone higher up in Mag even reads our board? I know that we are a very small part of Mags customer base however we surely must be the most hard to please. While being the hardest to please may be a bad thing it would do Mag well to at least listen to many of our members complaints as I have seen some average lights made much better from very simple changes.

One member said it so right in saying Mag makes a very good host for a Luxeon but makes a terrible Luxeon Light. Maybe just maybe they were reading all of the negative feedback and decided to release a much improved product. Honestly I doubt it however again I am cheering for them to offer something nice that we can all go to our local WalMart and pick up.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 26, 2005
Sol 3
For the big company like Mag. A renew entire production line action would normally take a few months to a year.
If the heatsink :devil: could be made by me, sure they can make it better.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 4, 2007
I kinda like Maglites. I bought a 4D MagLed a month or two ago. Works great. Yeah, my two malkoffs are brighter, but the MagLed runs in regulation for 44 hours. It dims as it warms up, but not that much. When it cools off it's bright again. Don't like it ? Throw in a Terralux. What's the big deal ? People are replacing the Surefire lightengines with Malkoffs too. Do Surefires s*ck ?
No, don't go there. :devil:

I'm just hoping they don't obsolete all our great mods with a new package that doesn't have any oomph.
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Aug 19, 2006
I say forget about the hopes for a better LED. I just want the package to say, "Caution, this light will start fires". Then we'll know they finally made it as bright as it can be.


Feb 13, 2007
Judging by the results, I'd say no.


I don't think maglite is capable of making any LED change that would effect or impress me. I already have the best LEDs in my lights. It's interesting to see them incorporate 2 or 3 year old LED technology and then sell them by the millions. They may not be CPF certified, but they're not stupid either....that's for sure.

NA8 It dims as it warms up, but not that much.

The stock Magled dims by roughly 50% at full temperature. It's just hard for the eye to see it. Nothing at all wrong with long run-time though.
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