Monthly budget for lights?

This (flashaholism) is actually one of the "best" addictions to have. For example, overeating causes obesity, smoking - cancer, drinking - cirrhosis, drugs will kill you eventually and make you lose your job, hookers gets you AIDS, and lots of buying junky stuff addictions just saps your account dry. Flashlights, especially if you buy the higher end ones, ironically, satisfies the nucleus accumbens without all the risks named above AND if you own the good lights, you know it's common to not lose money when you sell. Therefore, I buy a light whenever I want since I don't drink, smoke, overeat, gamble, do drugs, visit hookers, or buy much other junky stuff that depreciates.
No comment on budget - LOL. Although I haven't been purchasing many lights lately even with the considerable amount of awesome customs popping up in the MP forums.
What works well for my wife and I is that we have a set allowance that accumulates each month. We're free to spend it on whatever we want, no questions asked, and no permission required. If we want for something larger, then we're both expected to save for however long until we have enough banked to pay for it. In my wife's case, that'll probably mean she'll be ordering an iphone 7 in the very near future. Me, I'll likely be saving to fund an HTC Vive purchase later on in the year, assuming I can ever get clear of this place for a while. :D

To make it easier to manage, I set up an app called left to spend on both of our phones. It's really dumb, but it works well enough; you tell it your daily allowance and it that quietly just adds to your balance on a daily basis. When either of us buys something, we just subtract that amount from the balance indicated. I can't remember what I used to use when I was on Android, but it was something similar.

This system has worked well for several years now. There's no guilt about treating myself or the kids, and having a small pot of mad money each month has worked well in terms of keeping splurging to a minimum.
What works well for my wife and I is that we have a set allowance that accumulates each month. We're free to spend it on whatever we want, no questions asked, and no permission required. If we want for something larger, then we're both expected to save for however long until we have enough banked to pay for it. In my wife's case, that'll probably mean she'll be ordering an iphone 7 in the very near future. Me, I'll likely be saving to fund an HTC Vive purchase later on in the year, assuming I can ever get clear of this place for a while. :D

To make it easier to manage, I set up an app called left to spend on both of our phones. It's really dumb, but it works well enough; you tell it your daily allowance and it that quietly just adds to your balance on a daily basis. When either of us buys something, we just subtract that amount from the balance indicated. I can't remember what I used to use when I was on Android, but it was something similar.

This system has worked well for several years now. There's no guilt about treating myself or the kids, and having a small pot of mad money each month has worked well in terms of keeping splurging to a minimum.

This only works with a reasonable wife.
No real budget for me either. But I'm really patient. But when I see sales/group buys..makes it hard to resist. When lights are discounted to less than $20-30, I'm really inclined to pick one up if there isn't too much overlap and something I want to try.
I don't really spend on an ongoing basis. Rather buy a few lights at a time and make them last for a couple of years. Works for me!
Do you guys have a monthly budget for lights? If so, how much, and how did you decide on that amount? Thanks!

I buy it if I want it and have the money. If I don't have the money I don't buy it.

I have spent as much as 2 grand in a month after working a bunch of overtime and paying off some debt.

But typically it's maybe a couple hundred max per month... when I have the extra dough.