Multi Modes Can Be Fun, BUT How Important?

You use a flashlight to read menus in restaurants?

They don't have lamp fixtures in Canada?:crazy: Sounds more like a night club than a restaurant if you need a light for the menu. :/
My eyesight is poor.

It is funny that cheap places like MacDonalds are very well lit, but the more expensive the restaurant the darker the ambiance. The more they charge the less money left for the electrical bill !!!

I was at a remembrance day concert (11 Nov). A poem normally recited was sung by a soprano. I tried to follow the words on the programme. My L0P-SE Luxeon low level was too bright.
You use a flashlight to read menus in restaurants?

They don't have lamp fixtures in Canada?:crazy: Sounds more like a night club than a restaurant if you need a light for the menu. :/

+1 for using a light to read a menu as well.In Berlin many of my favorite eating places have nice mood lighting so a little extra help from a nice torch on a low low mode always does the trick without bothering other diners.:thumbsup:
In my humble opinion not having multiple modes in a hundred-lumens+ flashlight is a waste of usability. I like to have at least 3 modes, and I very much prefer lights like the HDS clicky with more and user-programmable modes.
Depends on the light's purpose.

On-duty I have my Malkoff MD2 on my belt. It gets me tons of light, fast. No fumbling around with extra modes and what not.

I also carry my 4Sevens Preon clipped to my pocket (soon to be a ZL SC30 :naughty: ). The low-low is good for use around station, like getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night without waking up my partner :sssh:.

I'm really looking forward to the SC30 for having quick access to both my High and low-low modes without having to shuffle through a bunch of modes I don't want. What's the point of a low if you have to flash the high first to get it?

I doubt the MD2 will leave my belt, though.
Hi Belstaff1464- I did look at the Elzetta online but went with the MD2. Glad to hear you like it. I believe it's well received. I like the look of the MD2 more IIRC but I'll have to look at them again. Thanks.

I was thinking of getting the MD2 but ordered the Elzetta with the Hi/Lo switch......It's built like a tank, takes Malkoff drop-ins, made in US, has momentary, 2 stage, and it's cheaper than a MD2. High is 235Lumens and lo is around 15lumens IIRC.
Hi Belstaff1464- I did look at the Elzetta online but went with the MD2. Glad to hear you like it. I believe it's well received. I like the look of the MD2 more IIRC but I'll have to look at them again. Thanks.

The MD2 is on my "to get" list......I'm just waiting for the orange Cerakoted ones to be available again........with the Hi/Lo ring, of course.
It depends.

For example, beacon mode can be used to find your car at night in a big parking lot (obviously you leave the flashlight inside the vehicle).

Strobe can very effectively signal someone in daylight in a sports stadium or across a soccer field.

Low level is perfect for blackouts.

Ideally there would be a button to press for each mode because cycling through all the modes you don't want at the moment will make you crazy. (Trust me.)
A sigle model is not convenient ,sometimes and someplaces we need different models .We have to buy several lights if we use sigle model
Depends on the light's purpose.

On-duty I have my Malkoff MD2 on my belt. It gets me tons of light, fast. No fumbling around with extra modes and what not.

I also carry my 4Sevens Preon clipped to my pocket (soon to be a ZL SC30 :naughty: ). The low-low is good for use around station, like getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night without waking up my partner :sssh:.

I'm really looking forward to the SC30 for having quick access to both my High and low-low modes without having to shuffle through a bunch of modes I don't want. What's the point of a low if you have to flash the high first to get it?

I doubt the MD2 will leave my belt, though.
In general ,non-Flashaholics would't to buy different flashlights for different use conditions ,people would to do this are Flashaholics .
I shouldn't have to carry around 5 different lights for 5 different brightnesses. Of course multi-mode!
In general ,non-Flashaholics would't to buy different flashlights for different use conditions ,people would to do this are Flashaholics .

Point, and non-flashaholics generally won't have multi-mode flashlights either. They also tend to think maglites are the best in the world...
I love single-mode flashlights! . . . But my back-up light is always a multi-mode model. Just in case of a natural disaster or a blackout, runtime could become more important. There are times when bright-as-Hell output is too much.

Imagine trying to check on a malfunctioning back-up generator with a 200 lumen, single-output only, light.

That's when it's time to break out the Nitecore EZ AA, iTP EOS A3, Fenix LD 01, or a Photon Freedom.
in the war we had one small angled light torch

it was a piece of you know what!!!

you don need that kind of thigs!

remember: option = good; commies + fascism = bad.

in russia they had 1 bread for the people, in the us they had 22.


It's the other way round for me. Where's the "fun" in having to carry or switch to another light just because its too darn bright(or weak) for the purpose that you need it for. :)

The best response in my opinion.
Multi modes are important when you want get the "right light" for the right task and preserve the battery.
Multi modes are important when you want get the "right light" for the right task and preserve the battery.

By the way, and not that it really matters, but you just made your 10th post, and just taking a wild guess, you joined on the 10th?

Welcome to CPF. :welcome:

Indeed, my user id is the date i registered on the forum.

And btw i'm not even realized I've made 10th post not before read your post :)

Thanks for the warm welcome
Multimode? Absolutely yes for me. As ever, it's a case of the right tools for the job and single mode has it's use, but I do like to have the option of matching the light level to the use and in extreme cases, being able to stretch out the battery life. If you want to attach the need to a class then for me it's a must for EDC. Smaller lights intended for pocket EDC probably benefit the most in terms of flexibility compared to size. After all, it's why I also pocket EDC a small Leatherman instead of a pair of plier, scissors, set of screw drivers, a knife, a file, a bottle opener, an awl...

How many modes? I find three a good balance for me. I've just bought a 3 mode Veleno LED dropin for my E2e and find the versatility a godsend which has basically given my light a new lease of life, and made it my preferred EDC now. I can also live with two modes provided the low mode is a good deal lower (say 20% or less of the high mode). My Nitecore Extreme fits the bill nicely as the second mode is user defined. All I ask of a multimode is that the 'disco' lights cannot be accessed accidently.
I've re-discovered the single mode flashlight. Is there any significant need for more?
Of course,Multi Modes has important signficant,we need different lumens in different places.You need to buy several flashlights if you use sigle flashlight,but non-Flashaholic wouldn't do this .So,buy a Multi Modes flashlight should be more suitable to them .Very glad to come to CPF:)