The CPF logo...

And right before my eyes too! Tripped me out!

Merry Christmas ya'll! :santa:
With all due respect, after the holidays. it really could use a redesign. Perhaps a contest. . .
I like the holiday motif. I'm kinda ambivalent about the logo in general. It's served us well for a long time and could probably stand some updating, but on the other hand there's all those embroidered goods out there with the current logo...
By all means post suggestions for alternative CPF logos. I'm sure that CPF Staff can take a look to see whether or not they are any good.

Personally since I've got a CPF baseball cap I don't have any desire to have the logo changed...
Perhaps if everybody purchased CPF logo gear we'd all feel more attached to our logo?
I have a CPF rat pad (or rat mat for those of you in the UK), a CPF hat, and several CPF shirts...I for one would be rather saddened to have them go obsolete.
The_LED_Museum said:
I have a CPF rat pad (or rat mat for those of you in the UK), a CPF hat, and several CPF shirts...I for one would be rather saddened to have them go obsolete.

I don't think they would necessarily go obsolete, but rather become classics. Companies change their logos to usher in new designs or markets. I also am in favor of a new logo. The blue pill logo is ok, but doesn't really say "flashlights" to me. If I were not familiar with our forum and saw someone wearing a CPF t-shirt, I would not have any idea what it represented. A guy that is into candles? With all the creative ideas that were posted for the SPY 005 light, I'm sure one of the more artistic members here could come up with a great design. I'll even go so far to buy the winner a t-shirt and coffee cup for the new adopted design. I'm sure we could still have the other design on the Cafe Press site, but also add the new logo as well.

So, what do the admins think? If we are willing to update the logo, the winning designer will get a t-shirt and coffee cup for them purchased by me. Thanks for the consideration,

Don't you dare touching that logo guys!
It has identity, it is us. You don't mess with history when it crosses your path :D

Or do you see Mercedes change their logo very often?

Kiessling said:
Don't you dare touching that logo guys!
It has identity, it is us. You don't mess with history when it crosses your path :D

Or do you see Mercedes change their logo very often?

Bernie, yes. But Mercedes logo does stand the test of time, just as does that of the New York Times for example. The CPF logo is worthy effort and I don't want to rain on anyone's parade. But, it looks dated already with a Photoshop filter-happy look. True that design and logos are subjective but if you showed this to 10 professional designers, respectfully, the logo wouldn't get enough positive feedback. It doesn't look totally professional. Sorry to be frank, and I understand that good care and creativity went into it.
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Hey onthebeam ... I was only half-serious :D :D

Seriously though I think consistency is an important factor, and the logo makes me and I guess a lot of those who have been here a certain time feel at home, professional looking or not, I do not care.

I am always open to suggestions about a face-lift, but I doubt it will be well-received by the long-term members. Feel free to try though, no harm done!

Don`t forget, that it is not the original logo. That would be this one:


Not really an original design either, but rather just personalising things - I designed that one based on the standard "Ultimate Bulletin Board" image that was there before. And that one might have been based on some other public domain graphic that has been around for who knows how long? I`m sure I saw that exact "glass pill" design elsewhere once.

Sorry guys (and gals) but I've thought that logo needed to go from my first day here.
Like RadarGreg said, it just doesn't say flashlights to me.