Thrunite Archer 1A V3 vs Nitecore MT1A


Jan 8, 2017
So I am new to the forum, but I have been reading up on a few things here for the past month or so. Until yesterday i owned just a fenix LD01, which I use regularly and like alot. But I recently came across about 15 NiMh AA batteries from by RC days, and decided to try and revive them. Well, they seem to be recovering decently, so I needad a place to use them, so what better than a second flashlight. I was pretty well set on buying a Thrunite Archer 1A, but some how (must have been tired and not thinking clearly) bought a Nitecore MT1A. I received it yesterday, and have been using it for the past day. Not crazy about cycling through the flasihng modes, but not sure this is a deal breaker yet. I have seen some negative things about the Archer side switch.

Based on the little I know about flashlights in general, and these two lights in particular, I was hoping to hear from folks that had used both. I have read a fair number of reviews for both, but no direct comparisons yet.

As far as how I use the lights, right now it is for lights on night walks with my wife in general. But I did find myself in a cave today and it was very handy to whip out the MT1A, attach it to the bill of my cap, and proceed hands free into the cave. The simple twist to boost mode was nice also.

thanks, Matt

PS, I posed here in the budget light forum as I did not see much talk about either of these lights here, and based on my perception of how much folks spend on this hobby I suspect these are "budget" lights.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 28, 2015
Vilnius, Lithuania
Archer's side switch is OK. A plus is having NW tint as well. But there are a couple of minor minuses: protected 14500 cells are too long and don't fit (never use this, 180 lm from NiMH is more than enough); the tail switch is super reliable, but its sound... reminds a dry striker release :) Doesn't fit silent environments.
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Jan 8, 2017
I do like the silence of my LD01 at times, seems like the side switch on the archer would be quiet. Li-ion support is not important to me (yet. . .). In general I am all about function, quality and price.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 11, 2016
I have not had any reliability issues with the side button on my v2 Archer. I personally like the tail-switch + mode button interface, but that's purely a matter of my own preference. The side button makes a very faint click when pressed. Hidden strobe mode is good, too (edit - as in I don't use the strobe, so hiding the function keeps it from annoying me).

The mode spacing between medium and high is not very remarkable with NiMH batteries. The Archer mode spacing makes much more sense with a 14500 battery. I didn't have trouble fitting a protected 14500 in my v2. I hadn't heard that the v3 was different.

Since you've got the MT1A and like most of its function, and the mode spacings are a bit more logical for the batteries you have, it doesn't sound like there's much reason to get the Archer.
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Jan 8, 2017
Thanks for the feedback iamlucky13. I think the small step between med and high was part of why I tricked myself into buying the MT1A. But in reality even the difference between 50 and 180 on the nitecore is not that great with NiMh batteries. I have been liking the UI less on the nitecore, as it is pretty easy to change light levels when partially depressing the rear switch, then you need to cycle through 5 modes, including two blinky modes, to get back. I do like being able to cycle through the modes with one switch, but not having to do it regularly. The archer mode switching seems like it would be improved for my tastes.

So I decided to try the Archer 1A V3 NW, to see what the neutral light is like, and I am also curious to see how bright the firefly mode is. I am figuring (hoping) I can sell which ever light is my least favorite.


Jan 8, 2017
Ok, my Archer 1A came today. I will provide a bit of comparison and some observations. Definitely nothing ground breaking here, but here it goes.

Comparing a Thrunite Archer 1A V3 NW and a Nitecore MT1A. Part of what I wanted to check out and thought would be good about the archer is the firefly mode. I am not disappointed. I like this very low level. Moving up in modes and comparing ones that are around the same lumens, i find the either little difference, or that the archer performs better for me. More of a flood, where the MT1A is more of a spot. I like the NW hue. I will say on max mode, the Nitecore will put out what appears to be a brighter light, but I suspect that is mostly due to the spot. I will use my light at fairly short distances, and the bigger beam of the archer is more pleasing to the eye. I also found one other interesting thing about the MT1A. I bought the 1A type light as I have a bunch of old nimh batteries I am trying to recover. I thought the lights would make a good load for discharge, and hey, who doesn't need another light around . . . ;-). With the batteries I have, there is very little difference between high (55 lumens) and turbo (180 lumens). I do find with the same batteries there is a very noticable difference between the archer medium (75 lumens) and high (200 lumens).

So I put a brand new alkaline in the MT1A, and I do see a much more noticable difference in the output with this battery. I guess for some reason the light does not like my older batteries, which i realize are a bit suspect. But, the archer handles them just fine. For how long, that I don't know yet. I definitely like not having to cycle through the strobe mode on the archer. There is a strobe if I want it, but it gets turned on only when I need it (likely never), rather then every time around the lumens loop with the MT1A. Also changing levels is much easier on the archer. I have not dialed in finding the side switch as easily as I like when just grabbing the light, but so far that is the only downside I see. Glad I bought the archer, now time to find someone who would like a slightly used MT1A for $25 shipped . . .Matt
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Jan 8, 2017
I had a bit of trouble with my Archer 1A recently. It took a couple of tumbles and started working intermittently, especially at higher lumens. I removed the head of the light and put it back on, now it works normally. I found that overtightening the head causes is to not work as well, so I will need to figure out how to rethread lock it without some DIY materials.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
A small piece or two of alluminum foil in the threads makes a fine thread over sizer. The best part is it is temporary if you ever need to take it apart.
I've done it with a number of non working lights that had glued on heads.

After getting it going I'd place pencil eraser sized pieces of foil over the male threads cemented down with something like elmers glue.

I prefer copper foil but not everybody has copper foil laying around. My wife does metal work so she keeps rolls of the stuff.
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Jan 8, 2017
Thanks for the tip on the aluminum foil. Having Cu foil around must be nice. I was thinking recently it would be nice to have some of that to measure battery voltage applied to the light. Attach the foil to the + terminal of a battery, insulate with tape, insert in tube, manually connect the - terminal to the tube and measure voltage. I suppose aluminum foil would work too in this application.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
The wife buys it at Michaels/Hobby Lobby craft stores. Not real expensive either. I'll edit when she gets home to say how much it is.
It has an adhesive on one side. If you want to conduct electricity with it on both sides nail polish remover or citrisol removes the sticky.
I just fold it in ways the sticky stuff goes to the inside of a strip and everything exposed is the non sticky side. The non sticky side conducts well.

I broke this cleaning it...
It's the conduit to make the light go.

It was fragile.

Kinda hard to see.
Copper foil cast got it going.
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Jun 27, 2009
I carry an Archer 1Av3 in NW as my edc. Been doing so for a good number of months. No problems whatsoever. I like the neutral tint and the fact that I can see a good usual difference between all of the various lumen levels. I also like the long lasting moonlight option. About the only thing I don't like about it is the pocket clip change from the v2. The v2 had a deeper pocket clip whereas the v3 leaves the entire tailcap sticking up out of pocket.

Hugh Johnson

Jan 15, 2017
I picked up an Archer 1A as a gift. Of course, I am testing it to make sure it's appropriate for the recipients intended usage. I'm really quite impressed with everything about this light. It's floody, similar to my TH20 headlamp, which I find is perfect for an edc light. The build quality seems excellent.