TK61 Replacement

actually they will sell plenty. Its Fenix. Far as I know Fenix is still the market and sales leader in Chinese lights and also most well known brand name to non flashaholics.
KeepingItLight thank you for the edification. Being the smallest of the XHP series I would imagine that an XHP35 HI is a highly likely choice. Still whatever happened to the SBT70? ET has a couple lights with it as an option and the numbers are very impressive.

Capolini-its the Fenix warranty dpt Im worried about strangling the new 61. Sure they could easily build a 600k CD light but I dont see Fenix warranty dpt. allowing something like that out. Its also why realistically I predict 2000 lumens and 300-350k CD. I am imagining what looks like a shrunken TK61 that takes one or two 26650's. I see a very deep bell shaped reflector instead of the massive one on the 61. User interface will likely be barely acceptable. It will put out one amazing beam on all modes but will be no K70 killer.

If this is the route they take I'll be getting a TN42vn with drivervnx2 (assuming this becomes available which I'd be surprised if it didn't).
I just hope they dont play it too safe like the tk75 2015 and rc40.............imo anyway. The rc40 should have had xpl HI inside for a start(as a minimum), the tk75 i am still not over convinced with going to 4 reflectors over the 3 of old. Either way again , xpl HI could have been used in the tk75 2015 version and been up there(or surpass) the tm16GT to name one.

I am a fan of Fenix, still their build and quality is above most Chinese brands, just wish they would be a bit more innovative and more with it. Nitecore and acebeam would be a couple of examples that are!
I just hope they dont play it too safe like the tk75 2015 and rc40.............imo anyway. The rc40 should have had xpl HI inside for a start(as a minimum), the tk75 i am still not over convinced with going to 4 reflectors over the 3 of old. Either way again , xpl HI could have been used in the tk75 2015 version and been up there(or surpass) the tm16GT to name one.

I am a fan of Fenix, still their build and quality is above most Chinese brands, just wish they would be a bit more innovative and more with it. Nitecore and acebeam would be a couple of examples that are!

I agree. Xpl hi minimum for rc40 and tk75 in current form. I also agree with three reflectors for the tk75. Something about the beam profile/look was better with three led vs four. Hopefully at minimum we see xpl hi as stock for tk61 replacement since at that point modders can put in xhp35 hi
if Fenix has any sense left at all the new 61 will be an XHP35 HI light. XP-L HI is done to death. If the new 61 turns out to be a 3 emitter tri flector job with XP-L HI's Fenix will be kicked down to the could have been a contender spot in my book.
With the tn42 and tn42c coming out, 600kcd................anything less would be not good enough imho . Instead of catch up, Fenix need to be the class leader and show the way!
if Fenix has any sense left at all the new 61 will be an XHP35 HI light. XP-L HI is done to death. If the new 61 turns out to be a 3 emitter tri flector job with XP-L HI's Fenix will be kicked down to the could have been a contender spot in my book.

Hopefully they would know better than to use a 3 emitter light as a dedicated thrower. If they did then wow...they don't have a choice tbh either use xhp35 hi as a single emitter or be left behind by everyone else.
Interesting thread. I agree with all who say that Fenix both need to, and probably won't, leave behind their safe options and get back to the cutting edge. Nitecore have been very innovative through the first part of the year, and now Acebeam and Thrunite have taken over with numbers that were in the realm of modders only a year ago. Nitecore, your move on a single reflector super thrower.

Meanwhile, Fenix have played it safe and are two steps behind. Can they step up?
With the tn42 and tn42c coming out, 600kcd................anything less would be not good enough imho . Instead of catch up, Fenix need to be the class leader and show the way!

How true ! As nice a light as they are, they're certainly being left behind at present, in the Cd race. Forget the odd bods with tumor like add ons stuck to the sides, just stick to the tried and proven. 75 - 100 MM deep SMO reflector and a heavily driven X-HP35. Maybe even 26650 in 2S, just my thoughts.

It's September already, but no news. Is Fenix updating the light to match the unprecedented figures of the TN42.
Fenix give nothing away, if you ask they just say they will pass the Q on.................

I switch off and dont think about it anymore, last interesting announcement was the rc40 and the excitement was soon quashed with specs........... I get kind of excited when acebeam announce stuff like the x65. I dont know what is going on in their design department , too safe and predictable for me and over the years of CPF customers asking for moon light modes and more neutral tints, Fenix still dont get it.

As a brand i like, but i just wait and see as time scales are not worth holding to. If and when it comes out, then i will look into it , till then i will look at what other manufacturers are *actually* doing and actually releasing! .

Right now they are not just in the shadow of acebeam and nitecore, but thrunite and possibly olight as well if the x7 gets released before............

All IMO which i admit a little disgruntled and frustrated now:tinfoil: little rant over:)
Since I now prefer the CR-UI of the Acebeam over the 2B-UI of the Fenix, I'm less excited about the new TK61.
How much kcD, will the new fenix TK61, possibly have?

The old one, is soo underpowered, with its 1000 lumens, and barely 160 kcD.......hope the new one, will be more than 300 kcD, all less than that, will be not give a significance difference, in brightness.
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hope the new one will be more than 300 kcD...

If the new TK61 only has ~300k candela, a lot of us that are teetering on the edge of the Fenix boat...are going to abandoned ship.
If the new TK61 only has ~300k candela, a lot of us that are teetering on the edge of the Fenix boat...are going to abandoned ship.

I have thrown myself overboard a few months back:whistle:

It has to beat the tn42 to be of interest to me, which they could do providing they use a larger reflector and boost the tn42 output of 2000lm closer to 3000:)
the old 61 could do 1000 lumens for an hour straight combined with an at the time amazing 160k CD made it the benchmark. Folks do not expect to see the new 61 until at least next spring. The competition keeps slowly creeping towards the 880k CD mark what is Fenix to do? I predict a compact super thrower. There is really no point trying to beat competition that when the new 61 is released will be putting out 800k CD lights. Fenix would have to make a light so big you need a shoulder strap. I am not so much for having to deal with a 5 pound super thrower that takes 8 cells. If it was up to me I would go for a super Javelot design theme. Compact for its output and throw. Possibly an option that alters the tint.
Maybe Fenix comes first with an TK75 3rd Generation.
4x XHP35?