what is it about pocket light's?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 27, 2003
Thought I would post a pick of my small but bright little light's. Many of us have favorite's but I just seem to like them all. I forgot my modded solitaire's
and a moment of silence for the Sonic "G" i ruined........... The blue dorcy has a 35K 5mm and really put's out the the photon's. Please post your favorite
pocket lights! My favorites are shown pictured. let's see yours! VDG

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Re: waht is it about pocket light's?

Nice lights! :)

Reminds me i should pick up a few more of those coin cell lights heh.
Re: waht is it about pocket light's?

Pocket lights are great as you can stash them everywhere. I always have a couple on my body, plus random ones in jackets and my backpack. My L0P is my favorite tho.
Re: waht is it about pocket light's?

I seem to be the same way, but I can't stand to buy a small light and not
EDC it. Here are the lights I EDC on a daily basis - not 1 or 2 at a time, but all of them.



Re: waht is it about pocket light's?

very cool guys! I had meant to mention post pic's of your favorite's or collection. I'm glad you guy's did! keep'em coming! VDG
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Small enough to hide in my palm, but bright enough for most of my daily tasks.
Some of these are gone, a lot more are not shown :naughty:
dcarch8 said:
As a newbie, I am not that interested in "deep throw".

I am very interested in the external looks (industrial design) of an object, and how an aesthetic statement is elegantly inspired by function.

dcarch8 summed it up pretty nicely here
Re: waht is it about pocket light's?

JimH said:
I seem to be the same way, but I can't stand to buy a small light and not
EDC it. Here are the lights I EDC on a daily basis - not 1 or 2 at a time, but all of them.

how do you EDU all those lights? do you own pants with 100 pockets? =)
jayflash said:
This is my favorite category - small but useful. Great pics and selection of lights. Color me Envy Green!

I think that is exactly why i dig 1xAAA light's, small light's in general. Yr's ago
a solitaire was about the only light for KC use Times they are'a chang'in. VDG
Pocket lights are my favorite lights too. I carry a 3 led Matterhorn in my front pocket and a Fenix l1p in my back pocket. I use to just carry a ARC LS all the time but the new lights that work great with common batterys have took over now.
lumitoid said:
Pocket lights are my favorite lights too. I carry a 3 led Matterhorn in my front pocket and a Fenix l1p in my back pocket. I use to just carry a ARC LS all the time but the new lights that work great with common batterys have took over now.

I am down wit ya on the battery thing. funny but I have done it sorta backward's. after finding CPF I got a E2d and therefore started using lith's,
Then as i got luxeon LED light's li ion. So aside from the jil i am only using
either li ion's, or AAA (lith's usually or nimh)
Anyone else here rarely use an alkaline batt anymore? VDG
Just got my Fenix L0P today very impressive on a single AAA cell. It's now replaced my L1P which replaced my Fire~Fly as EDC.
Probably 90% of the lights I have are pocket lights or smaller. They're easier to hide from my wife. :sssh:
