Where is Saabluster and What Are You Doing?!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2006
Garland Tx
Happy new year. Any new flashlights? lol
And yet one more year removed. No. No new flashlights. Yet. Boy I really picked a bad time to come out of retirement a year ago. Things were trucking along and I was moving on product development. I even bought a sputtering magnetron to bring some of my ideas to life. Doing a lot of LED level R+D. Then the pandemic hit. All of the mental energy that I had been focusing on research for flashlights now got turned towards this new disease. In a short time I knew more about this virus than most doctors. I poured over the research papers coming out. I was creating protocols on what we could and could not do. Early on I realized the potential that the medical community could be overrun and not be able to provide care to my family. So I bought an O2 machine and other paraphernalia to be able to self treat if it came to it. I even starting designing my own ventilator. I was determined not to be caught flat footed. And well, I succeeded there. But my hyper focus on that was at the expense of flashlights.

I am now back on track with product development. I am changing my focus slightly from where I was a year ago. Many years ago I started development into laser based systems and developed several light engines. I ended up stopping the development because I got spooked by the legalities surrounding them. It's funny because I have seen that some of my designs are being used in the industry now. Not that I gave them the idea mind you. It was just a matter of time before someone else came to the same conclusion. Interestingly there is quite a bit that they haven't caught on to yet. I see the current field of LEP very similar to where we were when the Cree XR-E landed back in the day. That is to say there is a lot of room for growth. Now that others have tested the waters I plan on turning almost all development to LEP. How soon will product start delivering? Can't say. It usually takes me many months to gather all the necessary puzzle pieces to create something I am proud to have my name attached too. Then usually there is the creation of all the bespoke parts and testing the production methods not to mention actually making the end product. You all know I don't do this for the money but for the love of the craft. My aim is to recreate the DEFT and have it retake the throne. For this new generation to advance the state of the art by a decades worth. Just hoping I can keep my ADHD brain focused long enough.:rolleyes:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 8, 2007
Los Angeles
Good to hear. Count me in for whatever you have upcoming :) as I was a day away from ordering a couple of W3 Pro LEPs for my kids. They each wanted a small thrower after seeing a W1 in action at the local reservoir tonight.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 25, 2012
Oh boy, it's nice to see you back here in the forum!

Welcome back, my friend..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 28, 2007
Now if we can only get milky back things would be normal again. Good to read this post and I still have 3 deft-x's that I need to retest


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2006
Garland Tx
Thanks everyone. It feels good to be back.

Now if we can only get milky back things would be normal again. Good to read this post and I still have 3 deft-x's that I need to retest

Wow. I hadn't heard he was gone. It will take me a bit to get back in the loop on everything and everyone. There are definitely a lot of new faces around here.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 28, 2007
Thanks everyone. It feels good to be back.

Wow. I hadn't heard he was gone. It will take me a bit to get back in the loop on everything and everyone. There are definitely a lot of new faces around here.

i don't think he's posted in a few years now. Teej drops in every now and again


Newly Enlightened
Jan 26, 2017
Yeah Michael has had my Deft-X since Sept. of 2016. I broke it by using the incorrect cells minutes after receiving it, so I've never even seen the beam. Looks like $1,000 down the drain unless he decides to make it right. I've pretty much lost all hope at this point.
Ugh, it seems like so many flashlights today are bulletproof, but that exploding cells is the #1 way to do them in. I keep an expensive flashlight light by my bed, and another by my back door, and sometimes I wonder if I should just keep the batteries out of them and sitting beside them instead.


Oct 19, 2014
I guess Michael is not coming back after all. I got a few more of his lights I am going to put up for sale real soon.

Got Lumens?

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 12, 2011
Champlain Valley
Agh Michael,
I have not emailed or texted him in over 9 years now. Last we spoke he was working with family members trying to build something new, then poof. I never got to get a real DEFT flashlight. I do however have one of his smaller V.3 Enthusiasts DEFT models. They were noteworthy for them not need a diffuser like V.1-2 lights because the beam was so flawless. I maybe wrong, but remember there were only 12 V.3 Enthusiast's made and sold. Missing him around these parts. He was working on, and testing IS coatings at the time also. Now he is back, I'm sure to get in contact and up to speed :)
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