Recent content by Quazar

  1. Quazar

    Cool military Lights, Lasers, NV,or parts and anything else

    Re: Cool military Lights, Lazers, NV,or parts and anything else Whats a "Lazer"?
  2. Quazar

    Input on Diffusers & Lenses for the Titanium N30 & L35

    Would a UV filter be possible?:naughty:
  3. Quazar

    Where to buy a +250mw red diode?

    THIS should do what you require.
  4. Quazar

    Damaged eyes?

    I have been working professionally with lasers for almost 10 years. Back then, there were no DPSS lasers aroud, just big heavy argons and kryptons. A laser typically weighed 60 lbs, needed a 100lb 3 phase power supply and generated a whole load of heat. They were also fragile and didnt like...
  5. Quazar

    Announcing AmondoTech HID N30 & Preview The AmondoTech HID L35 --N30's Have Arrived!

    Re: Announcing AmondoTech HID N30 & Preview The AmondoTech HID L35 --N30's Have Arriv That is easy to source. Thanks. One other question, is a special connector required for the battery pack? Or could I just cut the one off the 110V charger and use that? I forsee a new light coming this way.
  6. Quazar

    Announcing AmondoTech HID N30 & Preview The AmondoTech HID L35 --N30's Have Arrived!

    Re: Announcing AmondoTech HID N30 & Preview The AmondoTech HID L35 --N30's Have Arriv Is there any likelyhood of the N30 being available with a 230V charger for those of us on the other side of the pond?
  7. Quazar

    Boosted Thor ~3x Output - Part 2

    Also still interested.
  8. Quazar

    New to Lasers - a few questions.

    If you are using a laser outdoors, you need to have permission from the CAA (civil aviation authority) this guide has all the details Any public use, indoors or outdootrs requires you to notify the Environmental Health Dept of the local Council. This...
  9. Quazar

    Regassing / recoating

    Correct. The high current would also generate enough heat to start melting bits.
  10. Quazar

    Regassing / recoating

    Most He/Ne lasers are hard sealed and cannot be refilled. Changing the gas would not work either. He/Ne lasers use high voltage, low current to lase. Argons use low voltage, high current.
  11. Quazar

    Cheap Argon Ion!!

    So am I. Look at "Location" on the upper right of my post.
  12. Quazar

    Cheap Argon Ion!!

    I have some argon lasers for sale. Follow this link for more details. What happened to the "insert link" buttons?
  13. Quazar

    Now accepting more AAA back orders

    I would prefer international shipping by USPS global priority. I know its uninsured, but I am prepared to accept that for the lower cost of shipping. I have never had a parcel posted to me by this method go astray. Also there is less likelyhood of customs adding their charge.
  14. Quazar

    Laser scanning system question

    JM Laser do a dedicated power supply for the M6008 scanners. It only costs about eu25, so why not use that.
  15. Quazar

    cut sheet metal with your homemade laser

    Yoy need a tightly focussed beam for metal cutting. 100W would do it if focussed down to 0.1mm or so.