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The WOW factor new light

Nov 28, 2003
Kansas City, MO
$15 is not out of this world on shipping and handling. It's actually pretty much in line with the competition. What bothers me is the turtle head look of this light: the diameter of the head is smaller than the end of the body it screws into. Wish they would have made it the same diameter.


Jul 29, 2010
Sydney Austalia
Well I tried to order a Vesuvius and I must admit that I did not read the shipping Policy.... my fault... put my address in Australia in through PayPal and it all went through...

They I recieved this

Andrew read my shipping policy I DO NOT
SHIP INTERNATIONALLY and you had to force the program
to take your order. I will refund your money please don't do
that again.


So I read the shipping Policy.... and reordered to a friends Po Box in the states so that he could forward it mo me....

Then I received this.... even better customer service

I can not ship to a PO Box with UPS
I'll refund again. I don't have time for this

Of course there is nothing about that in the shipping policy..... I guess that I am supposed to know that from over here...


Sep 25, 2004
Not trying to get on anyone's bad side but, if parties are willing, the light can be shipped to me and I will ship it to Down Under.

Stoli67, I just got the OK from Bob if you're interested. PM me with details.
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Curt R

Mar 22, 2009
The sticky at the top of this sub-forum shows the size, just go down
to the Baltic Sea light.

To get this light in the shortest time frame we used components off the shelf
and combined parts from the Shasta and Baltic Sea lights to make the
Vesuvius light. We are basically out of parts to make HA lights and have some
Brass with the Baltic heads that we can put together. We have no Stainless,
but I might be able to put together ONE in Titanium. Other than those we will
have to make new bodies and heads, but not until some other stuff gets made first.

I have some 2 x AAA bodies in Brass and HA that are penlight size, but are limited
to two standard Alkaline or Lithium disposable batteries. Current draw is about 400
mA, or about 150 Lumens at max, with a sun time of about 3 hours. We could offer
a dummy AAA battery so that a single IMR 10440 could be used in those bodies.



Oct 31, 2010
I like to buy 2 pcs. of the brass 2xAAA body as soon as they are ready to ship. I want one for my Shastax and one for the Vesuvius.
If one was equipped with an XPG head that would be even better for my needs.


Sep 27, 2004
Louisville, Kentucky
I responded that UPS does not ship to PO boxes. I have been slammed
today with the new stuff, so after two tries I was getting a little hot.
Now if that's bad I'm guilty. I already refunded all his money twice thru PP
Thanks Bob
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Oct 31, 2010
Peeps from Oz are unfamiliar with UPS ship policy. It is the USPS not UPS that blocks P.O. Box shipments. I can't see where you share in any blame for this.
"... but you can't please all of the people all of the time"


Newly Enlightened
Sep 6, 2007
Philadelphia, Pa
This is my first Peak and all I can say is "Wow", delivered in 3 days exceptional light and exceptional delivery service. So a big thank you to Curt & Bob.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2006
I feel for you, I got mine at 6:47!

Quick review:

The first words that came out of my mouth after I turned the light on: Holy $#!7! Here are a few points that I came across after playing with the light for a few minutes:

-It is incredibly bright. I still can't believe I can reach into my shirt pocket and have 600 lumens on tap.

-Build quality is superb. Threading is smooth and the anodizing is a beauty. Curt made an extra effort with attention to detail.

-QTC pill is incredibly useful and not difficult to use at all. I can go from >1 lumen to 600 lumens and everything in between with a single twist of the head.

-Slightly larger than a Mag Solitaire. I still can't get over how tiny it is.
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Sep 25, 2004
First impressions: My EDC for the last year+ has been my 4Sevens Mini123 using an RCR123, so somewhere in the neighborhood of 235 Lumens Out The Front. This is the comparison light for the data below.

The Vesuvius (V) is a tiny bit longer than I had envisioned, but certainly small. It's nice and slender, with a great, non-aggressive knurl. Thread action is smooth and there is some copper based thread lubricant or Never-Sieze utilized. (At first, I thought it was dirt until I used a magnifying glass) I don't use ring mountings so I removed the small one at the end. I wish I could easily remove the ring nub without evidence of having done so to shorten the light by 3/16" but oh, well. Another reason to remove the nub - so it can tail-stand. Maybe when I get my lathe, I'll face it off. The light just looks good in my hand. I'll say right up front, that V will probably not replace my EDC. It's a little too long. It will still see front line duty though.

I tried V first in a darkened room without charging the IMR cells. They were at approx 3.85V - perfect for LiOn storage. I turned it on as low as I could and saw a nice, very low Lumen output. I turned it up to High and did a ceiling bounce test. My perception was that it is not as bright as my Mini123. I got out the Mini and did the same test. The Mini sure looked brighter. OK, enough of this "from the hip" stuff. I went out to the garage and put the cells on my Schulze and paralleled them at a 200 mA rate. They took 113 mAh each.

The lights: (I decided to throw in an 800 Lumen rated modded Tank7 light by VestureOfBlood) (The rule is perfectly lined up with the top of all 3 lights even though it doesn't look that way)

The beam shots:

M camera was on manual and I centered the on-screen light meter for the Combined Mini123 and V shot. Then I centered the light meter again with the Mini123 "by itself" and shot it - assuming it is the least bright of the two. Settings ended up to be 5 seconds and F3.2 which were also used for V by itself. Each light is aimed at the second square to the left and right of the vertical center door frame and 2nd square up from the bottom.

First pic shows the Mini and V both on (cells fresh off the charger) against my white/gray door @ 15'. Mini, right, Vesuvius, left. Note the obvious Mini hotspot but also note the void of light to its' right. No hotspot to speak of for "V" but it lights up much more peripherally.


Vesuvius by itself

Mini123 by itself

Modded Tank7 light that I believe is rated at 800 Lumens.

Now some Estech 33 meter data. All numbers were taken as soon as the lights were on HIGH and on a fresh-off-the-charger cell. Numbers are from a ceiling bounce method. Ceiling is 9' tall and white.

Mini123 - 917 Lux

Vesuvius - 1701 Lux

Tank7 - 2306 Lux

To my eye, I still have a difficult time seeing the significant higher output of the Vesuvius but the camera light meter, the Estech meter and pics don't lie. I'm a "Throw" guy and I'm sure I'm letting the small, bright Mini hotspot prejudice my perception. Vesuvius is a keeper but we'll see if it becomes my EDC.
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Derek Dean

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 14, 2006
Monterey, CA
Excellent photos BVH! Thanks for taking the time to shoot and post them. My first impression is that I LOVE the huge, even wall of light the Vesuvius puts out. Gorgeous.

You can also see the excellent craftsmanship that Curt has put into it from those photos as well. What a sweet little light. Enjoy!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2006
Curt: This may be a crazy question (or not), but is it possible to melt/distort the reflector?:duh2: Probably not possible, but just wondering. I ran my Vesuvius on high output a few times and I somehow feel the light looks a little different from when I first popped in the battery. It could just be my eyes, though.

Bob: I'm interested in a QTC Momentary switch. Is there a switch available for the Vesuvius? The final twist action is a bit much for my arthritic hands.

Great pictures BVH, love the tank light!
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Death's Head

Jun 27, 2006
Curt did put a disclaimer saying that the heat from this light is enough to destroy itself, hence this light is not covered under a warranty..

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