Re: Lumintop TOOL Ti
Here a guy shows the light
It's in Chinese, I presume, so I don't get a thing, but it's cool to look at it
It's in Japanese, actually. Speaker starts with "
Not that I understood any of what followed...
Interesting video, though some of the content has me slightly worried about the execution of this light.
1) The click-off-and-then-on-again method of changing modes is pretty lame IMHO. Why not take advantage of the fact that you have an electronic switch and have shortcuts to different modes via different types of clicks (e.g., fast click = high, long click = low, double-click = medium, etc.), and have the option to click-and-hold once the light is on to cycle through the modes? I sure hope there are more UI options on this light than were demonstrated in the video.
2) If the video is any indication, Lumintop seems to be sticking with their standard Medium-Low-High mode order. Not my favorite, but if they added shortcuts to different modes via different types of clicks...
that would fix it for me.
3) I know it's hard to judge tint via a video, but dammit that beam is
yellow. Judging from the box at the beginning with the "Cree" sticker on it, I'm presuming the emitter is an XP-G2... though it doesn't look like a CW to me.
Perhaps a member who speaks Japanese could confirm that the light demonstrated is a pre-production sample, etc.?