The Official CPF Hot Sauce Thread!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
I really love hot sauce. I love extreme heat, I love mild, I love it all......... except teriyaki flavored hot sauces. I don't know what it is, I love teriyaki jerky just hate teriyaki hot sauce. My favorite sauce right now is the cheap Hells Kitchen brand that you find in discount stores. I haven't had a flavor yet that wasn't great. Dave's gourmet sauces are always a favorite too. Sorry, just needed to get out of the mess of a thread I was in and post something random.

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Re: Random thoughts thread.

Could this be a "hot sauce thread" since I don't think we have one of those yet, instead of a completely random thread ?
Re: Random thoughts thread.

I guess the original restaurant that made it has closed and reopened, and its hot sauce was discontinued and then reformulated ... but I was a fan of the original Inner Beauty Hot Sauce.
Re: Random thoughts thread.

We can make it a hot sauce thread. I have over 60 bottles right now I could talk about. Haha. Maybe somebody will offer something up I haven't tried before!
Re: Random thoughts thread.

I guess the original restaurant that made it has closed and reopened, and its hot sauce was discontinued and then reformulated ... but I was a fan of the original Inner Beauty Hot Sauce.

Oh man it's so good on bbq.
Re: Random thoughts thread.

ot but i ordered some cassia oil it is the stuff that makes candy hot and tooth picks hot
Re: Random thoughts thread.

Down at the farmer's market earlier this week; Please select:

I got this one; habanero, mango, pineapple, manzano, guero. Very bright, sweet, sharp, would be amazing on chicken or bbq..
Re: Random thoughts thread.

Not that it's super hot but the green, Jalapeno based, Tabasco is very tasty - especially sprinkled all over a nice chicken bowl at Chipotle!!!

I've not had that brand! See, already making progress. And yes, definitely on chicken. I've had several mango habanero sauces, never been disappointed. I wish I had that available to me, most of mine are internet ordered
Speaking of habanero, I tried some of the "sweet" variety available at a farmer's market.

Very interesting sensation, as the flavor is quite similar and you are just waiting to get zapped with the heat ... but there isn't really any there :eek:oo:
It seems your "random" thread is already a hit :devil:

What is your favorite brand ?

I can't say I have a definitively favorite brand, I've always loved Dave's gourmet, Tabasco, cholula, right now the stuff that the "Hot Ones" guys are putting out is amazingly good. If you've not seen the YouTube show it's pretty funny if you don't mind seeing celebrities get absolutely burned up and cuss.
Speaking of habanero, I tried some of the "sweet" variety available at a farmer's market.

Very interesting sensation, as the flavor is quite similar and you are just waiting to get zapped with the heat ... but there isn't really any there :eek:oo:

The Char Man above is very bipolar; starts out with a fun and fruity sensation, sweet and savory but not really hot, then that fades and you wonder what the fuss is, then the heat comes in hard and sharp, a long burn. I'm yet to try it on something bbq but I bet that's where it shines.

Marie Sharp's also makes a grapefruit habanero sauce, I'm going to get around to that one; and top center of the image above is the house brand's chocolate habanero sauce..
They've got as many if not more hot sauces as the pepper palace in Gatlinburg Tennessee. I need to move
They've got as many if not more hot sauces as the pepper palace in Gatlinburg Tennessee. I need to move

That's one of three shelves of hot sauces; the second shelf is smaller and somewhat redundant, the third shelf is from just one manufacturer. There's also a couple separate BBQ sauce shelves, a mustard shelf, etc.