anyone see 60 minutes last night?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 21, 2003
bay area California
I was suprised that no one commented on the Sunday night airing. I can't elaborate because I have to run some errands now, and maybe it wasn't of interest to anyone.
I saw part of a 60 minutes with the Michael Jackson interview...but that was a few Sundays I don't know what Keith is talking about either. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif
Didn't see it either, but I believe Paul O'Neill ( former Bush Treasury Sec ) was supposed to be interviewed. Maybe that's what he's referring to?

There was a segment on Paul O'Neil, then a segment on indian outsourcing, and a piece on a Bakery in NY that employs people that most businesses would consider "unemployable" and manages to turn a pretty good profit.
I was referring to the Paul O'Neill segment. He stated that stragegy to eliminate Saddam Hussein and post Iraq war strategy was discussed during one of the first cabinet meetings in January of 2001.
They discussed it? The President of the United States?

wow. There's a bombshell. Heavy, heavy stuff. I wonder what they did in the Clinton cabinet meetings the weeks that we were launching cruise missiles and airstrikes into Iraq. They probably never discussed taking Saddam out...
As per all the intelligence gathered during the Clinton presidency, Clinton himself said Sadam was a serious threat and needed to be dealt with. Clinton didn't have the time before he left or the desire to get in to it with Sadam. He did however leave a lot of info for Bush on the matter, none of this is new news if you followed all the details. I just wish CNN would report these things, instead it makes it look like it was all hidden, which it wasn't, just not passed along to the public in a mass forum. I personally feel some things are better decided by the people in the know.
If Bush said it, and Clinton said it, that should cover the majority of citizens. So what's the problem believing Saddam had WMD's?
This wouldn't have anything to do with his book that's coming out...would it??? <sarcasm>

First- There is no doubt Saddam HAD WMD's, he used them repeatedly against the Kurds and Iranians during his wars with them.

Second- Who knew when? Of course Bush knew early on, the problems with both Iraq and BinLaden were and are common knowledge in the intelligence community and should be common knowledge worldwide, just pay attention to what the escapees and dissidents have been saying. The earliest sources for the information about the Holocaust was from escapees/dissidents, most of the world simply chose not to listen, just as most of us chose not to listen when some Iraqis were trying to tell us about the purges Saddam had committed.

So where is the news here? In the networks heads, trying to drum up anything to throw a little dirt!!

just my opinion!!!

Saddam needed to be dealt with only because all the oil contracts of his country s oil wells were given to European companys instead american ones. Dont let anyone else tell you otherwise. WMD and his torturing rule were just a sad excuse to invade the country.
You want proof? NO WMDs WERE FOUND!!! Plus Saddam is captured but still the us troops wont leave.
When Paul O'Neill was fired from his position for incompetence, he STOLE 19,000 pages of documents, some classified as Secret or higher. He gave them to an anti-Bush reporter who wrote a book for which Oneill is trying to drum up sales. If O'Neill is such a great patriot, wanting to save the world's oil supply from being taken over by the Evil Bushaliburtons, why didn't he make these accusations immediately, instead of waiting nearly three years?

O'neill is guilty of:

1: Treason: releasing classified documents.

2: Sour grapes: he was fired for incompetence, and is trying to get even.

3: Idiocy: Many of the stolen documents were actually plans and analyses from the Clinton administration, that were under review by the new Administration.

For those of you who are completely ignorant of the way that this country operates, there are contingency plans on conducting military and political operations in EVERY country that has a "post-stone age" technical capability, and some strategically located primitive nations.

Even for our best "friends" we have such plans. This has been true since the end of World War One. Pentagon and Division level commanders are CONSTANTLY refining these contingency plans. Plans exist for war with Canada, Mexico and yes, even Greece, not to mention those countries that have made direct threats against America or Western Civilization in general. Any administration that did not plan ahead for "the worst" would be criminally negligent.

4: Extreme Naievty: Even though SecTreas is a member of the National Security Council, he wouldn't have been shown specific military plans, or Intel reports UNLESS his own department were specifically involved. Cabinet members see classified material only on a need to know basis; Even Condi Rice, the National Security Advisor doesn't get to see everything. And since from the first day O'neill showed up for a cabinet meeting they knew they were dealing with a loose cannon, he would have been cut out of the loop even more than usual. And if O'Neill thinks that he would have been shown the "Secret Bush Family / Haliburton world domination and oil stealing plans" he is REALLY dreaming.

5: Extreme Hubris: O'neill was universially disliked by everyone in the administration within days of starting work. He felt that EVERYONE he worked with (and for) were idiots. Only he had all of the answers....

For instance, HE used his influence to force Argentina to drastically devalue their currency. He did this against the advice of Greenspan, most economics experts, most of the directors of the IMF; Argentina did follow his recommendation, plunging the entire country into the worst economic crisis in the history of the country. And this collapse of the Argentinian economy severely hurt most of its neighbors; Chile also had an economic and political collapse, Brazil, Bolivia, and even poor little old Patagonia are hurting more than usual.

AND HE WANTED THE UNITED STATES TO GREATLY DEVALUE IT'S CURRENCY ALSO, AND RAISE, not cut TAXES! And when the rest of the Administration told him he was an idiot, he went to the American and world press badmouthing the entire American Government and the business leaders that opposed his brilliant plans to plunge the entire world into a depression. Even if you don't care about the starving Argentinians, the taxpayers and financial institutions of the IMF member nations are going to be paying for this for years

6: Derelection of Duty: When the United States was at the worst point of the economic downturn he spent a couple of weeks touring Africa with some rock star (Bono). When he finally came back he demanded that the American Taxpayers send hundreds of billions of dollars to modernize and cure AIDS in Africa.

Yes, unfortunately, O'Neill WAS a Bush Appointee. He didn't really want him; did it for VP Cheney who got to be friends with him when they were working for Nixon. They are friends no longer. Cheney has little tolerance for disloyal treasonous fools.