Are Nitecore and Thrunite "good" brands?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 3, 2017
I ask this question because I have had 2 Nitecore lights and 1 Thrunite light fail me.
My Nitecore SRT 3 and MH 20 have both failed and my Thrunite TN 12 no longer works.
Now in all fairness I use my flashlights A LOT! I work in pest control so they get used daily for several hours a day.
In the past I have used Surefire but left that brand due to battery cost. I went to these others because of rechargeable battery technology.
I just ordered two Olight flashlights. An S2 Baton and an S1R Turbo S. I am hoping they will last longer than the Nitecore and Thrunite lights. I got less than a year with the Thrunite, only a few months with both the Nitecore lights.

Killer Kane

Newly Enlightened
Feb 18, 2006
I have 7 nitecore lights.
Only problem I have had is one of my srt7's has a finicky tail cap sometimes. Takes a few presses to activate the light.
My srt3 has been good to go for several years now.
I have probably 20+ surefire lights and I just put dropins and rock various rechargeable setups.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 3, 2010
Interesting, I have never had an issue with any of my ThruNite lights.


Aug 4, 2013
Valley Forge, Pa.

If the batteries cost MORE than the flashlight, there is something wrong!!! If those cheap lights fail you won't lose much money. If a quality light fails you will be covered by their warranty.

To each his own,,,,,,I would never recommend those OVER inflated output $3.99 flashlights! they remind me of the beginning of my hobby when I did not know any better and was unfamiliar with quality lights and MODDED[V54] lights.

I have had Thrunite and never a problem,,no problems with FENIX,Acebeam or Olight either. PLENTY of models to choose from.

peter yetman

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2014
North Norfolk UK
I have only one thing to say about Post #4..
And i don't use excalmation marks lightly.

Get yourself a "Made in USA" light. It'll probably last you a lifetime, and if it breaks someone will mend it under warranty.
I only but US made lights and I don't even live there.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 6, 2016
That's too bad about your TN12 :( I have had mine for 2 years and never any issues with it even with a fair amount of abuse. I also have a Nitecore HC90 headlamp. I haven't had it quite as long but overall I would say it is very high quality. have you got ahold of any customer service to see if it would be covered under warranty? T


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 18, 2011
I've bought around a dozen Thrunite Ti3 and given all but one away, never heard any complaints and the one I have works great.
I also got 3 Thrunite AA clicky lights (TN10) , gave them away and had 2 fail for no known reason within a couple months. The third receives such light use that it might well be ready to fail at any moment... I should take it back from them and replace it with something else.
The Ti3 are great.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 27, 2017
Dirty Dirty South
I have only one thing to say about Post #4..
And i don't use excalmation marks lightly.

Get yourself a "Made in USA" light. It'll probably last you a lifetime, and if it breaks someone will mend it under warranty.
I only but US made lights and I don't even live there.

High praise from an Englishman. He's right! My agreement is not based on patriotism, but on build quality and customer service.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 9, 2016
I don't understand about the Surefire. I must have 6 or 7 of them and use rechargeables all the time. It was only with the old bulbs that there was an issue. I switched them all out long ago.

peter yetman

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2014
North Norfolk UK
Well, I have an HDS, 7 or 8 Malkoffs, an Oveready Drop In and lotts of OR tails and other bits. A few Surefires that have been so modded that even their Mother wouldn't recognise them.
Other makers are Elzetta, Peak, Texas Lumens to name the ones I can think of.
That's enough variety for me, there's little point in having an all dancing, singing light if it breaks and you can't get it fixed. That goes down to simple things like switch boots, switches and lenses too. Even if the the light is cheap, if it doesn't work when you need it to, it's pointless.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
They're great brands.

But are their products any good?
Now that changes everything.
I do a lot of reading here and it seems they are a lot like scratch off lottery tickets... 2 outta 3 wins. Me being the guy who always gets that 3rd one.... well I'll leave it there except to say that's why I don't buy scratch off lottery tickets..

So far my NiteCore D4 charger has been spot on.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 3, 2015
Northwestern Ontario, Canada
Well, I have an HDS, 7 or 8 Malkoffs, an Oveready Drop In and lotts of OR tails and other bits. A few Surefires that have been so modded that even their Mother wouldn't recognise them.
Other makers are Elzetta, Peak, Texas Lumens to name the ones I can think of.
That's enough variety for me, there's little point in having an all dancing, singing light if it breaks and you can't get it fixed. That goes down to simple things like switch boots, switches and lenses too. Even if the the light is cheap, if it doesn't work when you need it to, it's pointless.

You know Peter, the US is not the only place that makes good quality products. In fact, many other countries can surpass the US's quality/reliability, value, and technology. Not to mention, all the products you mentioned, although assembled in the US, are likely chuck full of components made in other countries. As for warranty, while that can be an issue with some companies, there are plenty of companies that have great warranty that aren't made in the US. A lot of the lights you mention are nice and well built for sure but, the problem is most of them are using old inefficient electronics and emitters that are lacking in features, output, and runtime compared to many of the lights offered by other companies. They are also quite pricey. Having a expensive, beautifully overbuilt shell, with innards and features from 15 years ago is not what everyone wants. I personally think that anyone limiting themselves to products made in only one country, especially the US when it comes to electronics, are missing out on a lot of good products. YMMV of course. Variety is the spice of life imo.

As for Nitecore and Thrunite, I only have one Thrunite(Ti) and it has been reliable so far(about 3 years use). As for Nitecore, I have seen a lot of quality control issues with them and had bad experiences with them concerning warranty so, I can not recommend them. If I had to rate them compared to other Chinese companies, I would say they are near the bottom of the pack. You will receive better quality and better warranty from some of the other companies imo. I recommend Zebralight, Fenix, and Eagletac but, there are other good companies as well.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 3, 2015
Northwestern Ontario, Canada
Never mind.

I read your reply Peter. Sorry, I didn't mean to sound harsh it's just this topic is just kind of a soft spot for me. I was just pointing out that lots of other counties make good stuff too(sometimes better). I just get annoyed sometimes by certain people trying to say everything made in the US is the best. It's not just the flashlight world either. Some people, often US citizens, seem to put the blinders on(maybe due to patriotism) and get in their heads that the US makes the best stuff when that is just not always the case. I see it in the firearms and knives community too. Companies like Winchester, Remington, Ruger, Keltec, etc. just can't compete with companies like H&K, Sako, Beretta, Glock, etc. Another example is Spyderco, their American facility can't match the quality that the Taichung, Taiwan facility pumps out(even Sal and Eric admit it). The electronics industry is another obvious example of products the US can't compete with. Many, if not most, of the components in Apple products, for instance, are made overseas by companies like Samsung, TSMC, Sony, etc because they just can't compete. Many other countries just have newer and better manufacturing equipment and tooling due, in part to us outsourcing so much stuff to them and funding it. Also, sometimes their workers come from families that have been doing their jobs for many generations and have better work ethic then many here in America. Sorry, not trying to get too political but, all the US is best talk sometimes gets old. Back to your regularly scheduled flashlight program:D.
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Nov 12, 2010
CONUS, top left
Re: Are Nitecore and Thrunite "good" brands?

Yes, no more political talk here please.

OP is asking about two specific brands listed in the title. Many threads at CPF have been closed when talk veers into the issues mentioned above.

Thanks for your understanding.
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May 30, 2011
USA, Idaho, Boise
Re: Are Nitecore and Thrunite "good" brands?

So far so good. I've got 3 models of Nitecore in the past 23 months. My oldest, an EC4Sw is my most used. No hiccups, glitches, flickers etc. My first Thrunite will probably be their Mini TN30 Neutral sometime next year.