Are there drop-ins I should avoid

Robert C

Newly Enlightened
Dec 1, 2011
I'm upgrading two SF incans to LED: a 6P and G3. The 6P will be used in a "defensive" role in my nightstand drawer so I'm going to look for a high-powered single output assembly, run-times are not that important in this role. I'd like the G3 to be my new go-to light for urb-ex so I'm hoping to find a very floody lamp of reasonable brightness and useful runtimes.

I've read through the sticky post on p60 drop-ins and it offers great info on output levels and prices but doesn't give any insight into quality. I know forum members are crazy about their Malkoffs (sp?) and other high-ticket drop-ins but those are beyond my budget right now (especially for two lights).

Are there any brands that I should avoid due to your experiences with quality issues? I don't mind spending from $20-$40 on each but I really can't go beyond that.

any insight would be appreciated.



Newly Enlightened
Oct 6, 2011
Nailbenders P60 dropins (over on the Buy/Sell/Trade thread) are good quality at a reasonable price. Lots of color tints and level options to choose. Probably an XML version for high-output, and an XPG for good output with decent runtimes. Around $40.

He's great at answering questions, and helping recommend the right dropin for your needs.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 26, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
I've had good luck with ThruNite and Lumens Factory drop-ins. My favorite P60 module right now is a high CRI XPG module made by Lumens Factory. It has three modes, low, medium, and high, with the high level output being about 250 lumens OTF. Beautiful tint and beam. However, it is fairly throwy, not floody, but some DC-fix on the lens of your SureFire would easily convert the beam from throw to flood. I got it from Lighthound for $27.

I've got a couple of Solarforce drop-ins, and I currently only have SolarForce hosts, and while their drop-ins are a good price, I think the ThruNite and Lumens Factory modules I have are better quality.

I am also considering one of Dereelight's P60 modules with a warm T4 XML with three modes, that's supposed to do 400 lumens OTF, and I've heard good things about Dereelight's modules as well.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 23, 2009
I've been using Solarforce 3 mode XML drop ins in two different lights for about 4 months now, and they haven't missed a beat. They can be had for under $20 each on a certain popular auction site.

This would be just the ticket, as you could run low mode most of the time to extend battery life, but still have additional brightness should you need it.


May 22, 2010
Heidelberg Area, Germany
Interesting question on which I have no answer. Honestly, so far I haven't even read about one of the cheaper dropins (Ultrafire, Solarforce etc.) failing.

Maybe the question "Which companies LED Dropins have failed so far when being used according to specs?" could lead to a sort of "no-buy" list.


P.S.: Besides the P60L and a few Solarforce dropins, I do use Wolf Eyes dropins. Except for not fitting 100% inside the SF6P, the feel sturdy.

RI Chevy

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 9, 2011
Ocean State
Solarforce and Lumens Factory drop ins are your best bet for the budget minded person. Just be sure to get the right drop in voltage for your light. For a Surefire, you need a 6v minimum, or else the 2 (3v) CR123's will burn out the drop in. Lumens Factory HCRI should be OK as they are regulated input good to 3.6-13v, as is the Solarforce XM-L, as it is a 3-6v drop in. Solarforce also makes a decent XP-G (4.2-8.4v) drop in that has proven to be pretty reliable with good long run times (Only comes in 5 modes). I prefer 3 modes (H-M-L) drop ins. Good luck with your search.
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Jun 25, 2004
Middlesex, UK
I think that it should be pointed out that PWM is much more likely to be visible with drop-ins from certain popular budget or auction sites. The ones made by Nailbender or Vinhguyen54 are more expensive but the PWM (if it is there) is much harder to detect.


Mar 29, 2011
I would say just go for the first one you find with the emitter/voltage/modes you want, unless you're looking for the premium drop-ins at the premium price.

I've purchased many but all under $20. My favorite was my XM-L 5-mode from KD, but after a lot of use it has finally had some failure and brightness is about 1/2 (it will cost me ~5 to replace the driver). Out of many purchased from DX, only on had a problem (bad solder between the board and pill =easy fix). I heard good things and purchased a solarforce drop-in (yellow) and it flickers...go figure.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 19, 2009
I've had good luck with Thrunite drop-ins. I have a single mode XM-L in a Surefire 6P in by nightstand drawer with a defensive use in mind.

I also have a 3 mode (H/M/L) with memory XP-G that I use in a general purpose P60 host. Both seem well made and were less than $40.


Mar 5, 2010
St. Louis, MO
I don't mean to hi-jack the OP's thread, but since we are talking about drop-ins....

I will start off with I have a Solarforce XP-G 3-mode 0.8v-4.2v that has been very good.

Now a question about drop-ins...I think I have asked this before (can't remember and if I did, I didn't get an answer) well will a 3v-6v drop-in work with 1x18650?

I ask as I'm looking to get an XM-L drop-in and wonder if the 3v cut-off would help protect over discharging of my unprotected 18650's (all my 18650's are salvaged laptop cells). I would also be able to use 2xCR123's if ever so desired.

We will now return you to the regularly scheduled discussion of "Are there drop-ins I should avoid".:wave:
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Newly Enlightened
Apr 19, 2005
I've had good luck with Thrunite drop-ins. I have a single mode XM-L in a Surefire 6P in by nightstand drawer with a defensive use in mind.

I also have a 3 mode (H/M/L) with memory XP-G that I use in a general purpose P60 host. Both seem well made and were less than $40.

X2 on the ThruNite single mode XM-Ls. I really like the spill vs throw balance on these.
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Robert C

Newly Enlightened
Dec 1, 2011
Thanks everyone for your replies. The suggestions are helping me focus on a smaller list of options


Newly Enlightened
Dec 31, 2009
I've had good luck with ThruNite and Lumens Factory drop-ins. My favorite P60 module right now is a high CRI XPG module made by Lumens Factory. It has three modes, low, medium, and high, with the high level output being about 250 lumens OTF. Beautiful tint and beam. However, it is fairly throwy, not floody, but some DC-fix on the lens of your SureFire would easily convert the beam from throw to flood. I got it from Lighthound for $27.

I've got a couple of Solarforce drop-ins, and I currently only have SolarForce hosts, and while their drop-ins are a good price, I think the ThruNite and Lumens Factory modules I have are better quality.

I am also considering one of Dereelight's P60 modules with a warm T4 XML with three modes, that's supposed to do 400 lumens OTF, and I've heard good things about Dereelight's modules as well.

Where did you get the 250 OTF lumens number from? Do you drive the drop in with 3.7 or 7.4v?
I measured the following current at the tailcap: 3.7v - 0.33A, 7.4v - 0.63A.
Do you have some numbers to compare with?