Coronavirus - II

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 1, 2010
Wearing masks is not about you but rather others. It helps prevent you from spreading it not catching it. Most don't know they have it and negative results from testing aren't always accurate. I kinda feel most people got it backwards, like they think the mask is for them to not get sick, which I guess is good because if they knew they were doing it for others I suspect more wouldn't wear them. A few years ago I had a bad respiratory issue that lasted months, almost a year, with complications. There's nothing worse then not being able to breath.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
I ventured into the locally owned auto parts store a few days back. There were two of the same signs posted at the front counter. Paraphrasing, it read - Don't linger. Get what you need and get out. We don't really want to be here but we have been designated as essential. Your presence is jeopardizing our health. We want to get safely home to our families. etc. etc.

I found it interesting that none of the employees were wearing a mask or gloves and there wasn't any hand sanitizer for customer use.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
Some people break the rules of social distancing just to **** me off somedays. Ok i know this is me being paranoid but damn im afraid so bad to go to store. Ps why are bean sprouts being horded?


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I'm going to need to see more of your lawn before an actually invite is extended. Mine has become my escape this past month. I've applied moss killer .. twice, weed n feed and have started mowing it every four days. You'd be amazed at how many lawn care videos are on YouTube.

I took this picture last week. It's L@@King better, but still needs some loving attention.


I wanted to come out to your place to do some ride on lawn mower racing. :poke:

Then after burning up the turf, have a few corona's and some of your masterful burgers.

My lawn is too pretty to tear it up!



Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I was social distancing long before the phrase was coined. We called it 5' circle. (some call it 3' circle)
Rule of thumb was two people holding an arm out won't touch each other. In general I avoided anywhere that required peoples presence in my 5' circle. Sporting events, music festivals etc. So it was no big adjustment when the cdc said to do it. I had to for years while taking care of my pop who had "under lying conditions" as they call it these days. Self quarentines were the norm during cold and flu season.

At first when my work actually asked if my crew and I felt comfortable coming to work it was weird. Then I noticed memory loss, loss of focus, and a general listless feeling. I mentioned it to the crew who also said they were dealing with the same thing. We finally realized we were being paralyzed with fear. A good friend said "living in fear isn't living". My crew and I discussed the issue and decided to stop being scared of a door knob, a gas pump handle, a can of peas or a soda bottle. We discussed steps to reduce the potential of contracting the virus through common sense ideas and carry on as normal as practical.

Now if somebody wants to wear a face covering, go for it. If not, so long as they aint hacking and coughing, touching a bunch of stuff or being irresponsible in general I don't cower in fear. But if they do, say like in a grocery store I won't break the 5' rule because I can easily toss a can of ravioli 25' or more. Kapow!! The thing I can't wrap my mind around is snitching on a neighbor who has a barbecue or three kids obviously not blood related walking down the street 2 feet apart.

The other day I found myself in a unique situation where a person kept bumping into me. One of those loud obnoxious types that likely get enflamed really easy if you call them out. I was in a check line. I made sure Mrs Fixer was away from the person who was behind me wearing sandals. I stepped back a step ensuring I gently stepped on the persons toe and guess what? After an initial eruption the person appologized for being too close. Then stayed away.

Life's short. You get one crack at it then you're dead. Trouble with being dead is it lasts so long.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
I was social distancing long before the phrase was coined. We called it 5' circle. (some call it 3' circle)
Rule of thumb was two people holding an arm out won't touch each other. In general I avoided anywhere that required peoples presence in my 5' circle. Sporting events, music festivals etc. So it was no big adjustment when the cdc said to do it. I had to for years while taking care of my pop who had "under lying conditions" as they call it these days. Self quarentines were the norm during cold and flu season.

At first when my work actually asked if my crew and I felt comfortable coming to work it was weird. Then I noticed memory loss, loss of focus, and a general listless feeling. I mentioned it to the crew who also said they were dealing with the same thing. We finally realized we were being paralyzed with fear. A good friend said "living in fear isn't living". My crew and I discussed the issue and decided to stop being scared of a door knob, a gas pump handle, a can of peas or a soda bottle. We discussed steps to reduce the potential of contracting the virus through common sense ideas and carry on as normal as practical.

Now if somebody wants to wear a face covering, go for it. If not, so long as they aint hacking and coughing, touching a bunch of stuff or being irresponsible in general I don't cower in fear. But if they do, say like in a grocery store I won't break the 5' rule because I can easily toss a can of ravioli 25' or more. Kapow!! The thing I can't wrap my mind around is snitching on a neighbor who has a barbecue or three kids obviously not blood related walking down the street 2 feet apart.

The other day I found myself in a unique situation where a person kept bumping into me. One of those loud obnoxious types that likely get enflamed really easy if you call them out. I was in a check line. I made sure Mrs Fixer was away from the person who was behind me wearing sandals. I stepped back a step ensuring I gently stepped on the persons toe and guess what? After an initial eruption the person appologized for being too close. Then stayed away.

Life's short. You get one crack at it then you're dead. Trouble with being dead is it lasts so long.

Humans make me nervess . All my life i avoid human interaction


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey

At first when my work actually asked if my crew and I felt comfortable coming to work it was weird. Then I noticed memory loss, loss of focus, and a general listless feeling. I mentioned it to the crew who also said they were dealing with the same thing. We finally realized we were being paralyzed with fear. <snip>
Honestly, I'm a little surprised such a question was asked of an outdoor construction crew. And further that they were being paralyzed with fear. More and more there are advertisements by health officials that there is free Psych counselling for those affected by the virus. They more and more are speaking of front line health care workers who may experience PTSD post traumatic stress disorder. I don't think the free services are limited to the front line defenders.

Now if somebody wants to wear a face covering, go for it. <SNIP>
Each day, NY Governor Cuomo has a briefing that lasts about an hour. During his briefing, he emphasizes wearing a face mask when in public. It is not to protect oneself, but rather to protect those around you. They in turn are protecting you by wearing a mask. It is the respectful thing to do. It helps to reduce the rate of the spread, and helps to protect the innocent.

The other day I found myself in a unique situation where a person kept bumping into me. One of those loud obnoxious types that likely get enflamed really easy if you call them out. I was in a check line. I made sure Mrs Fixer was away from the person who was behind me wearing sandals. I stepped back a step ensuring I gently stepped on the persons toe and guess what? After an initial eruption the person appologized for being too close. Then stayed away.

Life's short. You get one crack at it then you're dead. Trouble with being dead is it lasts so long.
I'd say you handled that nicely. I think I would have been quicker to act and told him "HEY... SIX FEET!!!"

Like you, I don't like people crowding me, well before this corona stuff. Occasionally, not too often, I'll turn to someone and ask, "do you mind?... You're in my space."


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
When I go to the supermarket, I make a list with the items grouped as best as I can by the isles they'll be in.
I do my best to be in and out in 20 minutes.

I put my mask on as I leave my car, and back off when I get back into the car.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
I hate when some one will be looking at a can of beans for 5 minutes i feel like saying its frigin beans grab a can and go


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 5, 2006
Palm Springs, CA, Beverly Hills, CA, Washington, D
When I go to the supermarket, I make a list with the items grouped as best as I can by the isles they'll be in.
I do my best to be in and out in 20 minutes.

I put my mask on as I leave my car, and back off when I get back into the car.

I have been doing that exact routine. I am getting tired of wearing the mask, last time out it was so Goddamm hot I could hardly breath.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
It was shortly after the experts said 2.2 million people are going to die in the next 45 days if we don't do X, Y and Z. Then we were hit with a barage of new rules to follow while folks all around were losing their job as fast as ice melts in hadees. Then some who were sent home were taking pictures of people not 6 feet apart on a nearby project and sending them to "the man" who said "play by the new rules or you're outta here". More rules to follow with a requirement to carry authorized papers like we were in East Germany after WW2. They reduced our hours shortly after.

Grocery store shelves looked like Soviet Russia while seasonal allergies caused us to think "uh oh I've got it too"…… people dressed like they were prepared for a chemical weapon attack frantically buying up every frozen pizza in the store, the governor imposing more rules each day limiting peoples ability to move about, family saying build a wall to keep those new yorkers out, church services banned, surgeries banned, dental appointments banned, shooting ranges deemed recreational thereby……banned.
By the end of March many of us were feeling bewildered. My workload had doubled while my hours were reduced. Same for all of us as we have a deadline looming in the near future pandemic or not. We all decided panic is for losers, and pretended we were the mine workers at Chernobyl tasked with making sure the water supply did not become contaminated. Not some wreckless, dam the torpedoes notion but just keep your eye on the ball and get the job done.

At the end of the project many of the people on the project are retiring. I am the pup at 56. Many on my project began their career around the time I was born. The last thing any of us want is to pass around some virus.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 25, 2008
Nope. I use sanitizer before and after the store. Lately we've been having our groceries delivered; going without a few things which we don't trust someone to pick for us.
Last time I went to the grocery, I noticed most people grab a shopping cart, then go get a wipe to clean the handle. That's what scares me, as a heart patient; most don't seem to be thinking things through. I see so many wearing masks only covering their mouths. I guess ignorance is bliss.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
Hiya i miss cleveland ohio! Another thing that scares me when they take off there mask to talk!


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
...Last time I went to the grocery, I noticed most people grab a shopping cart, then go get a wipe to clean the handle. /QUOTE]

I've done this but made sure to get the cleaning solution on my hands as well, completely covering any part of my hands that touched the cart handle before sanitizing it. Although lately I've been wearing gloves (and a mask) in all stores.


Apr 8, 2002
I was social distancing long before the phrase was coined. We called it 5' circle. (some call it 3' circle)

I call it "my bubble". I honestly didn't really realize I had a bubble until one day about 10 years ago I was working in a psychotherapy practice as a receptionist. You all know how it is in medical offices... there's that window you go to for check in, etc. Well this chick reached through the window and grabbed a pen out of the cup on my desk. Mind you.. she nearly knocked over a cup of pens sitting in the window for customer use. Without even thinking what I was doing, I just reacted - I snagged the pen out of her hand and pointed to the pen cup in the window and told her "this is my bubble. that's yours." She actually had the nerve to look at me and tell me "but I like your pen better". My reply to her was to pull a pen out of the customer cup, hand it to her, and tell her she can get a pen like mine at Staples. Meanwhile... this one is mine. She then went and told my boss what happened. I told my boss she can fire me if she wants but people need to stay out of my bubble. She didn't fire me :D

I find that over the years I have gotten even more protective of my bubble. Most people I see on a regular basis at the cigar bar know all too well. I get teased all the time... "Oops! Sorry Greta (yes, they really do call me Greta)... didn't mean to invade your bubble!" - and they back off. It's all good :) ... and people who don't know me but feel the need to get within 3 feet of me? "Hey! Hey! - *MY* bubble! Not yours!"... and they move.

"Get off my lawn!!" :laughing:


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey

I have been doing that exact routine. I am getting tired of wearing the mask, last time out it was so Goddamm hot I could hardly breath.
Yes RedLED, I fully understand.

I actually wear a protective mask, one that will protect ME. I have led such an isolated life for the past 8 weeks, that I am not concerned about passing anything on to anyone else.

If you are confident that you are not a carrier, having to bear the discomfort of a mask, must be ? Annoying? Because if you are not using a N95 mask, or a respirator mask, you are not protecting yourself. Well, not much.

I served at ground zero during 9/11 and although eventually given a respirator mask, it was so hot and uncomfortable, few of us wore it. I use it when I go shopping. It actually requires a forced inhalation, similar to the breaths I take when running a distance. In In huh, In In huh, In In huh.

Our weather has been mild so far, for the most part in the 60's and I don't go out in public, other than to do some weekly shopping. Even half of the time, my daughter arranges a "shop from home" where they drop the groceries in my trunk, and I don't have to go into the store at all.
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