Coronavirus - II

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*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
@ Cy:

Just to see if I understand your stand. Your method to combatting this would be to simply abandon all preventative methods and just Pump those who contract the disease full of medications?
if its thc ill be the guinea pig. im just teaseing kinda


Dec 20, 2003
@ Cy:

Just to see if I understand your stand. Your method to combatting this would be to simply abandon all preventative methods and just Pump those who contract the disease full of medications?

sorry no ... what I'm saying is follow the science .. no actual evidence = BS
any course mandated by public heath officials should be backed up with actual evidence it works.
it's completely reasonable to ask .. show me the evidence it works.

for instance I've not been able to find a shred of evidence masks works in terms of prevent spread of viruses.
vs I've seen several randomize trials with thousands with results showing N95 masks worn in a healthcare setting makes NO difference.
loads of actual evidence in links below from American front line doctors that says HCQ/zinc/zpak or docxy flat works when given early in correct dosage.

watch the videos by Americasfrontlinedoctors! links posted above and below

sauce: for below and referenced by Americasfrontlinedoctors

Newsweek shocked to learn that counting every death as COVID makes COVID the leading cause of death
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Dec 20, 2003
The optometrists and the doctor who says having sex with demons causes endometriosis?? Nah I'll pass

never mind that HCQ/zinc/zpak is recommended by Didier Raoult .. the number one ranked infectious disease expert in the world:,+

there's soooo much media basis that big tech, search engines, etc. etc. are making it all but impossible to find info
on top of deleting videos that doesn't follow the party line ..

folks treatment for corona viruses is not new .. this was covered by NIH back 2005 for SARS COV which is 80%+ the same virus as SARS COV-2 aka COVID 19, CCP viruse, china virus, wuhan virus, etc etc. chloroquine was touted as effective treatment for SARS in 2005.

anytime anyone touts anything .. ask for the actual evidence .. for C19 there's sooo much misinformation that the bar has to be higher to rise up above the noise. unfortunately this mean reading scientific white papers.

no actual evidence = BS
ask any governor that's imposed mandatory masks for evidence masks work .. they will not be able to come up with actual evidence it works.
vs several randomize trials with thousands shows no evidence N95 masks prevents flu infection in healthcare settings. surgical masks and/or clothe masks are completely ineffective against virus
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Jun 23, 2003
central time
@ Cy:

Just to see if I understand your stand. Your method to combatting this would be to simply abandon all preventative methods and just Pump those who contract the disease full of medications?

And I'm actually for that IF we have enough healthcare capacity, drugs, etc to go around.


Jun 23, 2003
central time
watch the videos by Americasfrontlinedoctors! links posted above and below

Forgive me... but the link you posted also has links to 'control the matrix of the universe for financial prosperity'. It doesn't look like the most impartial, accurate, or sane site.

And you never answered my question. Even IF HCQ treats c-19, we don't have enough.


Dec 20, 2003
Forgive me... but the link you posted also has links to 'control the matrix of the universe for financial prosperity'. It doesn't look like the most impartial, accurate, or sane site.

And you never answered my question. Even IF HCQ treats c-19, we don't have enough.

who cares ... that site is hosting a slew of videos by Americasfrontlinedoctors .. videos that big tech has deleted after 17million+ views in one day.
watch the videos .. they are worth your time

America has some 62 million doses of HCQ on hand .. HCQ has been around for 50+ years and has been given some 2 billion doses according to Didler Raout of France. HCQ has one of the best safety record of any drug and is OTC in most of the world.

there is no shortage of HCQ .. due to politics HCQ is hard to get access. total costs of treatment for HCQ/zinc/zpak about $20 with very safe profile. vs remdesivir $3000 with no improvement in death rate, it merely shortens stay in hospital by 5 days. what's not widely known is remdesivir's horrible safely profile of horrible side effects including liver failure. remdesivir has to be given via IV drip mostly in late stages where an antiviral makes little to no difference in helping patient improve survival. early randomized trials for Remdesivir show it to be no better than placebo.

please note HCQ is a zinc ionosphore, meaning HCQ transports zinc inside cells where it shuts down viral replication. HCQ can be used as preventative or prophylaxis. all it takes is one 200mg HCQ pill every other week after ramp up.

HCQ is not the only zinc ionophore .. Quercertin is another zinc ionophore .. importance of vitimin D makes a huge difference in how C19 effects.
almost no one promotes importance of taking vitamin D, C and A to harden your immune system. vitamin D levels makes a huge difference in how well your body fights off C19.

I'm taking Quercetin 1000mg daily with 25mg zinc, liposoma vitamin C, D-3 and A

listen to Americasfrontlinedoctors. they state C19 has two stages ... stage 1 when HCQ/zinc has the best chance of shutting down virus to prevent you from reaching stage two. when the body goes into a cytokine storm ... your odds of surviving goes waaaay down.
some claim you have a 90% chance of dying once on a ventilator.
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Jun 23, 2003
central time
For the 3rd time, you still have not answered my question.

And 60M doses, unless I am missing something, is 60M pills. With 300M people, everyone get 1/5 of a single pill. Clearly more is needed and needed quickly. What's our HCQ production ability now? And when we are competing with the rest of the globe for HCQ?

I watched some of the videos and had already seen some from days ago.

If HCQ is a risk managed course of action... that might be fine for a subset of the population. A pandemic kills by more than one mean. The disease itself can kill. And plenty more deaths can come from simply being unable to receive care due to an overload of healthcare system.

Without prevention an overload is inevitable, which brings us back to my earlier post. Let's hear the suggestions for handling the pandemic, and 'take HCQ' is NOT an answer.


Dec 20, 2003
For the 3rd time, you still have not answered my question.

And 60M doses, unless I am missing something, is 60M pills. With 300M people, everyone get 1/5 of a single pill. Clearly more is needed and needed quickly. What's our HCQ production ability now? And when we are competing with the rest of the globe for HCQ?

I watched some of the videos and had already seen some from days ago.

If HCQ is a risk managed course of action... that might be fine for a subset of the population. A pandemic kills by more than one mean. The disease itself can kill. And plenty more deaths can come from simply being unable to receive care due to an overload of healthcare system.

Without prevention an overload is inevitable, which brings us back to my earlier post. Let's hear the suggestions for handling the pandemic, and 'take HCQ' is NOT an answer.

there is NO shortage for HCQ .. india has agree to supply America with mass quantities of HCQ. Kodak entered into agreement of US government a day ago to start mfg raw material for generic drugs. Trump is bringing mfg of generic drugs back to USA.

sorry I even had to mention Trump's actions since it was directly related to answer. it's almost impossible to discuss C19 topic without bring politics into it ...

if/when you watch Americasfrontlinedoctors videos ... you will find out kids are all but immune to C19 with not ONE instance of a kid transmitting C19 to a teacher in the world. number of kids under 14 dying from C19 is almost zilch, the tiny handful of kids dying probably had existing conditions.

give teachers HCQ/zinc as prophylaxis .. one pill every other week is all it takes .. open our schools back up.
damage to kids from schools being shut down in this critical time, cannot be measured.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
CY, I know of 3 people personally treated with HCQ/zinc/zpak. They made full recoveries in no time. I know the drugs work because one of them was really bad off. That being said......... I still don't trust quacks to tell me anything. Raoult should not be used as an example with this "front line doctors group" if you aren't on the front lines you don't deserve that title and some of them aren't. My wife is.


Dec 20, 2003
CY, I know of 3 people personally treated with HCQ/zinc/zpak. They made full recoveries in no time. I know the drugs work because one of them was really bad off. That being said......... I still don't trust quacks to tell me anything. Raoult should not be used as an example with this "front line doctors group" if you aren't on the front lines you don't deserve that title and some of them aren't. My wife is.

Americasfontlinedoctors directly quoted Didler Raoult .. look up all the doctors inside viral videos links shown. they are all board certified doctors in good standing. don't believe the basis media attacking Americasfrontlinedoctors. Dr Gold has already been fired for being in videos.

good to hear you know first hand HCQ/zinc/zpak flat works!
but it's got to be given early to have a chance to work. after C19 reaches second stage to where the damage has been done bad enough for the body generate a cytokine storm. antivirals are no longer as effective. a common steroid has shown to improve survival by 35%+ by a recent trial in UK.

James Todaro, MD is part of Americasfrontlinedoctors and was one of the earliest publishers for C19 .. check out his website
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
Americasfontlinedoctors directly quoted Didler Raoult .. look up all the doctors inside viral videos links shown. they are board certified doctors in good standing.

Ummmmmm. When you tell me that demon succubuses cause sexual diseases then no. That's not good standing. Directly posted on one of the doctors twitter accounts by that doctor.


Jun 23, 2003
central time

I'm watching your kooky videos from crazy websites. You owe me reciprocity.

Either specifically answer my post #2037 about how to handle this from public policy perspective or you and I are done. Full stop.


Dec 20, 2003
Ummmmmm. When you tell me that demon succubuses cause sexual diseases then no. That's not good standing. Directly posted on one of the doctors twitter accounts by that doctor.

you are referring to the black female doctor. yes she is a board certified doctor in good standing.
so what her African heritage shows. listen to her speak, there's more than one video. she is very concise with her delivery and refers back to scientific research constantly. she was clearly the star of the day .. so basis media is in attack mode at her.


Nov 11, 2001
Okay. It's obvious from the recent activity here why we limit political discussions here. It's not that we forbid it. We simply require that it be taken to the proper places. CPF permits such discussion in our Underground board. Or you can find extensive discussion in thousands of other places on the net. it's reached a saturation point here. It's time for a rest. The thread will be closed for a day or two or three, or what is hoped to be long enough to stop this junk.

More cerebral discussion on the topic can still be discussed in this fine thread. If you attempt to use that thread to promote your agendas it will stick out as obviously off-topic and will be promptly dismissed as such.

Conditionally Re-Opened
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Apr 8, 2002
Isn't it time to get back to pandemic news and information? Yeah, some of it is trash, but I'd rather have that discussion than personal chit chat.

Personal chit chat. Hmmm... yeah, I suppose some look at it as that trivial, irrelevant and unnecessary. But to some it is a lifeline. It is commiseration during a time that can be and is very difficult for some. Sometimes just knowing there are others out there going through the same thing, knowing you're not alone, knowing you have someone to reach out to is most definitely not trivial or unnecessary. Carry on with your "news and information". But don't diminish something that could be helping someone WAY more than your news and information... which changes by the minute... literally :shakehead


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
they keep opening schools here and it turns out bad .im so glad when my mask get here


Jul 26, 2016
California Central Coast
Personal chit chat. Hmmm... yeah, I suppose some look at it as that trivial, irrelevant and unnecessary. But to some it is a lifeline. It is commiseration during a time that can be and is very difficult for some. Sometimes just knowing there are others out there going through the same thing, knowing you're not alone, knowing you have someone to reach out to is most definitely not trivial or unnecessary. Carry on with your "news and information". But don't diminish something that could be helping someone WAY more than your news and information... which changes by the minute... literally :shakehead
OK, no problem, I get it. But I think this thread should start again because it helps augment the news sources I regularly view.
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