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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 28, 2015
Vilnius, Lithuania
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 1, 2006
North of the South
I must sound crazy, but anything less than a full lock down...........i just dont know how this will go away anytime soon. By full lock down, a month minimum. Thats a scary thought for sure, but short term misery will promote long term happiness!!!

Well, it would for sure accomplish much much more than "hoping and praying..." A deviation from dire consequences most certainly requires real action, not fingers crossed while rocking back and forth while mumbling.

Frankly, such a total lockdown should have happened weeks ago...


Nov 11, 2001
Hooked on Fenix,
No doubt many actions by persons and agencies will have to face the considerations of the courts, eventually. The arguments for and against any particular actions will be argued at that time. Now is not the time for taking up those arguments, in this thread, nor on this board.

Our Underground board has many topical forums that could lend itself to the topic and is fully permitted.

Some of your posts have been removed, along with responding replies.


Jun 23, 2003
central time
New York state cases has passed Iran and is gaining on Germany. Yeah, it's by far the epicenter.

For those watching the US death clock keep your eyes on Louisianna. For the world clock Iran is still the one leading the pack.

Yeah, those fools went ahead w/ mardi gras. They are only 1 state away from me too...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2014
Cant believe they let Mardi gras happen during these times

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Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Cant believe they let Mardi gras happen during these times

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

Although no exact proof yet, its possible this virus was circulating as early as January in Europe(no one knew at the time obviously). Game zero! A game of football named so, which took part just before the first case of COVID19. This game they (they as in health specialist/s in Italy) basically called it a biological bomb. This was the 19th Feb, what they believe played a huge part of the spread.

Stay safe guys.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Realizing that one plague took place a bit over 100 years ago, there seems to be some history repeating. Humans are dumb. I mean we have the ability to reason but if you look back in time we tend to repeat the same mistakes. There are parallels to 1918 out break all over again. One city excersizing caution with another throwing caution to the wind. What's worse is the city leaders had been told since late 2019 it was heading their way.

Globetrotting back in 1918 was mainly available to the wealthy, recreational speaking. Plenty of big boats left countries loaded with peasants heading for better shores too but what I mean is in 2019/20 globe trotters are a lot more prevalant, which is why so much of the planet has been affected.

Heck, my ears perked up back before Christmas regarding that virus that was affecting them. We talked about it at our family gathering as in what would it look like by summer in the US. We talked about it my work too. One lad I was training actually posed the question "when will the US get it's first case?" and at that point we probably already had a few but just didn't know it. It's just history repeating.

Now to check the death clock for today………
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Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
New York's Governor Cuomo does a daily update.
I think he is leading the nation in his response to the corona virus.
It is a good listen.

This one dated 3/27/2020 starts about ten minutes in.

In this one he explains that he will close schools for another two weeks.
He explains what is being done to increase treatment capacity.

New York City is considered the epicenter with over 9 million people. New Jersey is just across the river of NYC with a population of 9 million. While NJ is increasing treatment capacity, I think it is lagging behind NY.

I pray that the people of NJ recognize, that without social distancing, and staying in place, we will be next.
We need to increase treatment capacity, and work at decreasing the rate of infection.

The good news @ 30 minutes, he displays a graph over time, the number of people who have been hospitalized.
The geometric rate is still going to over-run treatment capacity, but the geometric rate is slowing.
Initially hospitalizations doubled every 2.5 days, then every 3 days, and now every 4 days.

Also, I think in this presentation it was stated that there is, on the close horizon, a skin prick test that can be self administered, it will give results in 15 minutes. This could be huge for a number of reasons.

As our friend ven states daily: wash your hands, and maintain your distance!

Stay safe.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2014
I really enjoy when the cuomo brothers have interviews. They are pretty funny and great sense of humor during these difficult times.

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 11, 2013
Hengelo, NL
Although no exact proof yet, its possible this virus was circulating as early as January in Europe(no one knew at the time obviously). Game zero!
Probably in other countries too. The slow-burning fuse @ the start of the exponential curve. Probably some deaths attributed to other causes, too. And then @ some point, the numbers / severity of cases rises above the noise floor, and alarm bells go off.

In the NL it was carnival related parties (mid/late febr). Many of the earlier patients' infections have been traced back to such a party. And the area currently hardest hit is #1 carnival heartland.

Globetrotting back in 1918 was mainly available to the wealthy, recreational speaking. Plenty of big boats left countries loaded with peasants heading for better shores too but what I mean is in 2019/20 globe trotters are a lot more prevalant, which is why so much of the planet has been affected.
You don't need many globe trotters. Just a few to carry disease from one population centre to another. And air travel speeds up the process so that countries on the receiving end have less time to react. In 1918 that was ships mostly, that take 3 weeks to cross the pond. Today people hop on a plane. In that sense there's really just 3 factors different between 1918 & now: a) the speed of events, b) the overall population density, and c) the capabilities of our medical systems. Well you might add the internet.

Some other interesting tidbits:
In the NL about 80% of patients on IC were found to be overweight. Seems like there is some relation between overweight and the chance of developing serious symptoms. Might be as simple as heaving trouble to push up a heavier chest while breathing. Maybe the overweight-diabetes link. Maybe just overall health. Or some combination thereof. I suspect the UK, US and Mexico are in for a wild ride in the months ahead. As they all share an overweight (or even obese) population, AND a government that acted late. Not to mention these countries' health systems. Don't be surprised if the epicentre of the pandemic shifts from Italy / Spain to those countries.
Also: in Belgium, a cat got sick from COVID-19. Let the speculation begin about how likely human -> cat and cat -> human transmission is. :laughing: Same for dogs, rabbits, rats, mice, pigs, cows, horses, goats, ...


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Today i had to run out for some dog food(not literally........burger that for a game of soldiers!). It was also a little excuse to top up the car battery and get everything running(cars dont seem to like being sat for too long and i still await my battery charger). Anyway, probably taking 5 or 6 miles each way to the unit. Frozen supplies topped up, treats topped up and some sacks of minced tripe.......yum yum!. The roads where quiet, but still traffic about, odd people walking their dog or jogging alone. I just hope everyone can keep to the measures. We are all in it together, we are as good as the weakest link.........which does worry me.

Even though the same measures as our supermarkets, none existent in some smaller outlets, common sense prevailed. The 3 or 4 in the shop kept our distance(even without the tape and X marked here and X marked there).

It was also good to get out(not a random drive for no reason, one for pet food and who i have used for ages, supporting local business which is also important where possible). It gives a change of scenery, but its not too hard for me anyway. My days of partying at weekend are long gone. Other than closed shops for none essentials, quieter roads(thats a great thing), its pretty much no different other than restrictions shopping or going out as a family.

Needless to say, soon as i got in i washed hands thoroughly, put food away in freezer, washed hands thoroughly. I went out into street to check on the other recycle bins that were not emptied yesterday, still not today....yet. Back in, you guessed it........washed hands!!!

Stay safe my fellow CPF family, what ever state your living in. NY right now even more so, we will all come through this. But regardless of country, we all have to work together to make it sooner than later. Any high populated city is or has the potential to be a hot spot. NY for now, but LA or Washington or ??? all are at the same risk. If not this week, next, or week after etc.

From reading on stats and findings , it seems the older males are more at risk with 60-70% compared to women. Although children are at risk, these are much less and tend to have milder symptoms. Cats, dogs (pets) low risk of catching or passing on covid19

From the WHO
The good news is, current advice from the World Health Organisation and British Veterinary Association is that there's no evidence that pets can be a source of infection or that they can become sick from COVID-19.

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 1, 2006
North of the South
From the WHO
The good news is, current advice from the World Health Organisation and British Veterinary Association is that there's no evidence that pets can be a source of infection or that they can become sick from COVID-19.

This is just not true...


Truth does matter. While it's "only two" cases, the WHO simply cannot say there's "no evidence" that pets can get infected with COVID-19.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
Dogs have carried types of Coronavirus forever. There's no reason to think they wouldn't carry this one. The first vaccines that puppies get include Coronavirus.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey

If you read contemporary accounts of the Titanic disaster – you get the impression that the ship was built to smash the transatlantic speed record and met with disaster as a result of that need for speed.This is simply not the case. The White Star Line had long surrendered the Blue Riband award for the fastest Atlantic crossing – an honor the line had last captured in August 1891 when the Teutonic made the westbound crossing in 5 days, 16 hours, 31 minutes at a top speed of 20.35 knots.
Twenty years later, the Titanic's maximum speed was 23 knots, which was not at all competitive. The Cunard Line's Mauretania had captured the Blue Ribband in Sept. 1909 with a top speed of 26 knots.
In reality, by the time the White Star Line contracted the Harland and Wolff Shipyard to build Olympic and Titanic, the line was fighting for dominance in another race – the race to offer the most luxurious accommodations the world have ever seen.

I'm guessing that 3 months was by sail-boat.
In 1918 we had steam ships.
WWI started when? 1917?
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