Defensive Light - need something small but bright!



I am looking for a new EDC flashlight. I've got a Surefire G2 with a Cree upgrade and I'm very happy with it, but I want something smaller. I saw the Browning Alpha Max and I think that's the one for me - small enough to clip into a pocket, 100 lumens, and 100 ft projection.

Can you flashlight gurus tell me if there is a better option without spending a ton of $$ (or even less $$) than the Browning Alpha Max?

Ah, looks like the OP has been lost to the Great Abyss, and I'm no flashlight guru, but I'll take a shot at suggesting lights: 4Sevens Quark 123 or Quark AA, depending on your battery preference.
Small but bright? Here's the perfect solution. Here's a chart (from BigChelis) showing that it actually is over 300 lumens for a short period!


There are actually TWO keychain lights (each priced at $20 to $40, depending on version) that will give you this tremendous output. One is the 4Sevens Preon1 and the other is the iTP EOS A3. For either one, I would recommend getting it with the XP-G R5 emitter. If purchasing the iTP EOS A3, I would be sure to ask for the 'upgrade' model, which is 3 modes (lo med hi).

Both of these lights utilize a standard AAA battery for 'normal' users and will pump out a respectable ~80 lumens, but if you really want to juice up the light to the 300 lumen level, then you need to purchase a 10440 Li-ion battery and charger (readily available and inexpensive). It's the 10440 battery that is the secret to this massive power.

Hope this helps 'illuminate' your night!

Legal disclaimer - Of course, like anything that is over-powered, there is a little caution that needs to be exercised. This light WILL get hot if used on max power for very long, and you need to be careful about discharging the battery too fast.
Again, this is a thread that had many posts prior to the CPF issue. They may or may not be restored, but I had cautioned posters to not put any emphasis on using a flashlight for real defensive or offensive purposes, and to put the emphasis on illumination.

What kind of defensive light do you need? Recognizing that you're mostly going to be getting a deterrent, and that the Alpha Max costs $50, I can't think of a good solution.

A "defensive" light to me is my G2Z-P91-IMR setup. Bright as hell, and quick to hand in a bezel-down concealment holster. I'm pretty sure that I'd rule it out as a "defensive" light if it takes two hands and/or more than a second to turn on.
Quark mini 123. I've never seen so much light, from something so tiny.
I have the beautiful S3 Titanium Quark on my keychain.
Nirecore Defender series, is also very small, and extremely bright.
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The OP, in one of the missing posts, had clarified his thoughts about what the purpose of the light was. He stated, in effect, that he would be using it to see if there were any threats out there at a distance. He wanted it to illuminate, not to use as a defensive tool, to blind someone. I had been moderating this thread quite heavily when it was more active, as I will continue to do now.

Zebralight SC51. Nice clip, super bright, and one fast click away from "high".
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Take a look at Nitecore Extreme. It's a 1 - CR123 or RCR123 cell light that is very bright with a good throw due to the R2 emitter. It's also built like a tank with defensive use in its design.
Take a look at Nitecore Extreme. It's a 1 - CR123 or RCR123 cell light that is very bright with a good throw due to the R2 emitter. It's also built like a tank with defensive use in its design.

I, too, suggest this one! I had one for a while and really liked it. The knurling and design on this is very aggressive and rugged, yet comfortable to grip. And I like how you can momentary half-press it on. Thats important to me in a defensive light and I miss that about it. It also had a nice throw/spill ratio in the beam. Plus you can also have it set to strobe immediately...I might've just talked myself into buying another because I slightly regret selling it :shakehead
The OP, in one of the missing posts, had clarified his thoughts about what the purpose of the light was. He stated, in effect, that he would be using it to see if there were any threats out there at a distance. He wanted it to illuminate, not to use as a defensive tool, to blind someone. I had been moderating this thread quite heavily when it was more active, as I will continue to do now.


My thoughts stand, then, regarding quick and handy. You might need to "defend" yourself from oncoming traffic that doesn't see you and is wandering onto the shoulder of the road, after all... and with drivers around here, that's a real possibility. :rolleyes: My thoughts stand regarding a Surefire "combat grip" body in all circumstances, too - since getting the G2Z, I have never wished I didn't have the grip rings.

However, something a bit more focused than the P91 may be appropriate, if this is going to be used more for spotting at range than inspecting areas up close.
If you have'nt already made your decision, check out the Lumapower Trust 1. Awesome light, uses any AA (primary or Li-ion) and has a friendly UI.
Holy cow is that thing bright, I feel generation gapped.

But hey, with that smooth section, you could fashion yourself a DIY grip ring too.
NiteCore Defender Infinity. An oldie but still a goodie. On a 145000, the older versions get a good boost in output; the newer ones, some good incread in runtime. Forward clicky and when head tightended, turns on to "High." Head loosened, you can set your own output level. Very good throw, particularly the XR-E R2 version. Slim, sturdy, with good checkering for a secure grip.

Also has a strobe, of no use "tactically" IMHO, but very useful for walking along a roadside at night to alert traffic, as another poster mentioend above. I've been forced to do this in some fairly hairy situations, and I wish I'd had such a bright little strobe back then.
Quark 123 x2 turbo or a surefire G2X pro. It's got a small emitter and good throw for it's size. $80 ish dollars