Fixing a hot pixel!


Jul 7, 2003
Long Island, New York
There is a white pixel that is stuck right in the middle of the LCD screen.
Could there be a way to fix this pixel? I tried the usual like turning on and off the screen.....and nothing happen.

Any help will be very appreciated!
from what I remember about the screens - there is no way to fix it. When IBM started to give laptops to their employees, they received the ones that had too many white pixels and could not be sold.
will said:
from what I remember about the screens - there is no way to fix it. When IBM started to give laptops to their employees, they received the ones that had too many white pixels and could not be sold.

what? bummer :awman:
Where did you see this article?
not fixable, it's a lot like the luxeon lottery, how many bad pixels in your display and where type of things. Most manufacturers won't do anything unless you have a certain amount. The Sony PSP had issues too, I believe they required at least 10 bad pixels to replace, most monitors I see on Newegg require at least 8.
My 2 year old laptop suddenly developed a hot pixel and after recalling some tall internet tales of fixing them by rubbing with some pressure, I sheepishly did just that. Well I couldn't believe it, but it fixed it!

Now this probably wouldn't work if it's a manufacturing defect (maybe they already try rubbing them out at the factory) but if one develops after some use it's worth a try. There are millions of transistors in a screen so it's pretty amazing that so few turn out bad to begin with (and can't be mapped out like with a CPU/GPU), but I guess some may develop a bad connection later too.
Illum_the_nation said:
what? bummer :awman:
Where did you see this article?
I worked there at the time - keep in mind - most had 5 or less bad pixels, just not good enough to sell.
I read the whitepaper behind such an application. They _DO_ work a good deal of the time. I won't hurt the panel to try it.
Well I left it on all night(11pm-1pm) and nothing happen!
I will just bring the god forsaken screen back to the store.

Any ways THANKS ALOT for all the help!!