god gave us dogs


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
welll just think about it read the post here on the forum im sure god gave ya dogs cause there good .


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 14, 2001
Friggin' MORE COWBELL!!!
You'll like this, Raggie...


Origin of Pets

A newly discovered chapter in the Book of Genesis has provided the answer to "Where do pets come from?"

Adam and Eve said, "Lord, when we were in the garden, you walked with us every day. Now we do not see you any more. We are lonesome here, and it is difficult for us to remember how much you love us." And God said, "No problem! I will create a companion for you that will be with you forever and who will be a reflection of my love for you, so that you will love me even when you cannot see me.

Regardless of how selfish or childish or unlovable you may be, this new companion will accept you as you are and will love you as I do, in spite of yourselves."

And God created a new animal to be a companion for Adam and Eve. And it was a good animal.
And God was pleased.
And the new animal was pleased to be with Adam and Eve and he wagged his tail.
And Adam said, "Lord, I have already named all the animals in the Kingdom and I cannot think of a name for this new animal."
And God said, "No problem. Because I have created this new animal to be a reflection of my love for you, his name will be a reflection of my own name, and you will call him DOG."
And Dog lived with Adam and Eve and was a companion to them and loved them.
And they were comforted.
And God was pleased.
And Dog was content and wagged his tail.

After a while, it came to pass that an angel came to the Lord and said, "Lord, Adam and Eve have become filled with pride. They strut and preen like peacocks and they believe they are worthy of adoration. Dog has indeed taught them that they are loved, but perhaps too well."

And God said, "No problem! I will create for them a companion who will be with them forever and who will see them as they are. The companion will remind them of their limitations, so they will know that they are not always worthy of adoration."

And God created CAT to be a companion to Adam and Eve. And Cat would not obey them. And when Adam and Eve gazed into Cat's eyes, they were reminded that they were not the supreme beings. And Adam and Eve learned humility.

And they were greatly improved.
And God was pleased.
And Dog was happy.

And CAT didn't give a s#%t one way or the other.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 23, 2003
As I type this , I've a golden retriever/yellow lab mix named "River" under my computer desk (he's got some wicked stinky gas right now) and a wonderful Thai Dog (ridgeless thai ridgeback) named 'Bohdi" to my right. As the commercial says "Dogs Rule" and I'll never understand people who don't like dogs.:rock:


Oct 23, 2003
Seattle, WA
A couple of quotes and my own observation...

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
- Mark Twain

Dogs come when you call them. Cat's take a message and get back to you.
- Anonymous

There are times when my cat looks at me that I can swear he is thinking, "If he were only smaller, I would eat him."


Newly Enlightened
Sep 5, 2002
Outer edge of Oz or reality

God did indeed give us dogs. Dogs do rule!!! He gave me 4 dogs. They come up to the gate to meet me when I leave and when I return. They really don't need me but I sure need them. I have to stop now and go see those guys.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 18, 2004
chill valley
Hey, I like dogs, too. My dog is 16 years old. We used to live in a barn, now it's down to one pet. I just get so tired of all the barking!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 17, 2003
Kansas, USA
Hey, I like dogs, too. My dog is 16 years old. We used to live in a barn, now it's down to one pet. I just get so tired of all the barking!!

Me too. I love dogs, and have always taught mine not to bark. My neighbors dog is about 4 feet from our bedroom windows, and barks all night long. I am ready to start banging on his door everytime the dog barks. I figure one of 3 things will happen. He'll shoot me, I'll shoot him, or one of us will shoot the damn dog. At least we will get some rest though!:naughty: