Good purpose for owning a light?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 8, 2012
Bi-focal contact lenses are great in normal light. But they don't do well in low light situations. Like reading a receipt at a dimly lit restaurant. It's nice not having to ask somebody to read the receipt for me.
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Newly Enlightened
Sep 8, 2012
My power goes out often here....try walking around the house at night with a small dog under your feet without a light. Not fun for me or her.:shakehead


Newly Enlightened
Aug 7, 2012
Once I started caving I realized the importance and distinctions of quality light sources. Hitting constant dead ends with a crappy budget headlamp will make you re-evaluate very quickly price versus quality. Also, feeling the inadequacies in both point and shoot cameras and flash photography in caves was another torment. As a result, I have since modded by Petzl Duo Pro, supplement with a secondary 200 lumens headlamp, and paint with the Nitecore TM11 for my DSLR. Needless to say, it's a whole new world down there now. Hell if you are gonna invest your time in a hobby, you owe it to yourself to make it the best experience you can.


Nov 10, 2011
I do Electrical work and sometime work in very low lit areas. I also lately have been relocating a family of skunks from my house to a better location, 3 related and 1 or 2 left with zero sprays. :sweat:
Just wondering why you even allowed a bad family of skunks to move into your house knowing their potential to foul the air. The skunk family I welcomed were polite, well behaved, and did a heck of a job keeping unwanted visitors away.
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Colt Magnum

Newly Enlightened
Sep 13, 2012
I lived through a couple of extended power cuts as a kid, don't want to have to experience that again. I'm also outdoors a lot when it's dark. Plus when the zombies DO come, I don't want my slaying of one to be obscured my darkness.


Sep 19, 2009
Fresno, CA
I lived through a couple of extended power cuts as a kid, don't want to have to experience that again. I'm also outdoors a lot when it's dark. Plus when the zombies DO come, I don't want my slaying of one to be obscured my darkness.

No zombies to come...this idea of a zombie has been around for thousands of years. When you do turn on your light, the whole horde of them will come at you.


Jun 7, 2011
O the zombies will come. In what form is still unclear but they already exist. Coming from a professional whos dealt with it do some reading on bath salts and our experience with it on the east coast. Scary stuff.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 4, 2008
What do you guys buy lights for?

I'm just in it for the collection of little metal sculptures, Franklin Mint style.

Otherwise I don't have much of a need for anything aside from a small pocket light. Massive throwers & WOL's can be fun for ~30 seconds, but the lumens race & getting a slightly brighter & more complicated edc every year, it just doesn't appeal to me. Not like miniature Al light towers & pewter spaceships etc.




Sep 19, 2009
Fresno, CA
O the zombies will come. In what form is still unclear but they already exist. Coming from a professional whos dealt with it do some reading on bath salts and our experience with it on the east coast. Scary stuff.

Yes, those things alter our chemicals in the body. Humans have been eating other humans during the ancient time. It's nothing new.

A flashlight will be like the boomer's bile in L4D2. Once turned on, the whole horde will rush to you. But I would never use a light on zombie day.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 14, 2012
Like so many others have said, to create light where there is darkness.

Asus TF300T w/ Tapatalk


Jul 12, 2011
1 Alpha Louisiana
This I is why I own flashlights:

Preparedness (I feel naked without one) During my sophomore year of high school, there was a power outage. The sky was dark as well, so it was almost picth black. I felt naked and helpless as I didn't have a flashlight. Plus I wanted to be able to show off, lol. During my 5th grade year, there was also a power outage. I was attending an extremely strict school and was hesitant to pull out my Eveready Penlight. I eventually did pull it out, but I was discreet about it. I used to carry flashlightlights in my school bag or pocket back then, but when I started 8th grade and went to a new school, I quit carrying them for fear of being made fun of. I started carrying again during my junior year because, frankly, I didn't give a damn and neither did my friends.

Showing off: When I was working at various jobs, people always knew that I was obscessed with flashlights. A few times the power went off and I "saved the day", lol. When I will be going see Breaking Dawn Part 2 later this year (with my wife), I will hopefully have my Mini Maglite Pro and watch it light up the whole damn room. I will then calmly tell those around me that I am checking the seat for HIV infected needles. Everyone will be shocked and amazed.

Flashlights are cool (despite what others think): I have always had an obscession/addiction concerning flashlights. Others think it is weird or nerdy, but like I said before; I just don't give a damn. We will see how weird and nerdy I am if ever there was some kind of emergency that resulted in darkness. Then everyone will want my flashlights but I will only give them the ones that don't mean much to me.

I carry a flashlight with me at ALL times and I just don't feel right if I don't have one with me (God forbid that ever happens.)


May 29, 2012
This I is why I own flashlights:preparedness (I feel naked without one) During my sophomore year of high school, there was a power outage. The sky was dark as well, so it was almost picth black. I felt naked and helpless as I didn't have a flashlight. Plus I wanted to be able to show off, lol. During my 5th grade year, there was also a power outage. I was attending an extremely strict school and was hesitant to pull out my Eveready Penlight. I eventually did pull it out, but I was discreet about it. I used to carry flashlightlights in my school bag or pocket back then, but when I started 8th grade and went to a new school, I quit carrying them for fear of being made fun of. I started carrying again during my junior year because, frankly, I didn't give a damn and neither did my friends.Showing off: When I was working at various jobs, people always knew that I was obscessed with flashlights. A few times the power went off and I "saved the day", lol. When I will be going see Breaking Dawn Part 2 later this year (with my wife), I will hopefully have my Mini Maglite Pro and watch it light up the whole damn room. I will then calmly tell those around me that I am checking the seat for HIV infected needles. Everyone will be shocked and amazed.Flashlights are cool (despite what others think): I have always had an obscession/addiction concerning flashlights. Others think it is weird or nerdy, but like I said before; I just don't give a damn. We will see how weird and nerdy I am if ever there was some kind of emergency that resulted in darkness. Then everyone will want my flashlights but I will only give them the ones that don't mean much to me.I carry a flashlight with me at ALL times and I just don't feel right if I don't have one with me (God forbid that ever happens.)

Well said, ericjohn. You can never have too many flashlights. Who cares if people think those who carry them are nerdy? Those people almost invariably end up looking like fools, themselves, when a light is needed in an unexpected situation, and you're the only one who's got one. Sometimes, ambient light, alone, just isn't enough to see real detail when you're doing a job. Besides, they're just plain fun to have.

There's always a use for a decent flashlight - even in the daytime (trying to spot a problem deep under the hood of a car, digging around under heavy furniture to find something, crawling up in the attic, during a power uttage (no matter what time of day, especially when you're in a commercial building with no windows. There's no guarantee that their backup lighting systems will work).

For me, a flashlight is just essential a tool for EDC as my cell phone, keys, or wallet. One wouldn't think of driving a car without carrying a spare tire and a jack, and some basic tools, would they? Why not? I wouldn't dream of going anywhere without them. If I have to attend some sort of formal occasion, then maybe I'll leave the rest out in the car in a bag, and carry something low-profile.

Until I joined CPF, I thought I was the only guy who loved flashlights. I'm glad I'm not alone. I learn new stuff in here, all the time, from fellow enthusiasts. Thanks to all who share their knowledge, in here!
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Jan 12, 2012
I honestly don't believe in the zombie apocalypse crap...It's a mere coincidence that people behave in this way. These behaviors happened thousands of years ago and we make it seem like it's a new phenomenon.

I would never prepare myself with lights. I've had someone comment me about my light preparation for that day. It upsets me--especially in church. I chose not to reply but it never washed out of my mind.

I bought my lights because of my drive to have bright objects and conquer my fear of darkness. I've said it many times and it's true--I have a huge fear of the dark...especially alone in the woods or 50yds away from the guy ahead of me. It's the injuries, spiders and not being able to see that scares me to death. I always carry a light with my and a spare in my car just in case it gets dark. I'm actually quite happy with my Eagletac D25LC2 as it destroys the dark.

Some of the other lights...I just like to keep around for impressing others. I love how maglite users watch in awe as I show them mines.

What do you guys buy lights for?

For the same reason I buy a screw driver. I need a tool to do a job, so I get it.

If its too dark, a light is a good tool to have. If its too dark far away, a light with good throw is a good tool to have. If its too dark close up, a light with good flood is a good tool to have, and so forth.

I also have different sizes and shapes of screw drivers, wrenches, etc...for the same basic reasons, some work better for somethings than others do.


Ironically, I LIKE the dark. If I don't NEED more light, I'm ok with it being dark. If I go for a walk at night and there's enough moon or star light, etc...I'm good with that.

If on the same walk there might be rattlers or other pesky critters I'd need more light to see (In time...), sure, on goes a light.



Newly Enlightened
Feb 21, 2006
I carry a a light due to my experience with the school of hard knocks...broke down car at night, no lights or stars; family reunions when someone's child misplaces their toy at night in the woods & won't stop crying until found; multiple power outages and an occasional tornado. For myself, a flashlight is no different than a pocket knife, a handy tool that you don't realize you need, until you actually need it.