Help! Hurricane Sandy Will Wreak Destruction! What is the Best LED Flashlight?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 19, 2010
Yes, the title of this thread is overkill but I live in NYC and every television station is proclaiming the end of the world as we know it. With that said, it has got me to thinking about LED flashlights and whats the newest and the best out there. Cost-no-object, what is the best LED flashlight available today, whether it be a custom flashlight or LED lantern? How about flashlights with lithium-ion batteries? Unfortunately, if my electricity goes out, I will be stuck with using candles to make it through this apocalypse but if I survive another day I don't want to be caught with my pants down yet again. Thanks.
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Oct 29, 2010
pacific northwest
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

Fenix diffuser cone + fenix ld10 or 12 (i prefer single cell light fenix lights over the multi cell lights) or fenix diffuser cone + xeno e03. Or you can just bounce the light off the ceiling.

Lighthouse one

Flashlight Enthusiast
May 4, 2006
Ephrata, Pa
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

Since it's getting late- your best bet is any of the led camping lanterns that use 3 or 4 AA batteries. Lots of stores carry these for around $10 apiece....if there are any left. They work great on rechargeable AA or primaries.

If you can find a Maglight Led in 2 or 3 D size. They run forever, and you can take the head off and use it in the candle mode.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2003
houston, tx
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

Rayovac Sportsman LED Lantern, you can order it on Amaz...
If you don't have time, go to Home depot and get any Led lantern and batteries you can.


Aug 18, 2007
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl


Short of something dedicated, a diffuser attached to a high runtime, tail standing flashlight is probably your best option.


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

I prefer a ceiling-bounced light over a lantern; you get many more options as to tints, output modes, etc this way. A warm ~100 lumens for your family/living area and kitchen/where you eat, any tint ~25 lumens for bed/bath. If you're just sitting by yourself and not doing any detail-intensive task, ~2 lumens is plenty.

And you're way too late to be buying anything - you'll know the local store shelves are empty if the news is reporting something is coming.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 19, 2010
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

I prefer a ceiling-bounced light over a lantern; you get many more options as to tints, output modes, etc this way. A warm ~100 lumens for your family/living area and kitchen/where you eat, any tint ~25 lumens for bed/bath. If you're just sitting by yourself and not doing any detail-intensive task, ~2 lumens is plenty.

And you're way too late to be buying anything - you'll know the local store shelves are empty if the news is reporting something is coming.

Yeah, I know I am way too late to bet anything great within the next two days. So while I am waiting for the storm of the century (wait, we had one last year too), I would like more ideas. I like your idea quite a bit about bouncing light off the ceiling. What are the best lights out there?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 27, 2010
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

Cheap and easy, make a diffuser. Here's one I made for camping from an old pill bottle. Cut a hole in the top the size of a flashlight head, stick a flashlight in and you have a lantern. Even a keychain flashlight will work great. My preferred choice is the Fenix E01, you can scavenge batteries for it from remotes and the likes as it will run on batteries other flashlights won't even power on in low.



Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

What are the best lights out there?

For a power outage, you want something pretty simple, so anyone can just pick up the light and use it without an instruction manual; it should also use common batteries, and use them efficiently so you get plenty of runtime.

My personal favorite for this role is the Foursevens Mini MA; uses just one AA battery, turns on and off like a plain ol' MiniMag, has three perfectly spaced modes so you can use it in any situation with exceptional efficiency, is tiny and tailstands so you can set it anywhere. Runs for over three hours without dimming on the high mode (for the family room), over two days on the low mode (if it's just you, or as a nightlight); a single pack of batteries will last you for days. Highly recommended :thumbsup:

And don't forget the battery powered radio - long after cable and internet service are gone, your local news radio stations will continue providing news and information without skipping a beat. Plus it's excellent for morale.


Jul 25, 2005
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

And don't forget your battery powered police scanners! You can have up to the minute info regarding storm damage, as well as utilities restoring power. It is a very useful tool in a hurricane, speaking from experience. ;)


Newly Enlightened
Sep 19, 2010
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

What about flashlights with lithium-ion batteries that will last a decade?


May 19, 2011
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

Id get a TK41, it is super bright and will last forever on low and med, id also get a LD10 or LD20 to go with, and if ur really crazy a solar charger from cottonpickers maybe. Any good LED flashlight will do, batteries is what you need to worry about running out of, but id also feel a lot more confident with a TK41 out at night vs a LD10, but you could get an LD10 so something to tail stand in ever room.

Or even better a Quark AA regular and leave one in ever room on moonlight then when you walk in the room just twist to turbo and twist back to moonlight when you leave :D


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

What about flashlights with lithium-ion batteries that will last a decade?

Lithium-ion batteries are like those found in laptop computers; they have good high-drain capacity and can be recharged, but those are different from store-shelf Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries, or "photo"/CR123 cells, which are what we call lithium primaries, as they're not rechargeable. Lithium primaries last at least ten years in storage; in use, in a medium to high drain application, they last roughly twice as long as alkalines. They're also a lot more expensive, but they never swell or leak like alkalines, and can handle extreme temperatures much better.

For a power outage, whatever kind of battery that's handy is fine, since most anything that's battery powered is going to be left on for long periods of time and checked frequently. If you can afford lithium primaries, go for it. This is another advantage of the AA format - there are a broad range of battery types available, so you can buy whatever you want, or use whatever you have on hand (there are probably AAs in your remote, in a clock, in your thermostat, etc. It's hard to run out of a type of battery that's all around you!)


Aug 18, 2007
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

I like low output 3x123 for long shelf life emergency setups. You can have 9 cells (3 in the light + 6 in the holder) for initial use, then change over to 2AA for any unplanned overtime.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 19, 2010
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

Oh my. I'm discovering the Spy 007 flashlight, Prometheus flashlights, and Lumencraft.. How will I ever make it through the next day, let alone a hurricane, without one of these beauties?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 25, 2007
Help! Hurricane Sandy Will REAP Destruction! What is the Best LED Flashlight?

I like single cell AA lights with moonlight (and other long runtime low) modes like the Foursevens Quarks, Eagletac D25A clickies, and Zebralight 51s/52s. Small enough to be always on your person, ultra efficient moonlight that will run 200+hrs on a AA (and I find to be enough light with night-adapted eyes to do anything I really need to), and the ability to find or scavenge batts almost anywhere (incl. AAAs and 9Vs). I'd use Eneloops with a solar charger for emergencies and don't bother stocking lithium primaries. I'll run 14500s Li-ions for power and fun though, but they'll get put away for emergencies. This EDC lantern works great for me... clicky


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

Oh my. I'm discovering the Spy 007 flashlight, Prometheus flashlights, and Lumencraft.. How will I ever make it through the next day, let alone a hurricane, without one of these beauties?

One of those would also pay for travel away from the east coast with a lavish hotel stay..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 6, 2004
la bonne vie en Amérique
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy Will REAP Destruction! What is the Best LED Flashlight?

At this point the best LED light is probably whatever you have and are comfortable with.

For emergencies I like to have lights that may run on any primaries sold in my area. My light culture tends quite a bit dimmer than most. I have a few bright lights for emergency use but I'm more comfortable with dimmer lights. With the possibility that millions could be without power at some point within the next few days. Depending on the severity of the damage and the duration it is prudent to have at least one light that will make it easier to do things without drawing as much attention to you and yours. Be careful with bright lights when emergency services are stressed...or non-existent. Bright lights tell any passersby that you may have something they might want whether its food, fuel or just your lights.

"The better part of valor is discretion" -Fallstaff

I also stock some loaners in an attempt to keep the clueless from burning down my block during an outage.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 16, 2011
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy Will REAP Destruction! What is the Best LED Flashlight?

Zebralights tend to have the most efficient circuits and longest runtimes on primaries. The newer Zebralights can also run well on li-ions for even more punch. My guess is something like a Zebralight SC52 would be ideal for emergencies, but until it actually comes out and is reviewed it is hard to tell.


Aug 27, 2006
Re: Help! Hurricane Sandy will REAP Destruction! I Need the Best LED Lantern Availabl

Rayovac Sportsman LED Lantern, you can order it on Amaz...
If you don't have time, go to Home depot and get any Led lantern and batteries you can.


BTW, as a fellow New Yorker I'm less than amused at the BS on the local news. As far as Sandy is concerned, some yuppies (the smart ones anyone) will have to relocate from their luxury apartments over near Battery Park. That's about it. If they're lucky, Sandy will wash away the giant rats that love to live in Battery Park, near those so-called luxury apartments. If you're further inland, get plenty of extra bottled watter and charge up your iPad. Personally, I've got a handful of paperback books that I keep around in case the idiots at Con-Ed screw up again and there's another blackout. (I used to work inside the giant Con-Ed complex in Astoria. When I say "idiots," that assessment is based on actual experience.) Already have plenty of extra canned food in the pantry. Can be eaten cold if necessary. But I do also have an Esbit compact folding stove with plenty of fuel tabs.

Realistically though, that's going to be worst-case scenario. Some bottled water, a lantern or two, iPad or books, canned food. Covers the basics and a bit of entertainment.
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