Increasing earthquake activity


Jul 16, 2012
Interesting. I felt my first "decent" quake here in northern Indiana a few years ago. Very strange sensation; it woke me up since it felt like a bunch of people were shaking my bed as a joke...but I lived alone at the time! Not sure if it had to do with the New Madrid fault, but that could sure produce a nasty one again at some point in the future.


Feb 26, 2013
I still swear,that it's due to social media, is the reason for "more" qaukes. cause everyone has social media, and when one happens to happen, everyone reports about it, so to speak. and the news picks up, thus making us think there are more quakes than usual. like how if someone drives down the road at night and sees strange lights in the sky that they would deem a UFO, but they keep it to themselves. Yet, if everyone who shot videos or made reports of seeing ufo's, we would get the impression there was a rise in UFO sightings. Sorta like how tunguska happened, and many didn't know about it until many years after it happened. That's just my thoughts, i don't think we are having much more than usual quakes, i just think more people are "looking" and reporting, thus tricking us into thinking we're having more. Think about it. Somewhere in the us there is a forest fire that we don't know about, because our local news channel doesn't report it. Yet facebook, twitter,etc isn't local, it's worldwide, thus the info is put out and others pick it up and report on it. before, they would only report on major fires, now every little fire gets reported, thus we would think more fires are happening.

Fat Boy

Sep 21, 2008
I still swear,that it's due to social media, is the reason for "more" qaukes....

USGS has statistics that show that there has been slight increases for major earthquakes from 1930s-2001. From 2002-today comparatively it's off the charts. Unfortunately I can't find the page on USGS that showed the stats better (I think they took it down because it was pretty freaky) but here is another one that they discontinued in 2012. If you manually count the numbers by decades you are going to be in for a surprise, something IS happening and I for one would not encourage anyone to live near a fault line.
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Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
We haven't had any 7s or higher for a week but we did have a 6.6 in Canada on April 24 and a 6.4 in Tonga on April 26. I haven't been comparing data to that of times before social media so I don't even know why that is being brought up. We had social media and the Internet in 2010 when the last batch of large earthquakes occured. What I have shown by the numbers in one of my previous posts is that the average monthly incidence of 7.0 and higher earthquakes in 2010-2011 is roughly 1/4 of what it has been this month so far (the mean average). The months with the most 7.0 or higher earthquakes were July 2010, January 2011, and March 2011 with 4 quakes each at 7.0 or above. 2010 was the year of the 8.8 Chile earthquake. 2011 was the year of the 9.0 Japan earthquake (in March). This month started off with an 8.2 in Chile. It concerns me that so far this month we had 4 times the average incidence of 7.0 and greater earthquakes and almost double (7 vs. 4) the maximum number of these large quakes per month compared to 2010-2011. This makes me wonder, what is coming up next?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 5, 2014
The last time earthquake activity was getting a lot of press I did some research and actually looked up the stats, but we were right about average. Got info from link below:

Good for anyone wanting to check to see how current trends relate to historical. As I'm found of saying, "Show me the data". :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 12, 2001
Berkeley CA

good book review by a smart geology guy:

--- excerpt follows----

"Earthquake storms," which were given their name in the late 1990s by Amos Nur, are a recently recognized pattern of behavior along certain large, complex faults: these faults tend to break in a series of large earthquakes over a period of decades, followed by a longer period of relative quiet. An earthquake storm in Turkey started in 1939 and continues, we think, today. Another one is in progress in western China. The San Andreas is one such fault, and California is in one of those quiet periods between storms. That part of the book is sobering, and the science is too recent to be in the textbooks.

But that's in the last chapter. Getting the reader to the point where earthquake storms make sense takes up almost all of the book....

I was initially somewhat skeptical of the final chapter, in which Dvorak lays out a set of facts documenting earthquake storms and the uncannily strong link between Pacific Northwest mega-earthquakes and "big ones" on the San Andreas fault. Nevertheless it isn't hard to confirm that serious research lies behind his assertions. Many readers will sorely miss a map of the fault and the localities along it—but again, that's what our PCs and tablets are for. The old textbook refrain "This is left as an exercise for the reader" should be kept in mind and acted upon.

---- end excerpt----
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Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Looks like we had a 6.6 in New Caledonia. It's not a 7 or higher but it's a significant size. I would expect more of this size and larger quakes in the south Pacific due to all of the currently active volcanoes in the region. Here's a link with all the worldwide earthquake data split up by magnitude and frequency from 2000-2014: Keep in mind while looking at the data, that 2014 isn't even half over so don't think that there is a decrease in activity this year. You can scroll between years for more specific information about all the earthquakes of that year by clicking on the year numbers.


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
There were earthquakes in north central Oklahoma today, a 3.6 and a 3.1 notably, bring their count to 36 measurable quakes this week.


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
Animated time lapse of April earthquakes:


Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Looks like we are still getting decent sized quakes in May. We have had 6 6 magnitude earthquakes in the past 5 days.
5/1/14 New Caledonia 6.6
5/2/14 Indonesia 6.0
5/4/14 Fiji 6.6
5/4/14 Fiji 6.1
5/4/14 Japan 6.0
5/5/14 Thailand 6.0

6 6 magnitude earthquakes are the amount that took place in the entire month of January. The number has increased since then. For earthquakes between 6.0 and 6.9, in February we had 8. In March, we had 16. In April, we had 18. Now within the first 5 days of May, we had 6. At this rate, if it stays the same, we could possibly see a doubling of last months 6.0-6.9 quakes by the end of May.


Mar 12, 2013
Ok, this night we had two smallish earthquakes in my city .... (yes, exactly my city). But I feel I should do something about my BOB and EDC. I usually sleep with my lights and tools next to my head..... but tonight my reactions both times were to just roll over the bed and go for the inside of the house and avoid outside walls (my bed is near one). I did not reach for a light or MT. So... perhaps I should teach myself to grab one of them.... or.. don't know.


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
my reactions both times were to just roll over the bed and go for the inside of the house and avoid outside walls (my bed is near one). I did not reach for a light or MT.

Just avoid heavy/loose things like bookcases/shelves and wait patiently. You're more of a danger to yourself running in a panic than keeping your cool and making a mental note of where your gear is if you need it. If you have a local radio news station, turn that on immediately after to get info and updates.


Mar 12, 2013
Yeah, I've also read/heard that moving around is actually more dangerous than just staying still in bed. That's just my first instinct, though, it seems... Thank God those were short ones, so by the time I got off bed, they were over.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Looks like we might have had a 6.1 (preliminary magnitude) earthquake in Papua New Guinea today. It's not up on the USGS website yet. If they downgrade it to a 5.9 or lower, it might not even show up on the USGS site though.

Steve K

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 10, 2002
Peoria, IL
a big quake in Mexico....

MEXICO CITY — A strong earthquake on the Pacific coast of Mexico shook the capital on Thursday, sending frightened office workers streaming into the streets away from high-rise buildings.
The 6.4-magnitude temblor in southern Guerrero state had an epicenter about 9 miles (15 kilometers) north of Tecpan de Galeana and about 171 miles (277 kilometers) southwest of Mexico City, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.
The quake had a depth of 15 miles (23 kilometers). There was only mild shaking in the resort city of Acapulco, according to an Associated Press reporter there. The USGS downgraded the magnitude from 6.8.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
That makes 9 6.0-6.9 magnitude earthquakes in the last 8 days. Here's the list:
1. 5/1/14 New Caledonia 6.6
2. 5/2/14 Indonesia 6.0
3. 5/4/14 Fiji 6.6
4. 5/4/14 Fiji 6.1
5. 5/4/14 Japan 6.0
6. 5/5/14 Thailand 6.0
7. 5/6/14 West Chile Rise 6.1
8. 5/7/14 Papua New Guinea 6.1
9. 5/8/14 Mexico 6.4


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2011
So are we talking about this activity is leading to a major quake, and or tsunami's to the coastal cities?
